The Death Knell

Chapter 3065 Successful Promotion

"Hey, do you know where Lord Marvel is? I have a good baby for him!"

On the streets of New York, Deadpool was sneaking around carrying a box. Whenever he encountered a meat ball or piece of meat, he would approach anyone with one or hundreds of eyes, open the box and give it to them. look.

How should I put it, I always feel like this is either a drug dealer or a pimp.

He had no choice, he didn't know how to do business, and he had no experience in shouting and selling. He could only make a living by imitating the businessmen he had seen in nightclubs in the past, trying to sell the two heads in his hands.


The passing deformed human body had five heads and its lower body melted like mud. He answered Deadpool in a language he couldn't understand, and then slowly continued his aimless wandering towards the distance.


Deadpool, who was a little thirsty after talking, walked to the side of the road, found a broken staircase covered in flesh and blood, sat down, took out wine from his pocket, drank it to moisten his throat, and said to the communicator:

"Lex, your method doesn't work. I can't communicate with them at all. These pieces of meat have no sanity at all, and they have no desire to buy at all. Have you ever seen a salesman who can sell ecstasy pills to Superman? It's impossible. .”

"No, it must be useful." Luther, still hiding in the invisible spacecraft, commanded remotely. He replied calmly: "According to my speculation, all flesh and blood in this universe are connected, and can even be regarded as one Overall, then you just need to keep trying and accumulate enough times, and you will definitely be noticed.”

As long as it is a living thing, it will definitely respond to external stimuli.

According to past experiments, even a tardigrade will have the instinct to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages as long as it is frequently stimulated with electric current.

What Deadpool has to do now is to stimulate the world again and again.

Rather than showing those two heads to Lord Marvel, it is better to show them to the world, to show the polygons.

Although as a scientist, Luther didn't quite understand what the Old Ones were, but he thought they should be similar to devils like Satan?

As Lord Marvell is a servant of the Demon King, doesn't it mean that he must obey orders issued by his superiors?

As long as the Old Ones are interested in Deadpool, Lord Marvel will have to respond.

If someone else comes, Luther will cooperate with Deadpool to kill the other person, or in other words, change the other person to a living form.

"Okay, but you don't understand what I mean." Deadpool rubbed his fingers, hinting at something.

For professional mercenaries, nothing is impossible, but efforts and rewards must be proportional...

Luther, who was remotely monitoring Deadpool through the eyeship, laughed, which was what he expected. After all, as a mercenary, who doesn't want benefits?

"Just try your best. When things are done, I will help you buy an apartment in Gotham, with a total value of one hundred thousand dollars. You know, even your cousin Deathstroke can't afford a house in Gotham."

Deathstroke can definitely afford it. All the money he got from Batman has been invested by Barbara. He probably doesn't want to live in a city with mental patients like Gotham.

But... Deadpool is a psycho, so that's fine.

"Really? Hehe, you are such a good friend, Lex." Deadpool immediately became excited. The last house he owned was given to Inez during the divorce. Now he doesn't even have his own house. Luther's This suggestion hit the very tip of his heart: "If you continue to be so kind to me, I will definitely fall in love with you, even if you are a gay, I don't care."

"...I'm not gay!" Luther frowned.

"Huh? Isn't it? I'm moved by the relationship between you and Superman. It's like Batman and the Joker, Barry and the Reverse-Flash, Shazam and Black Adam, Aquaman and... uh, Aquaman and who. Coming? That’s not important, anyway, it’s about falling in love and killing each other, which makes people moved.”

Deadpool seemed to feel love, he gently rubbed his crotch and wiped away the tears of emotion.

"Phew! Arthur's opponent is the traitor Black Manta, but our relationship is more complicated than you think, and it is not the situation you think in your rotten mind. Now shut up, someone is heading towards where you are. The location is gone, and I detected an energy reaction."

Luther covered his forehead. Although he only spent a short time with Deadpool, he felt an indescribable fatigue.

He had never felt this kind of feeling before, it was because he was tired.

Speaking of someone coming, Deadpool also took out the two guns given by his cousin and prepared for them. After all, he never loses control.

He also recognized the person who came. He saw a portal with a golden halo opening, and a figure walked out of it. It was Strange who was wearing a dirty robe and a mustache.

This Doctor Strange is so thin that only his bones are left, and his eyes are sunken and extremely large. To Deadpool, he definitely looks like a Japanese comic.

But when looking at the tentacles growing on the opponent's back, the cuteness seems to have shifted. These tentacles are still more cute, and the frequency of their rhythm is like dancing with water plants.

"Strangler often dances that dance for fun. It's quite cute." Deadpool turned to explain his thoughts to the audience, and then scratched his butt with the muzzle of his gun: "Doctor Strange, is that you?"

Strange didn't answer, just pointing to himself, and then to the box under Deadpool's arm.

I don't know whether it was blood or sweat, but the suitcase was all wet.

Deadpool nodded repeatedly, but did not hand over the box. Instead, he asked seriously:

"Did Lord Marvel send you here? If he wants the things in this box, he should come and tell me in person. If he doesn't tell me, how do I know he wants it? If he wants it, And why did I send you who can't speak? But why on earth don't you want to call me Wade again? When we looked at the moon together, you called me Xiao Tiantian, but now you can only sign language, you are like this I can't give you the box. It's my fault if I give it to you. After all, it will encourage the arrogance of being impolite, which is not good for the country and society, as well as the planet and the universe. Come on, learn how to be polite first. , when you see an acquaintance, you should say hello first—what’s your mother’s surname?”

The other party didn't speak, so the space was freed up, and Deadpool immediately talked ten times more nonsense than before.

But it can actually be summed up in one sentence: ‘Want a box? You do not deserve! ’

In short, not only Doctor Strange, who was facing him, was livid with anger, but even Luther, who was monitoring remotely, had a bitter look on his face.

They have never seen such a mean person.

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