The Death Knell

Chapter 3073 Materials arrived

When he arrived at his cousin through the teleportation belt, the scene was chaotic. Deadpool, who was floating in space, suddenly felt suffocated. He quickly took out a fish tank from his trouser pocket and put it on his head.

With a bang, the round fish tank allows him to breathe in space, which makes sense.

In the distance, I saw the remains of the Galactus engine still spewing fire and flesh fragments. Not far away, there was a woman wearing a red one-piece swimsuit with blue-grey skin chasing Lord Marvel desperately. The familiar Captain Marvel Carol Er feels a bit like an outsider. She wants to intervene, but can't find a suitable angle.

"You killed him! I'm going to kill you!"

"Two lines of blood and tears flowed out of that woman's face. She was obviously very sad." Deadpool scratched his butt, stretched his body in the air, floated and watched, and said to himself: "Who can explain it to me?" What's going on? Why do I feel like I'm missing so many scenes?"

"Stop talking to yourself and come with me." The invisible death knell suddenly spoke. The sound penetrated into Deadpool's ears along with the vibration of cosmic energy, shaking out a lot of earwax.

"Slade? Where are you? I can't see you!" Deadpool sat up and turned his head around, looking for the source of the sound.

"You don't have to ask where we are. Now tell me, what's going on in Vision and Ultron's heads?" Su Ming and others were actually floating on Deadpool's head, wrapped in the magic floating cloak to remain invisible.

In fact, the plan went quite smoothly at the beginning. Lord Marvel had arrived. Su Ming planned to let Carol restrain him from the front, and then several mages would jointly cast spells to hit the Lord from behind.

But Marvel came with a gift, two robot heads.

Wanda went crazy when she saw the familiar red, yellow and green head, and rushed out to fight the lord, which ended up like this.

Su Ming observed more carefully. It didn't look like the two robot heads had been cut or pulled out by external force. It looked more like someone had turned them off first, and then used a screwdriver to disassemble them properly, keeping them as intact as possible. of.

Lord Marvell does not have this ability, not to mention that he should have just been awakened and had no time to deal with the trio of machines.

The Vendettas are even less likely. If they really manage to get rid of the trio of machines, they will bring the Galactus Engine and give it to Adam Warlock, who is equivalent to a strategist.

Then after these people's suspicions are eliminated, the only variables left are outsiders such as Deathstroke.

The others were always around, so that's what the cousin did.

Speaking of which, Deadpool can't even repair a car, but if he wants to be able to dismantle robots, that would make sense.

"This is a long story." Deadpool sighed and blew a blur on the inner wall of the fish tank: "Luthor is here, it's all his doing. We originally planned to use the machine head as a proxy and chop it off. Lord Marvel’s balls.”

" he really here with this Batman..." Su Ming hugged his arms and said something unclear: "But the plan can't be like this. The bald man's plan definitely doesn't involve anyone else. Xia Sanlu, although he claims to be the smartest human being, in fact he has always looked down upon human reproduction."

"It's obviously what he said. Only you people from DC can be so dark." Deadpool recalled it and was very sure.

"It doesn't matter, where are the others?" Su Ming skipped competing with an amnesia patient.

"On Earth, Thanos of the cancerous universe is dead. After his spaceship, the Temple II, crashed, it was used as a temple by Lord Marvel. Luther and I went to his bedroom to find him. Originally, I I went to the dreamland, but I got sidetracked. I met a faceless and kind-hearted man who was completely black and had a big hole in his chest. He said that Marvel had returned to reality and asked me to chase him quickly."

Wade pinched his nostrils, and Deathstroke should already know what happened next. Lord Marvel had just received the death anniversary gift from Deadpool and hurriedly entered the universe.

"Forget it, Luther is not a problem. He seems to be planning to go back to the path of transcendence again." Deathstroke shook his head and stopped delving into the matter of the bald head: "But you happened to be here, so don't move, I'll let you The mages will do some preparation work on you."

"Huh? What preparations?" Deadpool tilted his head.

Su Ming took out a bottle of golden mucus from his pocket, which was a gift he had received in the negative universe, and then he took out a bottle of red thick juice, which was a specialty of the cancerous universe.

He handed these two things to Doom next to him and said something into the other person's ear.

Doctor Doom's mask can reveal his two eyes. You can see that after hearing Deathstroke's words, his pupils dilated, and then he communicated in a lowered voice:

"Dum is not sure if this is possible. Seance rituals are generally used by gypsy witches, and I have never heard of anyone who dared to be possessed by the ancient one."

"Don't worry, Victor." Su Ming patted the steel shoulder under the green cloak: "Anyway, the material is my cousin, and he can't die. What are you worried about?"

"I'm worried that it will be painful." Doctor Doom took two bottles of materials. They are the medium for communication between people and the ancients. Flesh and body fluids are symbols of life, which is love in this universe: "He may scream. Very loudly, the spirits may no longer be connected to each other, and all kinds of terrible sequelae will accompany him throughout his life, and he will never have peace in his dreams..."

"That's even better. You still don't know enough about Wade. He actually likes fun the most."

Su Ming explained with a smile and nodded to Professor Xu, mainly explaining to her:

"His mind was like an always noisy amusement park, playing in his dreams when he slept. As for the pain? Not to mention, his nervous system had long been rotted by cancer, so all he had was his penis and eyeballs. There is almost no pain at all except this area.”

"Can people still live like this?"

Professor Xu lowered her head and looked at Deadpool, who was scalping the crowd below, like a stranger looking from the upper berth of a train to the lower berth. She wanted to secretly inquire about something.

But Doctor Doom shook his head and interrupted the conversation between the two:

"What Doom means is that Deadpool may scream during the casting process. Just in case, we should plug his mouth or pull out his tongue."

"Cover your mouth, he is my cousin after all... His tongue is too dirty, the coating on his tongue is thicker than the paint on the exterior of the White House, and his breath smells worse than any sewer. Anyway, I can't treat my relatives My cousin performed the art of tongue pulling."

Su Ming closed his eyes in pain, saying that he could not be cruel to his cousin. At the same time, Strangler appeared on his shoulders in the form of bean sprouts, and two thin tentacles made an 'X' in front of him. symbol, indicating that it is not dry either.

"Um...cousin, I can actually hear you guys whispering, but can't I just cover my mouth?" The white eyes on Deadpool's mask blinked rapidly a few times.

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