The Death Knell

Chapter 3059 A strong man descends from the sky

According to his own speculation, Deadpool jumped through the corridor like a primary school student after school, entered the elevator, and then walked through the new corridor, walking all the way to the center of the ball.

This spaceship is not that big, it is about one-tenth the size of Manhattan, so it is not difficult to travel around on just two legs.

Soon, he arrived at the center of the spherical spaceship. As expected, there was a room at the end of the corridor, but at this time, the electric door there was wide open, and the room seemed dark, like a strange strange mouth. .

"It should be here. I guess the leader is hiding by the door. When I walk in, he will explode my anus hard, and then initiate a fencing request while I am weak."

Deadpool was posted on the wall of the corridor in a large shape, whispering covertly:

"But it doesn't matter. I've been prepared. As long as I roll into the control room like a ball, he won't be able to catch my weakness!"

After explaining his plan, Wade took a deep breath, then squatted down and hugged his knees, barely making himself into a ball, and then... swaying, stumbling, and rolling towards the control room at a speed similar to that of a turtle.

About fifteen meters away, he rolled for half a minute, wandering off and falling several times before he finally crossed the threshold.

The control room was not completely dark, but there was still a little light. There was a console there, and a large vertical screen was emitting not too bright light.

It's also a bit reflective.

The reason for the reflection was that there was a bald man standing in front of the screen, looking at Wade with a numb expression on his face.


Deadpool's limbs scattered after he hit the console. Of course, he immediately saw the bald man close at hand, but obviously, he was not the leader he was looking for.

He tapped his head and made a basketball timeout gesture.

"Wait a minute, I seem to be in the wrong place." Wade explained to the bald head, then turned around and walked away a few steps to communicate with the audience: "The trust level of the barrage has been reduced by one again. Didn't you tell me what a materialistic eyeball ship is?" The ruler of the empire? Why do I see it here..."

"See me here, right? Hehehehe... Compared to your cousin Deathstroke, you are indeed much simpler."

The bald man behind him took the initiative to speak. He was wearing green and purple heavy-duty technological armor with a contemptuous smile on his face. A huge iron hand reached out from behind to grab Wade's shoulders.

"Gu!" Deadpool swallowed, slowly turned his head, and showed an awkward yet polite smile: "Hello, Mr. Luther, it turns out you are here, I didn't even notice you just now, haha."

Yes, the person who appeared in the deepest part of the materialistic empire ship was not the bald man Wade originally planned to come to see, but the first one on the 'bald villain list', the extreme humanist, Lex Lu Se.

Luther also smiled and hugged Deadpool's shoulders without any disdain, dragging him to the side to find a chair to sit down on:

"I know you have a lot of questions, and I will answer them slowly, but you have to understand one thing, Wade, Batman is not Deathstroke's ally...I am!"

"Huh? Really?"

Deadpool asked for a timeout and asked for intelligence support from the audience in the live broadcast room, and quickly got the answer.

How should I put it? Rather than being his cousin's ally, it's more like his defeated general who has given in.

"Of course it's true. Although Deathstroke and I had some minor conflicts, we have since reconciled." Luther asked Wade to sit still in the chair, but he stood up and gave a speech: "Slade Like me, we all believe that humans are better than aliens, unlike Batman, who is too tolerant of alien monsters."

Deadpool blinked: "But are you still human now?"

"Of course it's a human!" Luther was not angry. Instead, he showed off his transformation skills and turned his face into a blue-grey look: "Although I have some genes from Martians mixed in, I have a human heart. Nothing like Superman.”

Speaking of this, Luther seemed to remember a joke and snorted coldly.

Because they say Superman has a body of steel and a heart of gold, but how can any normal person have a heart of gold? Also, Superman is too perfect. It is impossible for a human being to be perfect. Even Luthor himself has no hair!

So it is concluded that Superman is not human.

"Okay, you have the final say if you have money." Deadpool scratched his head, then scratched his butt, put his fingers under his nose and smelled: "But how did you get here? This is Earth 10011, with multiple distances Earth 1 and 0 are separated by countless walls."

Faced with such disgusting actions by Deadpool without a mask, Lex was still calm. His willpower was also very strong and he was able to exempt himself from the effects of nausea. He said:

"What Batman can do, I can do, and do it better than him."

In fact, he really didn't come from the Hero Cafe. Luther is a scientist. He hates uncertain things like magic even more than bats.

Therefore, in fact, he just followed Batman, discovered his actions, and followed him.

As for how to do it, it is very simple to say.

After Perpetua died, her inheritance, the Divinity, fell into Luther's hands.

It was a spaceship that could travel through different universes. It was even designed and built to replace the sixth dimension and become the new master control room of DC Multidimensional 1.

But that was all in the past. For Luther, the greatest role of this spaceship was as a tool to re-practice the path to transcendence.

Destruction doesn't work, so Luther should try another way. Scientists always have to do experiments, not to mention the origin wall is broken and the innate conditions are sufficient.

So, Batman came, and so did he.

At this very moment, the Divinity is located in the outer ring of the Marvel Multiverse, suspended next to the Ghost Universe.

And unlike Batman's ulterior motives, he really came to help Deathstroke, and of course, he also wanted to share some of the loot...

But that has nothing to do with Deadpool.

After listening to the bald scientist's answer, Wade nodded repeatedly, as if he understood:

"I see, but where is the original owner of this spaceship?"

"After I teleported him out of this universe without death, I killed him like a chicken, and stuffed all his junk into the furnace for reuse... At the same time, I had I have obtained a lot of information about this universe. A robot named Vision is not too honest. While cooperating with Deathstroke, he also cooperates with the leader of the materialistic empire."

Luther took out a small suitcase from the dark side, took out a bottle of wine inside, and waved it in front of Deadpool:

"You dare to sell information to mercenaries to two companies. Do you want to make a profit in the middle? It's really asking for death...but not anymore. Well, Wade, do you want a drink?"

"I never refuse a good drink, especially now that I happen to be a little thirsty. Mr. Luthor, you are such a good man." Deadpool happily patted the bald man's thigh. Of course, he liked the same thing more than Batman. Luther is rich and generous.

"You're welcome, we are friends, just call me Lex."

Luther narrowed his eyes, looked at the rotten avocado with a smile, and raised his glass gracefully.

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