The Death Knell

Chapter 2959 Eternal Ruhr

There are too many corpses here. Collapsed buildings can be seen everywhere within the city walls, and corpses thrown to the ground can be seen almost every few meters. There may have been fierce street fighting here.

There were so many lightsabers that it was almost impossible to pick them all up. In order not to hinder the action, Aphra only picked up a few and gave up the rest.

That's the thing with antiques. Orphans or rare items are more valuable. If she took out all the lightsabers in the city, judging from the density of corpses, there might be hundreds of thousands of them, and they would only be sold at garbage prices.

However, she still examined each corpse carefully, turned it over and pinched their skin, and then picked up a handful of lightsabers to experiment with.

Except for a few lightsabers that were damaged and could not be lit, all these lightsabers had golden blades along the way.

Except for a few of the corpses with obvious trauma, most of them died from the same cause of death. They died of burns that could drain the body of water, just like...

"It's like the life has been sucked out of you, right?"

Deathstroke played with the newly acquired lightsaber. The sword glowed hesitantly, like some kind of toy.

"Yes, it seems that we thought of going together. At first I thought it would be some kind of burn, but the surrounding temperature was abnormally low." Aphra straightened up and took out a pair of furry hair from the murder jar. He put on his ear protection and breathed into his palms: "In addition, these corpses have become very... elastic and tough. This is not a scene that can be caused by burning."

"Have you touched Master Corpse?" Deathstroke smiled slightly.

"What about you?" Aphra also smiled crookedly.

The two of them had a tacit understanding that they had both sneaked into Master Corpse's remains before, but Aphra wanted to touch gold, while Deathstroke wanted to read minds.

But now the conclusion is the same, these corpses all died from having their lives drained out, so the condition of the remains is exactly the same as that of the Corpse Master.

It's just that although the corpse master has a black mouth open, his appearance is still calm, because he sacrificed himself voluntarily to save others. On the contrary, the corpses in this city have more ferocious faces than the last, so they must not have left so voluntarily. .

"Let's go, there's nothing good to see in the residential areas of the city. Let's go to the main castle." Deathstroke did not continue the previous topic, but pointed to the towering building at the end of the street, which looked like pure white under the starry sky. shadow.

The white castle is a bit like the Potala Palace, but it also has sci-fi cylindrical turrets and various technological equipment, and the chill emanates from there.

Walking through the empty streets, the robots would occasionally pick up some tatters from the corpses, while the Jedi masters and apprentices were very silent and arrived in front of the castle silently.

The castle gate is a huge thick metal block. In Su Ming's opinion, it looks a bit like a broken dragon stone.

There was a war here, and during the war, the defenders must have been so desperate that they put down the city gate mechanism that was difficult to open again.

The huge metal block is about fifty meters high and forty meters wide. The material is currently unknown, but when you put your hand on it, you can feel a thick touch reaching the bottom of your heart. Even with a little force, it won't shake.

There was a series of strange words engraved on the metal block. Aphra raised her head and saw them clearly through the starlight, but it was Harley who spoke the answer first.

"It's about the immortal Ruhr. Hehe, it's the kind of immortality where the body doesn't rot. It's true. The corpses of these people outside are not rotten. But where is Ruhr?"

"Eternal Ruhr." Aphra's translation method was different, and it was a beat slower, but she still felt that she was more correct: "This should be a title. 'Eternal' is in front of the name, which means that he may have With this ability, he seems to be a person who believes in the Force of Life."

"Master's words make sense, just like me." Sanling raised his finger and pointed at his face: "The robot is an explanation of the essence of my existence, and adding the word 'etiquette' in front of it shows that my ability is to be particularly polite. .”

"Then do you think this code name is appropriate?"

Harley interviewed him curiously, and even withdrew her hand, using the empty sleeve of her jacket as a microphone to the robot.

"It's not too comprehensive, because etiquette is just one of my many abilities. In fact, I am better at cooking with 'various materials'." San0, who bowed slightly and approached the microphone, said this, and looked at Ha with an expressionless face. Li's big eyes flashed, as if hinting at something.

"Hahahaha... perfect. It makes people happy whenever there is a non-picky eater in the team. It reminds me of the time when I was a teammate with Killer Croc."

The little lunatic was immediately happy, and now she was even more curious about whether this sinister robot had fed her human flesh without Aphra's knowledge.

While everyone was still studying ancient prose, Su Ming's actions were more direct. He raised his palm and spread his fingers apart, bent down and pressed against the metal block.

This seemingly solid metal was immediately pressed with a handprint, and five fingers penetrated deep into it.

Then Deathstroke silently raised his hand and lifted the city gate above his head as easily as he put a wine bottle on the cupboard. He tilted his head and let everyone enter the city. He chatted with Harley and said:

"This alloy has a good density. A piece like this weighs about 30 million tons. It's not bad. I'm wondering if I should take Kama Taj back to the toilet and replace it with a new door?"

"I always hear you say Karma Taj, can I go and play?" Hallie shook his arm and deliberately imitated a little girl: "Honey, I also want to dance on the top of the Himalayas."

"Although Karma Taj has opened a dance class, it's not a disco, but it's okay if you want to go. There are a lot of crazy people in my place." Su Ming ignored everyone's surprised looks and urged them: "Don't be in a daze. Aphra, go work in the castle."

"Oh, but you are perverted enough. This weight is about the same as a spaceship. Are you really a human? Let me confirm again." Aphra looked back as she walked with a suspicious expression.

"An absolute pure human, not a Super Saiyan."

When Su Ming saw several people entering the castle hall, he also got in with Harry in his arms, and threw down the door again with his backhand.

boom! ! !

The ground beneath everyone's feet suddenly shook, and heavy snow composed of dust and various construction debris fell on the ceiling. Even the fallen corpses bounced.

Perhaps she was numb. Apart from stumbling under her feet, Aphra remained calm-faced. She just used her little finger to pick out the earwax that had been shaken out:

"There are no windows here, and all the gates are closed, which means that the equipment has been shut down. If we want to study the function of this castle, we must first restore its energy. I guess those equipment are in the basement. .”

"Then let's go. The land mass suspended in space should have some other functions. You know we are inside hyperspace now. How does it keep itself from falling out?"

Deathstroke drew out the Godslayer, turning it into a large lantern and holding it high, lighting the way ahead.


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