The Death Knell

Chapter 3020 Superstitious Sheriff

Standing at the door of the Sheriff's Office, Leonid deeply agreed with the teacher's words, but this was someone else's office, and it was up to them how they wanted to decorate it.

The door was open. Leonid knocked politely and stuck his head in:

"Chief, is it convenient now?"

Daltrey rubbed the dark circles under his eyes and put down the Bible in his hand: "It's nothing inconvenient. Leo and your friends come in to talk."

The three of them entered the office. Su Ming's first impression when he saw the police chief was that he looked a bit like a "comedian". He was a typical thick man with a beard and a red neck.

"This is the first time I've come to your office. You're so..." When I walked into the office, I realized that the things I saw outside the door were just the tip of the iceberg. It turned out that Daltrey even had the things on his desk. The mouse pads are all printed with a six-pointed star symbol.

The Sheriff smiled bitterly. He stood up and shook hands with the three of them. He took a curious look at the woman wearing the cat-face mask:

"It's hard for me to explain to you. Maybe there are some things you haven't seen before, but you can't deny their existence. Let's get down to business. What do you want to see me for today? Do you want to report a crime? Or do you need to mediate some conflicts?"

Su Ming waved his hand and motioned for Leonid to take a rest. He himself walked forward to communicate with the police chief: "The big green guy in the swamp asked us to come to you. He said he was your friend."

Daltrey took a deep breath, carefully walked around the one-eyed man, closed the office door, and then continued the topic:

"Ted asked you to come, so what occult incident happened? And Leo, since you came with them, does it mean you are also a wizard?"

"My real name is not Leo Nied. My name is Leonid Tesla. I come from the holy land of Karma Taj. This is the current supreme mage, Master Deathstroke."

Leonid smiled, and he showed his cards.

"Death Knell... Master?" The Sheriff slowly wiped his hair, obviously swallowing: "Is it the Death Knell from the scary stories I heard when I was a child?"

"Yes, it's the death knell that hides under children's beds at night and takes away disobedient children." Su Ming smiled and nodded. This is an old tradition. In the United States, many people hear their name. No. will produce fear.

The sergeant's brain circuit was obviously different from others. He hammered his knee with regret: "If I had known, I wouldn't have listened to my parents. If I were taken away by you, I should have become a magician, right?" ?”

He obviously yearns for the power of magic, and when the police guns don't work, he will definitely feel powerless and hope to have stronger power to maintain the safety of the town.

"Sorry, Mr. Daltrey, you have no magic talent. Most people are just like you." Professor Xu said, her cat-like eyes fell on a bottle not far away with a label of black dog blood. of red liquid.

"Oh, it's a pity, but this is probably fate." The police chief sat back in his seat, motioned for everyone to sit down, and then quickly calmed down: "Since you have found me, I will definitely do your best to help my friend." Help, this is also for the people in the town, what is it specifically?"

"One or a group of predatory monsters that feed on human flesh and energy have sneaked into the town. We need to look at the alarm records from last night to this morning to see if anyone has discovered anything."

Su Ming took out cigarettes and threw one to the police chief. He found a chair and sat down to light a cigarette, and replied calmly.

"Damn, here we go again." The Sheriff scratched his hair, rummaged around on his desk, and opened each folder to look at the contents: "If I say that people die almost every day in Orange Town because of magic or monsters , do you believe it?"

"Believe me, I am the Supreme Mage. I know everything about the situation in Orange Town. Although the town is not big, there are more than a dozen sects of various sects and dozens of witch sisterhoods, plus various humanoid races. If they exist, you will know that they are troublesome, and the relationship between them is much more complicated than ordinary urban gangs."

Deathstroke naturally understands the situation. The information he got from the comics in his previous life can be basically copied directly.

Orange Town looks quiet and peaceful during the day, but at night it is full of demons, which is not too exciting.

"Thank you for your understanding. You are much gentler than the legend says." The police sergeant held an alarm registration form in his mouth, picked up the hat on the table and put it on his head, and took out a box of bullets engraved on it from the drawer. The bullet with the cross: "A family did call the police at dawn this morning. The 86-year-old Mrs. Shandham from Stump Street complained that her next door neighbor was 'screaming in pain as if she were in hell'."

"Did the police call the police afterwards?" Leonid glanced at the report card and explained to Deathstroke: "Most of the people living on Stump Street are rented by outsiders. Farm workers come to the town to work according to the season, and now is the time when oranges are ripe. , there are quite a few people there.”

"No, because just a few minutes after the first call, the old lady called again and said that the next door stopped calling, she was going to sleep, and there was no need to mediate." The police chief loaded his pistol and put on the He put on a chainmail armor and the sheriff's jacket: "I didn't think about it at first, but the fact that you are here means that it is probably the place where the crime occurred."

Although the police sergeant looked sleep deprived and had circles under his eyes like pandas, his thinking was very clear and he was a fairly good detective.

"Are you going with us?" Leonid looked at the Sheriff's actions in confusion.

Daltrey, however, had a normal expression. He took off the report from his mouth, put a cigarette in his mouth and lit it: "Of course, I am the Sheriff of the town, this is my territory, no monster can scare me, if It's killing people in town and I'm going to take care of it, I swore on the badge."


Leonid looked at the death knell. To deal with the monster, bringing an ordinary person with him might be a hindrance, so why not knock him out?

"It doesn't matter. If the officer wants to go there, we can go together. I have an idea. It's okay to protect a few people."

Su Ming stood up with a smile and simply walked out of the office, but still warned:

"But don't bring these 'magic weapons' with you. Except for the bottle of boy's urine in the corner, which is real, the others are all fakes and have no energy fluctuations at all."

Professor Xu also picked up the bottle of blood, put it under his nose, smelled it, and added: "This bottle is not a black dog's blood, but a black cat's blood. This is unlucky."

"When I come back, I will also arrest the liar who sold me these things."

The police chief's face suddenly turned ugly. He originally thought that these things could be used for emergencies, but he only learned about the tragedy of being deceived from professionals today.

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