The Death Knell

Chapter 3080 Crazy Compromise

What exactly happened in Deadpool's mind, no one knows.

What everyone could see was the mercenary with a rotten face, as if he had eaten the wrong thing. He was vomiting and having diarrhea while dancing various dances on earth.

When he jumped to the happy point, he was overjoyed. He even scratched his ears and head like a monkey, tearing off large pieces of skin and flesh. It was a veritable 'striptease'.

At first, everyone was still concerned about his condition, but after he danced for three hours, several ladies started to yawn.

"Can't dance as well as Star-Lord."

Daisy, who was sitting on the flying carpet, said this because she thought gigolos were the professionals.

"I'm not familiar with Star-Lord, but I think raccoons are quite cute, but their mouths are a bit dirty."

Carol recalled the Guardians of the Galaxy and reached out to grab a handful of melon seeds. Although the little raccoon Rocket never had a good look on her, she liked furry animals.

Monica was a little embarrassed to eat the self-heating hot pot. It was her first time to have a picnic in space. Although the surrounding environment was a little messy, she still cherished this opportunity. She said:

"Ladies, when we go back, can you introduce some more superheroes to me?"

The female Thor took an ice cream from the plate in the center of the flying carpet, and she agreed generously: "Of course, I can take you to see Miss Poole and Hela when we get back."

"Hela is a god of the underworld. It is best not to see Meow in the living world." Professor Xu added.

"Actually, she's not a bad person, but she's just too homely." Daisy was kind-hearted and even put in a good word for Hela.

Several women were chatting like this, with clear laughter from time to time. The special enchantment on the magic floating cloak allowed them to enjoy a life like home in space.

The unconscious Tony was thrown on the side of the flying carpet, rising and falling with the rhythm of the universe. A meteor passed by from a distance, and the light reflected on his silver faceplate, as if crystal tears were flowing down.

Thanos has left. He left eagerly and happily. It seemed that he planned to 'accidentally leak' and let Death know that Deadpool was going to marry another woman.

Only Doctor Doom still had his arms folded, floating beside the flying carpet with Deathstroke, observing Deadpool's movements very responsibly.

"Dum thinks it has been successful. At least Wade has stabilized the tentacles of the gods reaching into the reality."

As the doctor said this, he took out a small portable device and looked at Deadpool like a thermometer. Even Su Ming couldn't understand all the parameters on it.

"It seems so, but the problem of this universe has not been solved yet. Have you discovered it?"

It doesn't matter if you don't understand this magical technology equipment, Su Ming can say something else.

"Yes, on the one hand, it may be because Lord Marvel has not really died. On the other hand, without death, the rules here are incomplete." Doctor Doom crossed his arms, and he understood this.

Deathstroke nodded, then shook his head. He removed his mask and looked at the gradually disintegrating Star Eater engine in the distance: "I'm still useful in the cancerous universe. It doesn't need to die. That's not what I'm talking about."

"Then you are talking about the laws of physics, right?" Doctor Doom also picked up the topic, and his tone of voice did not change: "Doom discovered that the world does not seem to be completely crazy."

"Then you and I should go to Earth?" It would be a good thing if someone could follow the train of thought. Su Ming moved his neck and looked in the direction where the solar system was suspected to exist.

"New York." Doom also understands it very well. Anyway, if you have any questions, it's always right to check New York first.

After arranging for Professor Xu to stay in space and continue to stare at Wade, Su Ming and Doom arrived in New York on Earth through the portal.

While the Ancients were enjoying Deadpool's 'novelty' pleasures, the Cancerous Universe was like an abandoned toy to them, where all kinds of magic could be used without interference.

As for what Doom said about "the world is not crazy enough", he was indeed on point. I don't know how Doctor Doom found out, but Su Ming also felt similar.

A world truly dominated by the Ancient Ones would be like the Beholder's Kingdom of Blood, where all common physical phenomena would be tampered with, and science would have no use at all.

For example, water will never boil or freeze depending on the temperature. For example, apples fall from the tree but rush into the sky. For example, there is no friction on the ground and everyone can shovel infinitely.

The madness should at least reach this level, because the ancients themselves are not bound by any rules, and they will destroy all physical common sense wherever they go.

But there is no such thing as the Cancerous Universe. The gravitational constant here is the same as that of other earths. Oxygen and warmth are needed to survive in space. Light travels at a normal speed and electronic communication equipment can still operate.

There are signs like this everywhere. No matter how you look at it, they don't look like the universe controlled by the ancients.

Either the Polygon is too weak to describe, or there is another person who once negotiated terms with the Ancient and retained the foundation of technological existence in this universe.

Su Ming personally prefers the latter.

The polygon cannot be too weak. The completely fleshy earth under its feet can still maintain gravity at 6.67×10^-11 meters^3/(kg·second^2), which shows that it has been carefully adjusted. After all, the earth The mass and volume have changed, so there is no reason why the gravitational constant remains unchanged.

This is a hidden problem that the Supreme Mage has discovered since arriving on Earth 11. From the first second he arrived here, he has been secretly paying attention to this line.

After dealing with Lord Marvel, nothing has changed, so I'm afraid the mission is not over yet.

But there are no clues now, so we have to go to Lord Marvel's house to look for it.

Luther and Deadpool ransacked the place, Su Ming knew, but the things they took away were probably not what he was looking for now.

The two flew a certain distance in New York City. Doom seemed to notice something. After using a spell, he looked in a certain direction.

"Over there, Deathstroke."

Just like what he said, the two continued flying and soon crashed into a magic barrier. The scenery inside was completely different from what could be seen outside. In the ruins of the city not far away, there was a crashed ship. Giant spaceship.

Apparently, it was Thanos's former Dark Temple II spaceship in this universe, which is also the temple that Deadpool said Lord Marvel used as his home after he occupied it.

"This is it, let's go in and take a look, but why is it so smelly near the entrance?"

Su Ming landed on the broken ground corner of the spacecraft. The hole here was the passage in and out. In front of the hole, for some reason, there was a yellow sewage pool with a large number of flies and maggots in it.

This is not like the style of the ancients. Maggots represent new life, but flies do not. Generally, only demons like to play with flies.

"Maybe it's some kind of defensive measure, Doom thought, like a moat for a castle." Doctor Doom didn't say much about it. He pointed at the hole: "Let's go in. There are no moving creatures inside, so it should be safe. "

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