The Death Knell

Chapter 3018 The worst among vegetative people

How should I put it, even by the standards of 'vegetative', humanoids look a bit ugly.

Let’s not talk about the appearance benchmark among vegetative people like Poison Ivy. Just compare it with Groot, who is also in Marvel. Humanoids are a complete failure.

Overall, he looked like a big tangled mass of waterweed, but he also had shawl-like hair that looked like dreadlocks on one side of his head, two red eyes with long vine eyebrows, and a nose that looked like an extra-long one. The penis grows on the face and sways back and forth when walking.

Green moss and mud make up his body. Below, you can vaguely see some skin and muscles formed by green tumor-like substances. The sharp claws are standard for monsters. If someone sees this at night, it will probably scare him to death. personal.

At the same time, due to being soaked in the sewage of the swamp for a long time, his smell is not very good. If the swamp monster next door can still have a sense of freshness of the forest, this one smells purely of methane.

His name was Dr. Theodore Sarris, nicknamed Ted. He used to be a good biologist and a handsome young man with an arm missing.

But now as a vegetative person, his emotions have become very indifferent, and it is more like he has become some kind of embodiment of the earth's vitality.

Even the structure of his brain is different from that of humans. He does not have an organ like a human brain. Instead, he is more like a symbiosis. Mutated nerve cells are scattered throughout the body, connected by plants affected by extradimensional energy. Realize the function of controlling the body.

As far as functionality is concerned, his 'brain' is incapable of reasoning, thinking, or long-term memory, and it is only his human soul that allows him to remember.

He also has a special sense organ that allows him to empathetically sense the emotions of other beings and react to those emotions.

When underwater, he will sense the emotions of creatures entering the swamp and look for the source of the emotions. Mild emotions will make him 'curious' and sneak closer to observe.

However, this does not apply to Su Ming and the others. Su Ming has an X metal skull and his emotions will not be leaked. As for Professor Xu and Leonid, one is cloud and the other is starlight, neither of them can attract humanoids through emotions.

In most cases, the humanoid will be lured to the murlocs or demons near the swamp in the town, and strong evil emotions will trigger his body's instinctive aggressive behavior.

The violent emotions of others will cause him strong discomfort, and even produce physiological reactions on the surface of his body. In response to the emotional provocation, he will lose his mind, and his body will produce fuming concentrated sulfuric acid, which will cause the other person to suffer physical damage when in contact with the person's body. Severe burns.

This is not the worst part. When someone inhales human-like odor molecules and feels fear towards them, the molecules in the other person's body will produce strong acid, causing the target's head and respiratory tract to spontaneously ignite.

This process is almost uncontrollable. Even if a child strays into the swamp and encounters a humanoid at close range and feels fear, at least it will be seriously injured. In serious cases, it will be burned to white ash and become food for plants.

That's why Manoid is said to be an anti-hero. He has done good things and killed many people, intentionally or unintentionally. He is the legendary monster in the swamp.

In addition, he can still fly. Although he rarely flies once every ten years, he has this ability.


When seeing the death knell, the humanoid only felt its own sorrow.

Once upon a time, Deathstroke was the devil and monster of that fairy tale, but now, who's trapped in the swamp? Has it turned into this?

"Death knell."

The humanoid should still be considered a human being, because he can no longer speak English. The way he communicates with people is a special language called X''zelzi''ohr. This is actually A kind of mental resonance transmission produced by others after inhaling his odor molecules.

To put it simply, it is human-like language that will be translated into a form that is easiest for the other party to understand.

If a person is a fool, then the words he hears from humanoids are also nonsense; if a person acts competently, then the words he hears from humanoids will also be very concise; if a person is a madman, then the words he hears from humanoids will be very concise. He will also be full of crazy things.

Will Chinese people hear Chinese, little devils will hear Japanese, and African Americans will hear the accent of their hometown, or the sound of playing cotton? perhaps.

But this does not affect communication. As long as there is no fear of the humanoid appearance, he is actually quite harmless.

"Hello, Ted, this is the first time we have met. You look very energetic." Looking at the humanoid body covered in sewage and with a strong stench, Su Ming was polite. After all, he needed help.

"You look very energetic too."

The words of the humanoid also caused a change in tone when it fell into Deathstroke's ears. Even though he himself didn't understand what yin and yang was, Mandarin still had that flavor.

Su Ming, who knew the specific situation, just smiled and went straight to the topic:

"We are looking for one or several monsters from another dimension. It may look like a ball of slime, but it is very lethal. Maybe you didn't see it with your own eyes, but did you feel any evil emotions last night?"

"There is no evil, but there is chaos." Half of the humanoid body was soaked in the water, and the upper body above the water was still more than three meters high. He stretched out his sharp claws and pointed in the direction of the town: "It went to the town, the swamp and the The sewer outfalls in Orange Town are connected.”

The breeze in the forest blew across the water, and the thick muddy water didn't even make waves, bringing only the stench.

"I knew it would be like this." Leonid touched the humanoid body curiously and shook his head at the master: "The mayor said he wanted to build a sewage treatment plant, but as expected, the money raised was swallowed up, and the sewage was still discharged directly. Into the swamp."

Su Ming waved his hand and signaled Leo not to care about town politics: "Orange Town doesn't have any heavy industry. At most, it's just some water for washing oranges and washing dishes and clothes. If it's discharged into the swamp, it won't cause too serious consequences. , and don’t touch others, it’s not polite.”

"Okay, Master, but what he just said was to seduce me." Leonid retreated behind Deathstroke and defended himself.

"You are really full of those things... Oh, go ahead and play in the mud." Su Ming knew that when a slut interacts with humanoids, he will hear dirty words, so he still put graduation Sheng hurried away and continued to communicate with the monster in front of him: "Can you give me the specific coordinates? In exchange, I will buy you some pesticides or fertilizers later?"

"Did Nick Fury ask you to come to me? But I don't want to have too much contact with SHIELD, especially that gloomy braised egg." The humanoid shook his body, because he had no neck and could only shake his head like this: " Besides, I don’t want to go to the town, as I will hurt myself and innocent people, and the sewers are too narrow for me to enter.”

He still had some idea, knowing that if he went to the town, especially during the day, it might cause a big accident.

"It has nothing to do with the black braised eggs. I don't force you to go with me. You can take this communicator and help me sense the other person's emotions, right?" Su Ming handed over a mobile phone-style walkie-talkie and placed it on the On the vines of the human body: "If it moves, it's enough for you to tell me the approximate direction."

"This way I can help. I have friends in town. Please protect their safety. I don't need any reward myself. I don't need anything."

The humanoid rolled up the walkie-talkie with wriggling vines, found a shady shore, and sat motionless in the mud.

He is quite contented. In Su Ming's opinion, he is extremely miserable. He has no money, no face, and even no penis. But he himself feels that he lacks nothing. Such people are generally in their own spiritual world. very happy.

At this time, the vine monster gave the first piece of information. He said: "It is not moving, it is eating, and it is happy. Deathstroke, you have to hurry up and go to my friends first. They will help you." "

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