The Death Knell

Chapter 3013 Underground Factory

"Why are we looking for the first crime scene? Master." On the way to the second location, Leonid asked the teacher for advice: "Since the deceased came from another dimension, wouldn't it be better to go to his dimension and investigate directly? alright?"

"Because the Supreme Mage from another dimension was still alive when he arrived in our main dimension. He was avoiding something chasing him."

Su Ming looked at the dim environment around him. Even the upper part of the river was tightly covered by various plants. The deeper you went into the swamp, the more water there was and the less mud and reeds there were. However, the mangroves also limited the view. .

Professor Xu also took up the conversation. She still looked like a white cloud of smoke, and she still looked like a fairy when she flew:

"Obviously the Supreme Mage was not lucky enough. Something that was chasing him managed to kill him in the end, and did so in a weird way. The monster that was chasing him might still be in the Everglades at this time. somewhere, even near the first scene. If Master Deathstroke doesn't find out this, it may follow the energy reaction to find you in the future. You definitely don't want to meet someone who can kill the Supreme Mage on a dark night. monster."

"Ah, thank you, teacher! So, the murderer and the body dumper are not the same person?" Leonid also understood his situation. According to the Chinese language, he himself is Tang Monk Meat, just because With a backstage like Kamal Taj, my life is more comfortable.

But if that murderer from another dimension can kill a Supreme Mage, he will most likely be able to kill himself without caring, and he really has this ability.

"Haha, of course he is not alone. The person who threw the body in front of me should be the guy who wanted to watch the fun. You can ignore him for the time being." Su Ming laughed and slowly landed on an isolated island in the river: "But it's okay. Thanks to him dumping his body, otherwise only a few ounces of the old man’s meat would have been left in the swamp, and it would have been eaten up by small animals in a short time.”

The second location is a small abandoned shipyard, with a few pillars holding up a roof, and a simple and ventilated appearance.

The shipbuilding equipment is still coal-fired, and the signs are still so rusted that nothing can be seen. A string of strange footprints spread from the factory building to the waterside. The environment here is more complicated.

Xu Xian stretched out his hand to measure the footprints, grabbed some mud, put it under the cat's nose, smelled it, and sneezed:

"Meow! It smells so fishy! There are fishmen in this swamp. There are traces of their activities here, so it shouldn't be the scene of the crime. Otherwise, they, who are particularly sensitive to blood, will definitely leave tooth marks on the body. of."

She was right. Just like the information that was given to the host by Strangler, there were many traces of mysterious creatures appearing here. There were even battles between different fish-men groups nearby, perhaps to compete for the sovereignty of this shed.

But obviously, they didn't see the old man last night.

"This is not the right place, Xiao Lie, take us to the next place." Deathstroke didn't waste any time and let Leonid lead the way.

The next location is further south. Among the dense forests, there is a group of buildings half buried underground, like a series of bunkers.

A barbed wire fence was also pulled up near this area, with high-voltage warning signs painted on the wire and slogans on the side.

"Military restricted area, no approach allowed." Professor Xu subconsciously read the English above. The sign that was rusted by rain also looked like a cat with a painted face. Even the little figure on the sign that was struck by lightning was incomplete.

"This used to be a US military base, and no one is guarding it anymore. However, the fence gate is locked and the power grid is running." After landing, Leonid returned to human form and explained to the two of them: "I There’s not a lot of curiosity, and my dad told me curiosity killed the cat, so I won’t go in here on patrol.”

"The few small bunkers we see now are actually the ventilation vents of the underground factory. The real entrance is not here." Su Ming directly tore up the power grid with his hands. While the sparks were crackling and shining, he strolled into the factory: " The strangulation smells familiar, our victim has been here before.”

Black Bean Sprout nodded. It stretched out a small tentacle and pointed at one of the ventilation towers, from which the smell came.

Although it is very faint, who is it? It is the strongest symbiote in the multiverse! Wouldn't it be easy to do the work of a police dog?

"Do you want to go down? According to my experience, a secret factory related to the military does not sound like a good place." Leonid moved closer to the ventilation tower, trying to observe whether it was the most traditional one. vents.

However, his idea of ​​going down the pipe was dashed. Thousands of pipes were bunched together below, and then passed through some filtering equipment before reaching the ground. The pipes were thin and narrow, and they looked densely packed like a honeycomb.

"It doesn't matter, it's just an ordinary factory that studies biological weapons. You guys stand back a little." Deathstroke asked the two of them to step aside a little, and then launched Force Control towards the small bunker-like ventilating tower.

As his clenched fist slowly rose, a large amount of soil was ejected along with the rumbling sound of the earth, and the sound of cracking steel bars and concrete was heard endlessly.

In just a few seconds, he pulled the entire tower out of the ground and threw it into the river a few hundred meters away.

Now, in front of the three of them was a large hole that could lead directly to the ground.

"Be alert and follow me."

Su Ming jumped down first, with the continuous sound of wind whistling in his ears. After landing, he calculated through the acceleration of gravity that the factory was about 400 meters underground.

There's nothing much to say about the surrounding environment. It's just an ordinary centrally air-conditioned room with a lot of outdated equipment and no value at all.

However, Xiao Lie was right in saying that there is indeed electricity here. It seems that the military is quite generous and built a small nuclear power plant underground here.

The lights were bright, the air was fresh, and except for the musty smell of being uninhabited for a long time, everything seemed normal.

"This place reminds me a bit of Indian Mountain. It always feels like the last time I entered the underground biochemical laboratory was a long time ago." Su Ming held the God Killer with some emotion. This weapon could not wait to be used. I want to chop something, but it is a living light that squirms into the owner's hand.

"What is Project Brimstone about?" Professor Xu floated lightly behind Deathstroke, asking curiously.

"Human body modification." Su Ming's answer was very simple. The weapons series plan was to play with human lives.

Leonid also entered the astral state, which was his fighting form. A humanoid nebula floated beside him, providing additional lighting effects that were not needed. He followed the master and said:

"But there seems to be no living things here? It's too quiet here..."

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