The Death Knell

Chapter 3057 Crazy Dream

In human exploration of unknowable areas, the paths chosen are different, and the results obtained are naturally different.

Some people excavate ancient ruins deep into the ground, hoping to obtain revelations from the oracle. Some people look into the boundless universe to explore the changes in the starry sky, hoping to find the answer to the fate of mankind.

All these are getting closer and further apart due to the development of science.

The highest level of mystery breaks people's minds in extremes. After being tempered by nightmares, cancerous tissue flows out of the rusted metal and drips on the fiery fear, sublimating into scenes of horrific scenes where the power of technology and sinful souls are mixed. .

In the deserted dusk, there is a mysterious fear and an indescribable horror.

The inside of the head of the Galactus Engine is full of this kind of deformity that makes people feel inexplicably magnificent and terrifying.

His brain tissue has all melted, or evolved. The fluid bags like herpes and sores are spread everywhere, and the tentacles formed by nerves and blood vessels are wrapped around some machines and equipment that are still running, like life. Combined with metal.

The rusty mechanical device squirmed slightly as a result, expelling frightening gas and mucus. The putrid smell permeated the limited space, and deformed life growths wrapped around everything, like vines clinging to a big tree.

Among these living mechanical devices, there are parts of insect bodies, human organs, and some outlines and images that cannot be remembered but are still vivid.

They are all still alive, but they have also entered a larger collective in the process of their flesh and blood turning cancerous and melting. They scream and are intoxicated in great love, as if they have left impressions that have passed by in an endless dream.

It's like the afterimage of someone's cloak, or like the cold light of the sharp blade in his hand.

The greatness of the art of life lies in its unique form of triggering and shocking fragments of people's many feelings. It can see all kinds of suppressed desires manifested in pure flesh and blood.

Perhaps these beauties of life already exist in the world, but people are unwilling to discover and acknowledge them, and instead label them as deformed and inhumane, making art subordinate to human ethics and conform to human wishes.

But the truth is right in front of us, the truth of the universe. The rulers from ancient times have never left. They always watch everything with love, waiting for the stars to return.

People may think that all this is a ridiculous nightmare, but as living creatures, they cannot resist the beauty of life and their awakened recognition of the evil of human nature.

Maybe as long as you take a glance, you will be attacked by creepy nightmares, and you will lose everything in madness, but embracing love is far better than any rational decision...

"Tony! Come to your senses!"

Deathstroke slapped Iron Man on the face after he lifted the mask. After entering Galactus' head along the spine, Tony floated in a daze at the entrance where the blood was flowing. His eyes were about to burst, and the small smile on his lips The beard also trembles non-stop:

"If you want to go crazy, you have to wait until you complete the task I assigned you."

Maybe this slap is refreshing enough, maybe the strangulation invades the brain and really helps to stabilize the mood. In short, Tony wakes up. He almost fell into the never-ending dreamland just now, sharing dreams with the gods of the past. .

The smarter a person or an artist is, the easier it is for them to form a spiritual resonance with the ancients. Iron Man, maybe he is good at 'body art'?

Anyway, he was active among many undressed beauties almost every night, performing the most basic human activities - performing rituals to create new life, and then using technological films or drugs to kill this possibility.

With kidney deficiency, it’s not surprising that he would have nightmares, but I just don’t know what he saw?

"Phew! I'm fine! Thank you Slade, I seemed to be hallucinating just now."

Tony covered his face and fell to the ground, breathing heavily, but looking at the deformed and twisted environment around him, he could no longer feel the call.

Su Ming was a little curious. His willpower was too strong and he didn't even go through the process of sanity test. He always felt that something was missing:

"What did you see? Describe it to me. Although the environment here is mechanical equipment fused with cancerous tissue, and the new mechanical equipment may have touched your g-spot, don't you hate biology the most?"

Tony opened his mouth and licked his teeth with his tongue to check if they were loose, but he still started investigating in the 'new ecological control room' after the space was cut:

"I don't know, or I forgot, it just feels like my mind has been blank for a while..."

Speaking of this, Tony's face wrinkled. It was not the first time for him to feel like this. When he was young, he would have a similar situation every time he took drugs and got high. This reminded him of his dark history.

"Forget it, I guess you will keep dreaming about it for a long time to come." Deathstroke dug into his pocket, took out a pentagonal paper box, and handed it to Tony: "Normally speaking, No matter what the evil god tells you in your dream, you just have to sing and dance, and nothing will happen to you. This is for you, eat it."

Tony took the box, and through the thin layer of plastic paper he could see a brown frog in the box. He immediately waved his hand in disgust and said:

"Hey, what is this? I'm fine, but you seem a little unconscious."

"You're almost forty years old, and you can't understand English?" Deathstroke opened the box, caught the chocolate frog that jumped out of the air, and stuffed it into Tony's hand: "Eat it if you are allowed to, it will have some impact on the current situation. improved."

"It's impossible. Even if I die and jump from here to the universe, I can't eat a voodoo frog like you..."

Iron Man refused with a righteous expression, he was so sure, but just because he was grinning with his mouth open, Su Ming slapped the back of his hand and dunked the chocolate frog into Tony's mouth like a slam dunk. .

Chocolate frog, to use a fashionable term in the food industry, melts in your mouth!

The pouting Tony immediately made a happy sound, and his mood immediately calmed down, with a comfortable and reassuring expression on his face:

“It smells so good!”

This is also expected by Deathstroke, because no one can fight against the law of truth. Of course, the important thing now is not this, but to check these strange biochemical machines around.

The space in Galactus's head is not that big, about the same as a basketball court. Compared to his huge body, it always feels a bit inadequate.

But if the guess is correct, they should be the spaces cut out by Warlock Adam, and are the keys specifically used to control the Star Eater engine.

The heart is the energy source, and the deformed and cancerous brain is the controller. The new mechanical equipment here fused with the cancerous flesh and blood should be the channel for 'human-computer interaction'.

"Is your heart stopping beating wildly? Then come here. This instrument is the largest and is located in the center of this space." Su Ming patted Tony's shoulder and motioned to come over to study. After all, scientific research is the latter's specialty.

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