The Death Knell

Chapter 2978: Showing kindness to others

"Are you 54 years old this year?" Before Anakin could react, Deathstroke took out the battery of Eternal Ruul again and said to himself: "Padmé is still young and beautiful now. Let’s not talk about your inhuman appearance. Just wearing this life-support armor makes you powerless in many things, right? Don’t you want to prove how much you love her? "

The Black Warrior groaned for a while, shaking his shoulders: "This is the follow-up condition you gave? So what do I need to exchange for it?"

"I want your memory, but don't get me wrong. I don't intend to do anything bad, but to separate you from the Black Warrior." Su Ming took a puff of cigarette and watched the white moonlight swimming on the red sand dunes: "Adjutant , send a customized version of the advanced android Black Warrior." 166

As soon as the words fell, a cylindrical survival capsule appeared in front of the two people. It appeared with a flash of blue light without any warning at all.

Deathstroke lifted the lid of the coffin with ease, revealing another black warrior inside. Even the workmanship of the armor was exactly the same.

"What is this? A stand-in?" Anakin understood instantly. After all, Padmé was the best at using stand-in tactics, and all her maids were stand-ins.

"You can think of this as a technology for making cannon fodder, a bit similar to human cloning, but this is a synthetic human. The skeleton is a nano-mechanical structure, coated with a layer of biomass material. It has the same life characteristics as a real person, but the essence is It’s a machine.”

Reaching out and pressing the switch behind the synthetic man's head, the fake Black Warrior was immediately activated, stepped out of the coffin, and entered the standby state.

It looked decent. Deathstroke nodded slowly and said:

"I will export some of your memories and enter them into this dummy, then cure your injuries and restore your youth. By then, what this 'real' Darth Vader does will have nothing to do with you, Skywalker, Jedi Master. .”

"I see, this is your plan. In fact, you don't need me to help you kill Palpatine, you just need my identity and memory to take over the empire." The real Dark Knight smiled, and his laughter was like The ghost screamed: "I agree, come on, but if it doesn't have force fluctuations, it will definitely be revealed soon."

"Ah, if I had been to Aspetu before, there might have been this kind of disadvantage." Su Ming also smiled and raised his hand to touch the green crystal: "But Eternal Rule has a way to make the robot temporarily possess the force. This is no longer a problem, anyway, as long as there are fluctuations, aren’t the Force of Life and the Force of Darkness both the Force?”


Anakin's injuries in the past were very serious. It can be said that except for his head, all other body parts were almost completely rotten. It was all thanks to the black armor and the dark force to hold this pile of rotten flesh together.

The arms are mechanical, the lungs are a set of pumps, and they don’t even have a penis. It’s like a technologically backward version of a steel frame.

But relying on the dark force to hang his life, he is still alive. This is at least easier than resurrecting Padmé.

Extract the life of Eternal Rule, and then instill it into Anakin's body through Deathstroke himself as a relay station.

The healing effect that the dark side of the force cannot achieve, the life force can, but the cost is a bit high, because the exchange is not equal. 78 Chinese website

In order to treat Anakin's injuries and eliminate the various sequelae caused by the dark force, the life force of hundreds of Jedi Master Yi was probably consumed.

The Force circulates between life and death. Originally, the cycle only had one direction. Lifespan was the time a creature possessed the Force. Now if you want to 'increase the clock', it is tantamount to manipulating the flow of time in the reverse direction. It is understandable that the cost is high.

However, these lives now belong to Ruhr, so that's okay.

"The treatment is almost done. The next step is to restore your youth." Su Ming helped Skywalker, who had taken off his turtle shell, and threw the green crystal into his arms: "Your body has recovered. I will use my life to Move on, you've seen the 'father, son, and daughter' of the Tai clan in the past, so you should have learned this, right?"

"You really know everything. I thought no one would know that secret except me and Obi-Wan." Anakin, who had returned to his normal appearance, touched his face, his voice unnatural. Said: "Originally Tai Ren wanted me to inherit his responsibility to maintain the balance of the Force, but at that time I just wanted to marry Padmé, so I refused. If..."

"Don't worry. Fortunately, you didn't take over the responsibility of the gods, otherwise I would have killed you." Su Ming interrupted him with a smile and told him not to waste time: "Tai Yi is a god, but a god is not Tai Yi. Do you understand? Okay, smoke it, but take it easy. Although I know that you are a brother and sister, don't really make yourself eighteen again."

"Haha, I understand, Master Deathstroke, thank you."

The stiff-faced Anakin smiled and nodded, and then the black light gushed out from his body, and he began to use skills to extract the lifespan stored in the mysterious crystal.

"You're welcome, we each get what we need." Seeing that Anakin, who was originally bald and had a face like a wrinkled persimmon, was visibly getting younger, Deathstroke replied calmly: "When you are ready, I will send Luke Get it with Leia and reunite your family, but you must say what I teach you."

The fallen teeth have grown back, golden hair is exposed on the scalp, and the cloudy eyes are clear again.

Anakin returned to the way he looked in Su Ming's memory. Looking at the expression on his face that he was a little unfamiliar with, he probably couldn't believe it himself.

Not to mention Padme, who was not far away, almost fainted with joy. Even Master Yoda and Master Offee smiled and nodded, as if they saw the hope of the Jedi Knight again.

Returning the Eternal Ruler to Deathstroke and taking the mirror from his benefactor, Anakin touched his face tremblingly and breathed hard without restraint.

"It's back, it's all back, I can no longer feel the influence of the dark force on me."

"There will still be some impact. Who can walk at night without encountering ghosts?" Su Ming poured cold water on him, but still threw him a bed sheet and told him not to jump around naked: "Be more steady, God. Traveler, I am trying to restore youth to your body, not to return your mind to adolescence."

"Only when you have lost can you learn to cherish. I really can't describe how I feel now. I can't even understand how the force of life works. This should be an impossible miracle!"

Under normal circumstances, lifespan will be superimposed backwards on the existing basis, rather than reversing time like this. It is impossible to become younger.

Because of the miracle, Anakin was still very excited. He put the sheets on his body and began to knead the muscles on his body like a narcissist.

Aphra couldn't stand it any longer, so she took out a brown robe that had been taken from Asperto's body and threw it to the exhibitionist to wear. Colonel Sanders, who had been watching with a smile, looked at Anakin's figure and his eyes lit up. .

Deathstroke waved to Padmé in the distance, asking her to come closer to taste it, and whispered to Anakin:

"Nothing is impossible, young Skywalker. As the Sorcerer Supreme, my understanding of time in the Marvel environment is incomparable to yours... Okay, put on your belt, I We need to bring your son and daughter here, and let the Rebel Alliance disband today."

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