The Death Knell

Chapter 3011 The Past in Myth

"Professor Xu felt something different about that woman, right? But don't get me wrong, that woman appeared here just because of the difference in Orange Town."

Su Ming took a sip of his orange juice, watched the small town news program on the TV, and explained casually.

The cat-faced woman sighed, and poured herself another glass: "Yes, the woman who went out just now is a black witch, and if I am correct, her race is the Swedish Siren. If this kind of monster had appeared in China, it would have been a long time ago. Destroyed by me."

The Swedish Kraken are a relatively special underwater race. They were once a branch of ancient Atlantis, but due to the bombing of the Founder, there was a magical backlash, turning them into underwater succubi. .

These monsters don't eat people, but their lifestyle is to hook up with men and suck their semen. The more they suck during sex, the more charming and charming they become, and the man will be squeezed out in a few times.

Just like the vixen in Chinese mythology, except that she has blond hair and speaks English with a Nordic accent.

"This is what's different about this town. In fact, it's a typical American story of 'it's said to be a secret but not so secret'." Deathstroke added a glass of orange juice to her to drink to calm down. : "Have you seen the TV series "American Horror Story" produced by Wilson Entertainment?"

"I've seen it, because I think I can understand the mythological background of America through it."

Professor Xu's little hand slowly rotated the cup, and controlled the air to blow bubbles in the orange juice.

"That's good, this is that kind of town. There have been two wizarding groups in Orange Town since ancient times..." Deathstroke saw that she also watched TV series, so it was much easier to explain now.

But before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by the professor with a strange expression:

"I've seen it. It's the third season of the TV series. It says that there are two groups of witches in a town. One group is the white witches, who are kind and usually protect the residents with magic. The other group is the black witches who always Want to use magic to do bad things?”

"It can be understood this way, but the wizard group in Orange Town is divided into foreigners and locals." Leonid took over. He pointed at the door and then at himself: "Foreigners like us Basically, they are all good people, but those from the local sect are a bit evil."

He frowned as if he was remembering something.

The Supreme Mage drank the orange juice and nodded slowly: "I haven't told Xiao Lie about this matter, just because I don't want him to act rashly. But since we are here today, let's just make it clear. Do you still remember the origin of vampires? ?"

"You know, the ancestor of the blood race is Varna, a warlock from ancient Atlantis. Before the gods destroyed the Atlantean civilization, he transformed himself into an immortal, soulless vampire demon form."

Xu Xian is an expert in history, and the history of mysticism is naturally included in her knowledge. She can answer this question without thinking.

"It's easy to say that Varna transformed himself into a vampire. The method he used was recorded in the evil book "Dark Grasp" left by the great demon Sithorn. At that time, there were also the Archmage of Atlantis. The other person is also qualified to read the evil book and transcribe some of the magic in her own magic book."

Su Ming patted his knees gently and recounted the past:

"The name of the great mage is Zhered-Na. Her magic book is also the famous "Book of Zhered-Na", which records various ancient black and white magics. The god she worships is the first god on earth. A new god, Valka, the son of Gaia, one of the four ancient gods. A long time ago, Valka gave Zelidna a revelation, a sign that Atlantis would be destroyed."

"Zelidna spread the news to the people of Atlantis and asked them to flee and take refuge as soon as possible, but the then Emperor Khamu thought she was spreading rumors and banished her."

"She took her magic book with her and left the city in a small boat. After wandering for three months, she arrived at a remote place with human existence. So she landed there and began to teach human apprentices and promote her magic. The religion that worships Valka.”

"But her old enemy, the Archmage Varna, was worried about her magic book. On the one hand, he didn't want some of the magic recorded in "The Grasp of Darkness" to spread. On the other hand, he also wanted the white magic recorded in it. So in After Atlantis was destroyed by the gods, Varna, who had become the ancestor of vampires, incited the surviving people of Atlantis, saying that it was Zeridna who attracted the gods and destroyed Atlantis. Make accurate predictions.”

"The angry remnants of Atlantis found the witch and killed her and the nearby humans, but one of Zelidna's apprentices was a clever man named Dakim, who brought his teacher's magic with him The book secretly went to sea again."

"At that time, the earth was broken into several continents by the gods. People in Atlantis couldn't find where the apprentice had gone. But the result was that he ran here. I don't know what he was called in the past, but now he is called orange. The town’s place.”

"Dakim is extremely intelligent and powerful. Thousands of years have passed, and he has opened up the path to promotion and advanced himself to the Dimension Demon God. Today he is still alive. His dimension is called the 'Land of Day and Night', and there is a tower in the clouds. Sky City. In short, before leaving the earth, he handed over the teacher's sect to his apprentices, including the magic book, which was also passed down from generation to generation."

"But his disciples and grandchildren don't have that talent. No matter how they practice the magic recorded in the book, even if they transform themselves into vampires, they still can't reach the level of Dakim. This is a bit crazy."

"I want to go to heaven, I want to live forever, I want to become stronger, so the white magic recorded in the "Book of Zelide" was gradually abandoned, and those people began to specialize in the black magic part that was more effective and showed more obvious strength. , that is, Sithorn's dark magic, and a series of demon summoning techniques invented by Zelidena. Their sect, originally called the 'Zelidena Cult', was also changed to the current 'Entropy Cult' ', and began to worship the 'entropy of all things'."

"The Entropy Cult's actions are all centered on the study of the 'Reality Nexus', and now their leader is the most powerful family patriarch in Orange Town, Joshua Kyle. Almost all the people in their sect can be regarded as The demon possessor has been conducting some occult experiments near Orange Town."

"The waste monsters in the swamp, the blood-sucking creatures active in the middle of the night, and the inexplicable mysterious cases are basically all controlled by them behind the scenes. And because there are passages from different dimensions here, there is energy leakage, which is what you call different earth veins. , so more and more foreign spellcasters and mysterious creatures came to settle here, gradually forming a balance of power with the Kyle family."

"This is what's going on here now, how about it? Isn't it simple and clear?"

After hearing the details of the death knell, Professor Xu’s mouth tilted to one side:

"Since you knew there was a cult here, why didn't you get rid of them earlier?"

"First of all, this is the United States. They like to do experiments on Americans. What does it have to do with me, the Supreme Mage?" Deathstroke spread his hands and replied very naturally: "Secondly, their sect has been studying that channel for tens of thousands of years. When they come up with results, I killed them before, what a pity that would be? At least I have to wait until they put the results into my hands before I die."

"...As expected of the Supreme Mage, he is so farsighted and never fails." The professor made a sigh of relief.

"So, before their research has results, I don't plan to touch them this time, and I will help them speed up some research progress." Su Ming smiled and blinked, looking through the curtains at the quiet and peaceful The street also looked towards the large swamp not far away.

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