The Death Knell

Chapter 3003 God watching the excitement

Next to the famous 'deck' desk, the diligent President of the United States is working at his desk. He has just sent away the Secretary of State and others, and he is very seriously drawing little figures on the signatures of various government reports.

But the truth is only in the hands of a very small number of people. In the eyes of ordinary humans, the name of the President of the United States is written there. They will only admire their own black president, who smiles even when handling official duties.

"Now that you're here, come out and talk, Deathstroke, or Su Ming? Which language do you prefer me to call you? Don't worry, no one can hear our conversation, I divided the space between us."

The tall and happy black man put down the pen in his hand, stood up and opened his arms warmly. He turned and looked out the window, revealing a row of white teeth:

"Oh, I noticed your new weapon, and I also know that you are planning to test it on me. It's a good weapon, very good... but I can tell you the result directly, with the concept of 'weapon' Nothing works for me."

Deathstroke appeared outside the office and looked at the black man through the glass: "Then can you let me chop? Just give it a try."

The golden light in his hand lit up, and then he pressed it against the weapon he held in his other hand.

This golden light and the night sword merged together, and the color of the sky and the earth suddenly changed. There was a crackling sound in the surrounding space. The world began to peel off piece by piece like rotten ceiling paint, and everything within the field of vision began to It faded, leaving only sections of lines.

But Deathstroke and the President still have colors, they still exist.

"How about it? After this chop, do you believe it now?" The Black Pharaoh took one step, penetrated directly through the glass of the office, and came to the lawn of the White House: "I know you are always wary of me, but there is absolutely no need to do this. are very special, I am here just to witness some things, you can treat me as if I don’t exist, but you have to let Wade come and play games with me often."

"Did you avoid it..." Su Ming put away his weapon, and the surrounding world returned to its normal state, as if nothing had happened: "This can only mean that I am not strong enough, and It’s not that the weapons aren’t good enough.”

"Haha, don't waste time with me. I am a good and harmless person, at least for the time being. I will leave when the presidential term is up." The black president showed a hearty smile. He turned and walked towards the office, walking through the wall. After: "This weapon of yours is enough to kill Darkseid. Isn't this the answer you want? Now you get it from me."

Before he finished speaking, Deathstroke had already left, and he disappeared on the lawn, as if he had never been here.

The Black Pharaoh sat back on his presidential leather chair, and time began to flow again. He picked up the orange soda on the table and took a sip. He nodded with satisfaction and continued to work. He continued to draw little people and write indescribable words. Text.


After leaving the death knell on the South Lawn of the White House, he returned to Kamal Taj. He sat in the living room, playing with the golden light in his hand, thoughtfully.

The knife just hit actually hit the target, but I lacked the ability to restrain the 'Ancient One', so I couldn't cut off the continuity of Naia's existence. In other words, its existence is higher than the current 40k reality level. , thus achieving a harmless effect.

But it’s not like I got nothing, at least I got some information, and the Black Pharaoh also hinted at something. He seemed to be waiting for the audience to watch the show.

The stage should be the earth.

But there are no signs yet, secret war? There hasn't been a cosmic collision yet.

The technologies that he brought to the world of Men in Black are gradually improving human living standards, but they are not taking too big a step. It is more like the silent influence of the spring rain.

Are you talking about experimenting with two parallel worlds?

But although the Black Pharaoh is a clone of Naija, he is not Naija. He is more like an independent acting personality, the kind of actor who specializes in playing politicians. He has no interest in cosmic experiments.

"Modu, come here."

Su Ming knocked on the table and put away the weapon in his hand.

Wearing tight black leather pants and a shirtless greasy man, he came in. Today he also wore a pair of iron-toed shoes inlaid with nails, which looked quite hardcore.

"Master? What are your orders?"

"Do you have a way to contact Master Ancient One? Or has she returned to Karma Taj recently?"

Deathstroke pushed the morning tea snack in front of the mage and asked him to try it too.

Mo Du smiled. He picked up a peach blossom cake and put it into his mouth, and licked his thick thumb: "Thank you, Master, for the snack. This is really delicious. However, we have not heard from Master Gu Yi recently. She Didn’t I contact you, Master?”

"Okay, okay, where is Master Monaco?" Su Ming poured himself a cup of tea and watched the water in the cup float gently.

"He came to Karma Taj the day before yesterday and used the massage chair you brought back." Mo Du was able to answer the question this time. He smeared a handful of palm oil on his chest hair and said with a smile: "When we were chatting during the massage, he said that he had been in the 'No Door Bar' lately, advising young people on their problems."

Marvel’s bar with no doors is actually a ‘tribute’ to DC. The prototype is the ‘Forgotten Bar’ that Bobo now manages, and the setting is almost exactly the same.

If you have to say what's the difference? One boss is an orangutan, the other is a floating head.

In short, the customers are all magicians, and ordinary people cannot enter.

The Doorless Bar is located deep underground in Manhattan, New York, but it doesn’t mean there are no doors in the true sense, but there are too many doors. As long as you master the corresponding spells, you can pass through the doors of the electrical maintenance rooms in subway stations in many cities around the world. Can teleport into this bar.

Different from the mixed bag of good and bad people in the Forgotten Bar, the evil wizards who use black magic in the Marvel world are hiding like gophers, so the guests of the Doorless Bar are just guys doing some gray business at most, and there are no evil wizards in the real sense. It would be unpleasant to go there.

In addition, in Earth 40k, Karma Taj was changed by the Deathstroke Demon. All apprentices and teachers had to be able to smoke, drink, and perm their hair. Therefore, they basically became regulars in bars, just like Huo. Many of Gewoz's students go to the Three Broomsticks during the holidays.

Monaco himself often goes there. He has some foundation in voodoo. When he goes there, he can directly trade materials with the African shamans who are also guests of the bar, and buy some bat shit, monkey bones, hyena eyes and other things. When it comes to casting materials, there are no middlemen making the difference.

Even if this middleman is the 'Huaxi Village' at the foot of Kama Taj Mountain, the price difference will eventually fall into the hands of Deathstroke, but he is still unwilling.

But to say he was there to mentor young wizards? Su Ming didn't believe it at all. Monaco was exhausted just taking care of rabbits every day, so how could he still have the energy to give advice to strangers?

There must be something fishy about this matter.

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