The Death Knell

Chapter 2970 The mute pretends to be a corpse

"If the information I found is correct, she died in 19-BBY. It seems that the sealing of the coffin is pretty good, and she smells good."

While talking, Aphra used her lightsaber to cut off the lid of the coffin, then dragged Padmé's body out, and also took away a few trinkets buried with her.

"Ahem, she will be resurrected soon. Give her the things back. Even if you hold the rosary with the royal emblem of Naboo, you can't redeem it." Su Ming took out the green crystal stone of Eternal Rule from his pocket. Come, hit the girl on the head with your free hand.

"Ah, my fault, professional habit." Aphra placed the body on the stone table used to place tributes, and returned the trinkets to the queen: "Okay, the next step is to introduce the life force into the body. Yes, although there is knowledge about this in the Jedi inheritance I received, I have never seen how people are resurrected."

Su Ming held the crystal in one hand and pressed it on with the other. Black flames rose from his body, gradually forming a translucent black ball and wrapping him in it.

This is a skill from the dark side of the Force, called Drain life. It is also Palpatine's favorite skill. He and the inquisitors of the Empire use it to extend their lives and enhance their ability to resist the darkness. The ability to control the Force nourishes your soul.

In the past, he secretly sucked the life span of some unlucky person. After becoming the Emperor of the Galactic Empire, he began to suck the life span on a planetary scale.

The method of operation is to first select a planet with picturesque scenery and pleasant climate, and then he declares that it is the most advanced scenic spot in the empire. He likes it the most and recommends everyone to go there.

If it works, then after saying this, many people will immigrate or use it as a tourist destination, thereby continuously increasing the population of that planet.

In fact, that planet was just the restaurant chosen by King Pa.

The people living there will be shrouded in the dark force that covers the world, and their lifespan will gradually be taken away. If the life of people living elsewhere is one second shorter, then after living in the 'Restaurant Planet' , the life span is 'doubled' or 'super doubled'.

He doesn't let people die suddenly, but chooses to let the water flow slowly and add up. It doesn't matter if a few people die occasionally. As long as there are always people coming to the restaurant planet, Palpatine will always have a supply of life energy.

However, the Force is the unity that underpins all existence in the Star Wars universe, encompassing and maintaining balanced dualities such as life and death, light and dark, while also being above them all.

In addition to the dualistic opposition between them, there are also complementary aspects.

Living things possess the Force, and the Force drives the evolution and advancement of life. When life approaches death, the Force returns to the universe, renewing and waiting for the next cycle.

In other words, if no living things die, there will be no circulation of cosmic energy such as the Force.

If Palpatine absorbs the lifespans of other creatures to extend his own life endlessly, he will occupy more and more of the Force, eventually leading to an imbalance of light and darkness in the galaxy.

To say that it has any real impact on the entire universe, it cannot be said. After all, the Milky Way is just a drop in the ocean in the entire universe.

But the Milky Way is the birthplace of mankind, and the imbalance of light and darkness may lead to the decline of mankind. From a story perspective, it is almost the same as the end of the universe.

Of course, resurrecting Padmé would not have such a big chain reaction. After all, she is not a Force user.

Extracting Ruhr's life force is the first step. In the black flame, the green light is drawn out of the crystal like a wisp of smoke, curling slightly in the air, gradually turning into a small ball, beating The spinning ground was sucked into Su Ming's nostrils.

Then the black light on Deathstroke dissipated, and he put his hand on the Queen's cold forehead, and then transferred the life in his body to her.

The Force will act on her body, awakening her soul consciousness, and things with souls can connect to the Force and be transformed into living creatures again.

But at the same time, the physical problem also needed to be solved. Padmé died of suffocation, and the Force had to be used to treat her injuries at the same time.

Slowly and then quickly, almost not a second after Deathstroke put his hand on it, the former queen of Naboo suddenly opened her eyes and sat up like a corpse.

"Uh! Ho...ho..."

The first thing that came was a sound like a broken bellows. She was probably still in the suffocation feeling before her death. The inertia of memory after resurrection made her start breathing desperately at the first moment, even the small white flowers decorated in her hair were scattered. All over the place.

Then she hugged her head, as if recalling something, then touched her belly and began to check her limbs.

This shows that thinking is already online, but it just needs some time to buffer.

Su Ming didn't say anything immediately, she just smoked and watched silently, waiting for her to notice the presence of several people.

Just from the look on her face, she could tell that she was frightened and full of pain. She could almost use it to charge the yellow light ring. But after all, she was still a smart person and had a calm and calm personality. She gradually recovered after more than ten seconds. He regained his composure and turned his attention to the people in the same room.

"Welcome back, Representative Amidala." Su Ming held a cigarette in his mouth and handed over a bottle of water, indicating that she should get used to it before speaking.

The Queen struggled to get off the table immediately. She could not control her body effectively, and almost fell down as she staggered. However, she still held on to the table, at least maintaining her posture.

"..." Padmé opened her mouth. She could see her lips and tongue moving, but she couldn't say anything.

"Drink some water first. It has been 23 years since the day you died. Although the life force has resurrected you and repaired your body damage, your respiratory tract and digestive tract have not been used for too long. Don't worry, I I understand what you want to ask, Anakin is alive, and so are your two children."

Without verbal communication, Deathstroke could tell what the woman was thinking at the end of her memory. After all, today, more than twenty years later, she had nothing left except her family, only some trinkets and a blue skirt.

Perhaps the brown robe on Deathstroke looked more convincing, and the two young girls outside did not look threatening, so Padmé gradually calmed down. She took the unscrewed water bottle and drank it slowly. She took a sip, her movements were very graceful, even though everyone knew she must have smoke coming out of her throat.

"Aba Aba..."

What she said sounded like her tongue was not in control, but this was probably only temporary. Su Ming also understood what she meant, so he replied:

"Obi-Wan is dead, and I am not a Jedi, but the Supreme Mage Deathstroke. Padmé, I want to negotiate a condition with you... In fact, you have no choice. After all, you are resurrected. My 'pay', now it's your turn to pay."

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