The Death Knell

Chapter 3006 Unknown Corpse

An adult has a total of 206 bones, 639 muscles, five major organs, and the most complex central nervous system organ, the brain.

No matter which way you look at it, the people on the table are dead.

He suffered very serious injuries during his lifetime, and the number of bones doubled almost ten times, the kind that would have been doubled if it was broken by an external force.

With the blood drained, the brain missing, and all the internal organs missing, it looked like a magical accident.

Although this will not happen in Kama Taj, it is not uncommon for independent magicians without systematic inheritance to have various occult accidents happen from time to time.

Sometimes it's because of promising a price that cannot be paid, sometimes it's because of choosing the wrong casting materials, and sometimes it's because of the backlash from one's own magical creation.

Magic is a powerful force, and it is never a safe force. If you want to enjoy the convenience it brings, you must pay the price.

But the person in front of him must not have died in a magical accident.

The dead old man was wearing a gorgeous robe, all the magic props on his body were of extraordinary quality, and his fingernails were neatly manicured, which showed that he was not a novice and would not have died in a magic accident.

"It seems that today is not a good day for drinking, meow. I can't think of anything more disappointing than a dead body falling on the wine table."

Professor Xu sighed. She put down the wine bottle in her hand, picked up the sleeve of the dead body with two fingers and shook it, as if checking the time of death, and looked at the Supreme Mage with her big eyes:

"It doesn't seem like a magical accident? The probability that a mage of this age can have an accident is very slim. And the body was specially transported to the Supreme Mage. It's not a coincidence."

The sound of the falling corpse attracted the attention of some people, but after seeing the iconic black and yellow armor of the Supreme Mage, they all politely said hello from a distance, and then withdrew their gaze.

However, as a bar owner, his heavy head floated over again, and he looked at the broken plates on the ground with distress:

"Your Majesty, Emperor Weishan! This is an English antique. All the Earls of Glamorgan have used it to eat. I only use it when distinguished guests come."

"Next time, if there is a next time, it's better to use a new plate to serve me food. The thing used by the Earl of Glamorgan sounds too unlucky." Looking at the expression of Severe who was so heartbroken that he couldn't breathe. , Su Ming activated the time stone speechlessly, restored the plate to its original state and returned it to him: "This is your bar, what do you think?"

Taking the plate through the invisible magic arm, the floating head looked at the body, and then turned around:

"Master, although the Doorless Bar is a public place, anyone can visit, but the rule is that you have to go through the main entrance. The magic defense here is definitely not as strong as Kama Taj and the Four Temples, but not everyone can It can be teleported in directly, and this person is very unfamiliar."

"It seems that none of you know that he is actually a Supreme Mage." Su Ming stretched out his fingers and tapped the collar of the other person's cloak a few times. There was a huge green gem buckle there, which looked like the bottom of a beer bottle. Polished decorations.

"Meow? Is this thing special?"

Professor Xu also stretched out her fingers. Her whole body was wrapped in a white cloud-like uniform, and her little hands came with gloves.

She pressed down on the gem and activated a spell. To put it simply, it was to give the jewelry a little energy and test its reaction.

The result was no response. She spread her hands to show that she didn't recognize him.

"This is the Eye of Agamaka. You are not from the lineage of Emperor Weishan, so it's normal that you can't recognize it." Su Ming untied the ornament from the corpse, took it in his hand and wiped it: "It is an alien The token of Agamotto's incarnation in the dimension is just like the Eye of Agamotto in the main dimension, it is the identity certificate of the Supreme Mage."

Because Agamotto was the first Supreme Mage and left this token as a legacy, the situation in other dimensions is similar, but the effect of the token is very different.

The concepts of dimensions, planes, pocket spaces, multiple realities, and kingdoms are generally associated with a single universe. It cannot be ruled out that some dimensional demons transcend this category, but generally speaking, in a single universe, Agamotto There are only two eyes.

One is in the hands of the Supreme Mage in the main dimension, and the other is in the hands of Agamotto himself. The other dimensions are dependent on the main dimension for existence, so there are only some specious objects in other dimensions.

It's just a token anyway, does it have any power? As long as the main dimension does not collapse, nothing will happen to the earth, and control of other dimensions is just the icing on the cake.

Su Ming didn't ask for the Eye of Agamotto, but just took out the time gem that Gu Yi had hidden inside, and returned the token to her.

Generally speaking, there is no unique time gem in the single universe. The greatest function of this treasure is to be 'breakable'. It can break illusions, remove barriers, discover the weaknesses of the enemy's magic, and can also be used as a communicator to contact the main body of Agamotto. .

It's just that Agamotto always has a dead look on his face, just like a man with bipolar disorder, and his attitude is much worse than Hogs. If you call him, he won't necessarily respond to you.

As for the Supreme Mage in the second dimension, he is the Mystic.

There should be a similar token in Limbo, but her position was taken from someone else, so the token is not in her hands.

"Are there supreme mage in other dimensions?" Xu Xian tilted her head, and she helped the dead-eyed master to close his eyes: "Actually, I have always had a question, how many dimensions exist in total? Master?"

"Countless. Although the known different dimensions are generally divided into four levels, the 'Broken Realm' has split into countless small dimensions. If the mages in these small dimensions join Weishan Emperor and gain recognition, then they He will gain the title of Supreme Mage and receive a token as a gift; if he is particularly good at fighting and conquers other spellcasters in the same dimension, he can also call himself the Supreme Mage. The specific situation must be analyzed in detail, and the gold content will be different. "

No matter Professor Xu nodded repeatedly after hearing this, even the bartender looked like he had learned something and asked eagerly:

"So Master Deathstroke, as far as you know, how many Supreme Mages are there in our universe?"

"More than two hundred, right? I haven't paid attention to this number for a long time. It was this number thirty years ago." Su Ming shook his head. He usually ran to other universes when he had time, so how could he have the time to enter the dimensional space? Wander around.

It doesn’t matter if you don’t patrol, as long as you can protect the earth and the main dimension, isn’t it?

"This is too much." Professor Xu was a little speechless, and her red-painted cat mouth was crooked: "So we don't know where this dead master came from?"

"It's a trivial matter, but it's serious. Does your bar have WIFI?" Su Ming turned over and took out his titanium alloy mobile phone.

"Yes, the username is 'no way' and the password is 'we can fake the night', well, that's it." The head in the jar flew to Deathstroke's shoulder, looking down at him typing.

"That's right, 'The night god can't always accompany us, but we can fake the night', a good sentence from Edgar Allan Poe. I also know a few bar owners, but it's really rare to be as literary and artistic as you."

Su Ming twisted his mouth, connected to the Internet, took a photo of the body, and then sent it to the 'Kama Taj Work Group'.

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