The Death Knell

Chapter 3077 Opening the Heavenly Gate

Lord Marvell's ritual progressed very quickly, and the brain in his hand had already grown tentacles and wings, flying towards the top of the crack, exploding in the sky like fireworks, and a large amount of blood mist enveloped him.

He lowered his blood-stained palms, covered half of his face tightly, and shouted:

"Hahahaha, here we go, friends, remember this great day, this is your honor! Let the gods witness that our love and blood will last forever!"

"No matter what he plans to do, I don't feel good." Carol exhaled and whispered to Deathstroke: "Are you sure your plan is okay? The space in this universe has begun to fragment. Maybe it won't last long. They will drag us to be buried together."

Just like taking a boat, if the boat hits an iceberg in the sea, many people will still die even if there are lifeboats.

"Ah, no problem. Generally speaking, if two rituals are held at close range to sacrifice to the ancients at the same time, one of the hosts will always be unlucky." Su Ming calmly watched Marvell in the rift continue the ceremony, even He put away his weapons: "I believe that Deadpool is far more popular than Captain Marvel who should have been dead for a long time, so love can sometimes be selfish."

"I'm not too worried." Daisy wiped the nosebleed with her fingers. She had been slapped a few times by the tentacles just now: "After all, if Thanos can come, he will definitely have a way to leave."

"Hmph, you are quite smart, Female Thundergod." Zishu sneered and affirmed: "But why do you think I will take you away instead of letting you die here?"

Daisy pointed to her face and then to Death Knell: "If you can't deal with Lord Marvel here, then back to our universe, without us, can you protect the Goddess of Death yourself? Be realistic, big guy .”

"You are different from Thor." Thanos put his hands on his back and looked at Lord Marvel's ceremony: "But the Master Supreme is so calm, which means he is sure. I want to see his plan before making a decision. "

Su Ming smiled and patted Thanos' arm, his purple skin as strong as steel: "We have met once in the past, and you have quite a lot of confidence in me, but you are right, so do I. I want to see if there are any exciting scenes in Marvel’s ceremony.”

While speaking, Lord Marvel finally had enough breath. He raised his head and shouted into the crack:

"Hail, long live! Cthulhu! fhtagn!"

As the words fell, the dark crack in the universe suddenly brightened, and a monster emerged from the ripples like the sea.

He has a vague outline of a human, but has a head like an octopus with many tentacles. His body is like a gelatinous substance covered with scales, with giant claws, and a pair of narrow wings behind him. A bloated and fat body, dripping with mucus, a huge green body staggered out of the dark opening and walked into people's sight.

Except for Thanos, Deathstroke, and Doom who was hiding in the distance, several normal human heroes groaned.

Just the appearance of the ancient man's projection caused them all to have a physiological and instinctive fear reaction, and even Tony, the most inspired person, started to panic on the spot.


Although the weapon has been upgraded, the basic function of the transforming pan has not changed. Deathstroke knocked Tony unconscious with one pan, so that he was safe.

Despite this, Marvel was just getting started, and he continued to shout great and powerful names:

"The Black Goat of the Thousand-Breeding Forest! Shub Nicholas! fhtagn!"

A huge rolling and festering cloud appears in the space crack, constantly squirming. The cloud may come together to form various organs, such as slimy black tentacles, a mouth dripping with mucus, or twisted short legs.

From the source of darkness to the abyss of the starry sky, from the abyss of the starry sky to the source of darkness, it seems that all the noise in the universe is a praise to Him.

"Father of millions! Nyarlathotep! fhtagn!"

The huge supreme god dances slowly, clumsily and absurdly, accompanied by the abominable beating and screaming. He is the lurking chaos appearing in the gaps of space, transcending the realm of light and darkness, reaching straight into the incomprehensible Too restrained.

He also comes with his own BGM, which is the sound of crazy beating of giant drums, and the subtle, monotonous, and blasphemous timbre of the flute.

I don't know if it's an illusion, but the huge shadow is stuck on the narrow crack in space, using the pus-filled compound eyes on his chest to peer into the real dimension, but it seems to be giving Deathstroke a wink on purpose.

Su Ming sighed secretly in his heart.

Good guy, if it were anyone else who received the huge flow of information coming from the eyes, then the whole village would be waiting for the food.

"Yog-Sothoth! fhtagn!"

"Abhoth! fhtagn!"

"Shuma Glash! fhtagn!"

"Ghroth! fhtagn!"

"Tulzcha! fhtagn!"

As paragraphs of praise and holy names came out of Lord Marvell's mouth, he shed tears of blood and laughed at the same time. The ancients summoned accordingly also descended on the other side of the rift in the space in their avatars or incarnations. , that twisted and indescribable body occupies all people's attention and mind.

Even Thanos was speechless. He could feel the terrifying power of these existences, but he didn't know how to deal with it. He could only open his mouth in a daze and look at those figures with distracted eyes.

But Su Ming tilted his mouth.

How should I put it, it was really shocking at first. After all, there are not many opportunities to see so many ancient beings in the Marvel Universe.

But Marvel seemed to show off too much. He called thirty or forty ancient people to come over to cheer, but he did not arrange enough seats for them, causing these big guys to crowd into the space rift.

If you stretch out a few eyeballs and I stretch out a few tentacles, it should be uncomfortable, right?

In short, it looks like the entrance to a Tokyo subway car during off-duty hours, or a sardine can with only a crack opened. It is packed with people on the other side, but there is nothing here.

Each ancient person showed only a few claws, but it didn't seem so scary anymore, it just felt funny.

But the madman had no self-awareness. He turned around and looked at the ancient ones. Under their gaze, he knelt down in the universe and raised his hands high:

"Polygonals! Please grant me a powerful weapon, a weapon that can prove love!"

Needless to say, the ancients were still very good-tempered. Even if the arrangements were so ill-conceived, they would not complain at all.

A ball of pus-like sticky stardust dripped from the cracks in the space, fell into Marvel's hand and began to change, gradually revealing a shape like the handle of a knife, and began to extend in the light.

"Now, Doom, let's do it."

Faced with all this, Deathstroke just took out a miniature Doom robot that looked like a handicraft and said a word in the little robot's ear.

The next second, the sky and the earth suddenly changed, and the space crack next to Lord Marvell


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