The Death Knell

Chapter 3024 Return to the Swamp

Returning to the apartment building on Stump Street, the reinforcements called by the Sheriff had not yet arrived. He and Leo were going door to door to check if there was anyone alive.

He got the key from the apartment manager and opened the doors from door to door to check, but the reality made Daltrey heartbroken.

There are 75 tenants in the entire three-story apartment building, but now there is no one left alive.

They had been beaten many times during their lifetime, and their bones were broken as if they had been entangled by a python. Everyone looked frightened, as if they had seen something terrifying before they were alive.

"It should be monsters walking between every house along the sewers. People don't pay attention to their toilets when going to the toilet." Leonid patted the police chief on the shoulder and tried to comfort him: "But this kind of It won't happen again, Master Deathstroke will definitely be able to kill that monster and avenge the people in the town."

The police chief looked at the old lady who called the police. At this time, the old lady's body was still lying on the rocking chair in his living room, bleeding from her orifices and died tragically. He said in a low voice:

"I wish I could kill that son of a bitch with my own hands."

"Ah, this is a bit difficult. As you can see, ordinary people have almost no power to fight back against this monster. Although the apartment on Stump Street is mostly populated by workers from other places, there are not many workers who pick oranges. There are not many strong men, and there are many who have weapons, but their results are no different from this lady, and they even only have time to show a look of horror."

Leo shook his head, and he felt a little emotional at this time. If he had not been rescued by the Supreme Mage and entered the Kama Taj study, what would he be like now?

Most likely, it will be used as a weapon of the Holy Shield Brotherhood and locked up in a dark independent room under house arrest, right? If we really encounter today's monster, will we also be unable to fight back?

Although he is a navigator, without a 'human machine' and no magic, this identity does not bring any intuitive combat effectiveness.

In the strong smell of blood, Daltrey was silent for a long time, leaned against the door frame of the corridor and closed his eyes, asking painfully:

"Isn't there a place that sells genuine magic items?"

"Good question!" The voice of the death knell came again. He had changed back to casual clothes. As soon as he came back, he heard the police chief's question. He immediately answered: "Take out your mobile phone and click on the app store. , search for the 'Midnight Express' application and install it, fill in my invitation code 2333 in the software, you can enter the main page of the Huaxi Village Commodity Mall, where you can choose as much as you like, all magic props are authentic, and you will lose 10% for any fake ones. Kama Taj guarantees its credibility and also provides the service of exchanging materials for currency.”

Yes, many products in Huaxi Village support express delivery, but they are limited to small and safe goods. If you want to buy a large flying boat, or buy some zombies to take home with alchemy armor, or buy a World of Warcraft as a pet, etc., there are dangers. Sexual gadgets still have to go through inspection at Kamal Taj.

But the police chief just wanted to buy some amulets, so there was no need to make a special trip to the Himalayas.

"E-shopping? Now all you mages, wait, I finally remembered. I saw your statue and photo in the New York Museum. You are Slade Wilson, the godfather of Captain America, and the owner of Wilson Enterprises and Midnight Express. Boss! Are you not dead?"

"He's still the boss of Skywalker Tobacco and Liquor." Every time someone mentioned the matter of fake death, Su Ming would recall the funeral and show a warm smile. He smiled and pointed to the cigarette case in the Sheriff's pocket: "I I noticed that you are my loyal customer, so if you don’t know what Kama Taj is, you can think of it as Wilson Enterprise Guarantee.”

"Now is not the time to talk about this." Daltrey was still alert. He was more concerned about business: "Has the monster been killed?"

"Well, Cinderella used magic to burn it to ashes. She avenged the victims." Su Ming approached the old lady's body and pressed the belly casually, knowing that there were no internal organs again: " But we have to go see Ted immediately and ask him to guard the reality hub and not let new monsters sneak over."

"What is the hub of reality?" The police chief couldn't understand.

"You can think of it as a magical path to other realities. It's useless to know too much, but it's dangerous." Su Ming waved his hand. At this time, Strangler heard the movement outside the building: "Your men Come here, let them clean up the scene here and follow us to the swamp."

The humanoid was worried about his friend, so Su Ming took his friend there and asked the police chief to persuade the big man to willingly guard the door underwater.

The stench in the swamp became even stronger at noon. The sun shone through the forest full of vines and lichens on part of the water, evaporating the rotten smell in the water into the air. The Florida summer was like a steamer.

At this time, the superiority of the vegetative state can probably be demonstrated. When he found the humanoid again, he was still soaking in the mud under the tree in his old place, playing with the walkie-talkie given to him by Deathstroke, looking very comfortable.

"Ted, you're here."

The Sheriff landed from the flying carpet with a little trembling. The soft swamp ground made him stagger, but he still called his friend's name.

The humanoid had actually sensed his emotional presence a long time ago. At this time, the red eyes under the long eyebrows fell on the Sheriff: "Datry, don't feel sorry for the people in this town. Control your emotions. I don't want to hurt you. .”

The bearded man took a deep breath, stuffed his hands in the pockets of his jacket, and looked at the dirty trees beside him: "I understand, but I just feel like a waste."

"It's not your fault, friend." The humanoid stood up, but he did not dare to touch the Sheriff, so he could only wave his hands from a distance: "If the Supreme Mage can't save them, it only means that they are destined to die. This It’s all destiny.”

Ted cannot think particularly complexly, but sometimes he seems a little negative, because his body is always reminding him that his existence is a kind of alien. When compared with his previous life, there is inevitably a psychological gap.

He originally had a wife, but after turning into a humanoid and trying to touch his wife's face, half of her face was burned off.

Although the woman did not blame him, she took the child and left him completely, and her whereabouts are unknown.

No one knows where he went, but Deathstroke has a guess. Since Ted's wife used to be a biologist in the military, she is probably still working on some military project, and it is probably still a plan for the 'weapons' series. .

The U.S. military has a character that catches a toad and urinates. Just look at the Hulk. If Ted hadn't turned to SHIELD and the black braised eggs were covering his back, I'm afraid he wouldn't be able to relax now.

But how can I put it, it is true that Nick Fury is just not popular with others. In fact, he has done a lot of good things behind the scenes, but the humanoids cannot see his good deeds.

Maybe it's because of his racial talent, being black and always operating in secret, so he's invisible, right?

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