The Death Knell

Chapter 2990 Evil Plan

There were not many Decepticons transported to Equestria, and there were even some miscellaneous soldiers whose names Su Ming didn't know. But since Optimus Prime and the others wanted to live, let's pack them all up and take them away.

It took half an hour to walk around the planet, and finally everyone met in the apple orchard, except that Megatron was missing.

"This is not good news. I'm sure he is preparing an evil conspiracy somewhere." Optimus Prime used his newly assembled machinery to help pick apples, but he was still worried.

He likes this warm and harmonious world, but doesn't want to see it drained of energy by the space bridge.

"I don't think you need to worry." Su Ming floated to the side, watching the ponies kicking the apple tree not far away, making a banging sound: "The energy here exists in the form of 'emotions', not me I look down on Cybertronian technology, but this is the fact, whether you are an Autobot or a Decepticon, you do not have the ability to use emotional energy."

"That's true." Jazz nodded. He held an apple carefully, as if scanning some data: "We all have our own emotions, but I have never heard of anyone who can shoot without using energy blocks."

"So, this planet is actually meaningless to Megatron. I prefer to believe that he is hiding somewhere and is preparing to build a spaceship to leave." Deathstroke spread his hands and expressed his opinion.

You must know that this is another world. There is no such thing as a cosmic bridge, let alone extracting energy blocks from the planet.

The Decepticons are Cybertronians too, and they also need to eat.

Thinking of this, Su Ming glanced at Kanshang who was playing with the ponies not far away. It was a small Autobot. He was currently exchanging baking skills with Pinkie. He was making a chocolate sauce. The Gear Faction' stunned the ponies.

"No matter what he is doing, you have to find him first." Optimus Prime is very dedicated to his old enemy. This feeling is like Captain America's obsession with the Red Skull.

"Be patient, Brother Zhuzi." Su Ming flew onto Optimus Prime's shoulders and sat on the front of the red car: "I have contacted my friends and started using magic to search for that guy. He is made of metal, so he can't be hidden. , the search principle is similar to magic prospecting.”

"I still can't understand what you call magic." Optimus Prime smiled bitterly, because that kind of power is too idealistic, and everything in Cybertron is based on science and logic.

"Friendship is magic, at least here. Instead of worrying about those things, why not relax and go play apples with the ponies, and leave Megatron to me."

Su Ming pointed to the ponies over there. They were preparing to make apple juice. Rainbow Dash felt uncomfortable if she didn't drink apple juice for a day.

"Okay, then I'll ask you to help me find him, but don't kill him if you can capture him alive, okay?" Optimus Prime nodded. He indeed felt that it was very relaxing here with the ponies, and he didn't want to be there. What cruel things like war or murder happened here.

"Ah, my friend has found him. I will come as soon as I can."

Deathstroke suddenly interrupted Optimus Prime's words, showed a smile and then disappeared instantly. His speed was even faster than before.

The next moment, he came to Princess Celestia. This location was a tunnel. The elegant Princess Charming was fighting against the army of changeling monsters. Behind the Zerg army was Queen Chrysalis. and Megatron, who are evacuating.

"Oh ho ho, oh ho ho, oh ha ha ha ha"

Megatron turned into a tank, and Queen Chrysalis stepped on its turret cover. She covered her mouth with her front hooves and let out a three-stage laugh. She seemed very proud and disappeared into the darkness.

"Princess of the Universe, what's going on?" Su Ming joined the battlefield. The green light ring revealed its fist and emitted energy, turning into a huge electric fan, blowing the changelings flying around in the air.

Princess Celestia is very serious. Her rainbow-colored mane floats in the air with the power of magic, and she continuously uses various magics through the horns on her head:

"Chrysalis and that bad outsider you were talking about hatched an evil plan, and when I was trying to eavesdrop, I was discovered."

"What evil plan?"

Su Ming became more serious after hearing this. Was his guess wrong? Is there really something here that Megatron can use?

He used the yellow light ring to turn into a giant fly swatter, swatting all the changelings that were blown to the ground.

The changelings who were attacked were dead, but not completely dead. They were patted into small pancakes, their eyes turned into red 'X' shapes, and their tongues stuck out, which meant they lost their ability to fight.

The princess's big eyes were full of determination. She answered seriously while fighting:

"Chrysalis wants to steal the apples in Pony Town so that the ponies have no apples to eat. In this way, by holding the apples in her hooves, she has the opportunity to steal everyone's friendship!"

Celestia saw through everything, it was a vicious plan.

If Chrysalis really succeeds, then if everyone wants to eat this year's new apple, then they have to beg her and be friends with her, thereby absorbing the power of friendship.

After he finished speaking, perhaps noticing Deathstroke's expression of realization, the white Alicorn nodded to him seriously.

"Uh-huh, that's really a dark plan."

In fact, Su Ming felt speechless. Is this plan serious?

Although the Xiangtian Apple Orchard is very large, as a small town orchard managed by Horsepower, the apple output is only a few hundred tons. Su Ming can mobilize millions of times this amount of apples with just one order and steal them. Who can be blackmailed by taking away Apple?


"Really? Master, you think it's scary too, right?" The eldest princess defeated the last changeling in the way, gritted her teeth and rushed towards the tunnel: "There is also the bad guy who can transform. He said he can turn into a vehicle. , to help transport the apples, Chrysalis made a deal with him."

"Oh, what kind of deal?" Su Ming no longer expected it to be a serious deal, but he didn't stop asking.

The brave princess rushed into the darkness, the sharp horns on her head emitting light, dispelling the surrounding shadows: "He wants steel, a lot of steel, and says he wants to build something called a spaceship, I don't Any idea what that is, sounds like a kind of boat?”

Alas, I knew this would happen.

Su Ming followed the princess and smacked his lips: "It is indeed a kind of ship. I also know that big guy. He wanted to find a way to leave Equestria, but he just chose the wrong partner."

"In any case, Chrysalis is wrong to use such powerful magic at will. I must kick her awake and stop her completely. This is my responsibility as a princess!"

The eldest princess was full of aura of glory and dignity, her whole horse was shining, and her image suddenly became taller.

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