The Death Knell

Chapter 3028 Analysis of Alien

The small robot in Doom's hand is all white. It has a large round spherical head held up by metal hoses. On the front of the head is a round observation port, which looks like a huge eyeball connected to the optic nerve.

There were a lot of them, and Doom was intrigued by this seemingly primitive mechanism.

Deathstroke's attention is on those humanoid corpses, or are they bionic people? Transformation of people? Eyeball robot?

Not human anyway.

They are obviously much slender than humans, and their bodies are so thin that they can be blown away by a gust of wind. Each one also wears a spherical white one-eyed helmet, but only has three fingers and three toes.

The weapons they used fell next to their respective bodies. The style is a bit like the energy spear used by Wakanda. It has a feeling of combining technology and primitive culture, but it is more like a long-handled tuning fork, which is bifurcated. .

Well, take a few back and give them to the adjutant to study. You can't come here in vain, right? Make an opening first.

The spatial structure inside the mage tower was also destroyed, and a large number of items that originally existed in the pocket space fell out and were scattered all over the place.

As for Professor Xu and Daisy, they were examining the dead beasts. These animals looked like wolves, but they were very huge. The skulls on the top of their heads were replaced with semicircular transparent materials, and they could see that there was nothing inside the skulls.

"There should be a brain here, right? It seems that a strange incident took away the brain." Daisy shook the body in her hand, and the blood made a sound like a tide in the wolf's head shell.

She got it right again, half.

"This kind of thing is called a witch-hunting wolf. It is a dimensional creature similar to a warg. However, originally, the inside of their head shell is not a simple brain, but a biological processor made with technology. It looks similar to a brain in appearance, but its essence is It's more like a CPU."

Deathstroke dropped the body without brains and internal organs in his hand and explained the situation to the girl.

Doom has already begun to dismantle those robotic balls, hoping to get more information from them:

"You seem to know something about them, Mage Supreme."

"Yes, I know them, the army of the Materialist Empire." Su Ming sighed, walked to the pile of corpses and sat down, continuing to smoke his cigarette: "A madman's dimensional force, he wants to kill Duanyu For all the mages in the universe, I prepared anti-invasion plans for them sixty years ago, but... they are not used now."

While speaking, Deathstroke showed a hint of regret, as if the backup plan had not been used, leaving him feeling empty.

"Why is there such a person? He has a dimension, shouldn't he be the Dimension Demon?" Daisy put the hammer on the ground and sat next to Deathstroke.

Her major is astronomy, which is obviously not useful here, but she can still chat.

"Dimensional demons are not necessarily all magicians. As long as you find an independent dimension and become the most powerful being in it, such as the Black Dragon King, it is not a spellcaster, not even a human."

Doom disassembled the small robot, took out some parts and put it away, then picked up another new one and answered the question without looking back.

Su Ming also flicked the ashes from his cigarette and looked at Doom's work, hoping to find something like a data memory, and added something.

"As the doctor said, the ruler of the Materialist Empire was such a staunch materialist. His parents were also materialists back then, so they were killed by the idealist 'blood monks' in his hometown. They The last words left to him were E=mc2..."

"Ah? Will people on Earth use this as their last words? Also, why is it the theory of relativity?"

Daisy didn’t think this was something worth telling before she died. Shouldn’t normal parents say to their young children, ‘I don’t want to die’ before they die?

"He is not an Earthling. His hometown is a special dimension called 'Tentak Mountain'. There, people worship the old rulers who can lay eggs. Most mages call them one-eyed aliens, but Kama Taj's name is 'Beholder' or Shuma Grash, and it once ruled the earth."

Deathstroke briefly talked about the situation. It is a very dangerous dimension, even higher than the concept of a single universe. It is a huge reality that spans multiple dimensions:

"The beholder will shape strange eyeball-shaped eggs covered with tentacles in the void for the people it cares to eat, and people will regularly offer blood to the devil in exchange, eat the spawn or body fluids of the old gods, and use the old gods to eat. Power can cause people to fall into endless crazy fantasies and become fanatical believers or lunatics."

"Humph, Doom doesn't think so. The side effects vary from person to person. They succumbed to the beholders just because they were not strong enough." Doctor Doom dropped the small robot and came to Deathstroke with the chip that stored the data: " The one-eyed alien is also the 'Lord of Blood Magic', and Doom often uses blood magic, but Doom's will is as strong as steel!"

This is true. Apart from the vampires on earth, Dr. Doom is probably the one who uses blood magic the most.

Vampires have no souls, and they will not be controlled by beholders. However, Doom uses the power of the Old Ones every day to escape unscathed, and even defaults on his debts, all because of his own ability.

"I understand, so the ruler of this materialistic empire has been at odds with the magicians since then. Now he has returned as an adult just for revenge?" Daisy scratched her wavy black hair and looked at the silent Professor Xu. , then looked at Deathstroke: "But whoever killed his parents should be killed. Why kill other mages?"

Su Ming smiled in the darkness. He put out the cigarette butt and put it away, shaking his head slowly:

"Then you think too highly of him. With his level of technology, if he really finds a beholder, he will be pinched in an instant. He is not able to fight against the power of the ancients. He can only pick the soft persimmons first. No, but obviously, he was not very lucky this time. While catching cicadas, he was stabbed in the back by a certain oriole."

This kind of mentality is also understandable. It is an absolute materialism. When you see an idealist, your favorability will be reduced by 1000 points.

He didn't care who killed his parents, he just knew that those who used magic were bad people.

"Did the followers of the beholder find him? Did those people create that weird Reed?" Professor Xu used the airflow as a knife to dissect a witch-hunting beast, and now he had time to speak.

"No." X2.

Deathstroke and Doom gave their answers at the same time.

Doctor Doom did not play the game of asking for a soda drink with Deathstroke at the same time. He snorted and began to play the information in the data storage, allowing Deathstroke to explain.

Since he said this, Su Ming naturally had his own basis. He said calmly:

"The beholder looks like a giant jellyfish or starfish with eyes, but that is just one of its incarnations, just one eye on its body. It is an old god with thousands of eyes, so the eyes All the demon's dependents are weird creatures with eyes all over their bodies. As for the Reed we killed before, he could only secrete mucus, but he didn't have extra eyes."

Even the Materialist Empire, a force that rebelled from the dimension, left a lot of 'eyeball traces', one-eyed robots, one-eyed androids, etc. Their spaceship should also be in the shape of a big eyeball.

This is the childhood memory left by the surviving orphan, which cannot be erased.

Each ancient has a different style. Although the beholder raises humans and cultivates crazy dependents, it never sends its dependents to the battlefield. It prefers to do it by itself.

Just its arrival in a reality can affect the flow of magic. The energy disturbance can make most magic equivalent to scrapping, and even make most magicians feel telepathic and can hear meaningless whispers coming from the void. , leading people to madness.

So if it was it, Deathstroke would have known about it a long time ago, instead of having to trace the clues like it is now, which is so laborious.

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