The Death Knell

Chapter 3082 Another Him in the World

Su Ming and Doctor Doom have never communicated directly about the direction of the investigation, because they both know that whether on the Vendetta or other lists, there is a lack of someone who understands magic and can communicate with the Old Gods, and also values ​​the basics of science and technology. .

That is Doom in the Cancerous Universe, the homologue in that other world.

Su Ming killed every one of the vendettas according to the list, and there was no one like Doom among them. The doctor himself also knows that if he had a time machine, he would not be able to die so easily when the world crisis comes.

People who are good at both magic and technology should have a tough life.

And it seems that he must have done something to be able to compete with Lord Marvell.

What Doom just found was a magic letter. The letter mentioned that Doctor Doom, the cancerous universe, had an agreement with the Polygon. He preserved Latveria's independence and technology on the chaotic earth. the basis of existence.

How he did it, and how he pleased the polygon, was not explained in the letter. The content of this letter was more of a simple notification than a matter to be negotiated with the lord.

‘I’ve made an agreement with your boss, don’t bother me in the future. ’

That's it in a nutshell.

The parchment had signs of being rubbed and stepped on, and it was obvious that the person who received the letter was not very happy.

"It is indeed Doom's style." Doctor Doom said while holding the letter, and then used a tracking magic: "If it were Doom, Doom would have taken the citizens to hide into a certain dimension. After all, reality is still too deformed. .”

"What you said is like a tongue twister." After collecting the corpse, the death knell was turning the golden bathtub filled with filth upside down and patting it. The sticky pulp inside was like jelly and was a little bit absorbed: "I can understand, but I only care about it. How is the result."

A few rays of red light and shadow flowed from Doom's iron hand. It was obviously translucent mist, but it seemed to have weight, like water flowing.

After a few seconds, Doctor Doom frowned:

"Dum can't find him. Either he's dead or he has some tricks we didn't think of."

"Oh? Is it the Tesseract?"

Su Ming became a little interested. Most of the infinite gems have restrictions that prevent them from being used outside the universe in which they were born, but the blue cube is different.

Doctor Doom lifted his cloak, sneered and shook his head: "Oh, he can hide, but Latvinia can't. We'll know it when we go there."


Originally, Su Ming planned to have a meal with Doom in this broken spaceship. After all, there were intact golden tables and chairs, and a 'band' that was not resting 24 hours a day was playing explosive music in the corridor. This condition does not exist elsewhere.

However, Doctor Doom said that he had no appetite. Although Americans said he was a tyrant and a terrorist, he really did not have the habit of eating in a sea of ​​flesh and blood, breathing the stench of rotting corpses.

He wanted to see what the situation was like in Latvinia in this universe. It would be okay if he didn't mention it, but now that he knew the news about his motherland, he always felt more tied to it.

Since they didn't want to eat, Su Ming didn't force it. After checking again that nothing should be taken away, the two of them teleported to the territory of the small Eastern European country.

This place looks no different from New York. Although it is called an autonomous territory, there are also various deformed monsters running rampant in the city, and the city buildings are also dilapidated.

Buildings collapsed, roads sunk, red carpets of flesh covered the ground like patches of bald spots, and black pus and blood flowed everywhere.

If anything, the monsters here are probably more friendly. When they see Doom's armor and green cloak, they will wave their tentacles and squeak to say hello to the king.

Obviously Doom's mood did not get better. From the moment he set foot on this strange yet familiar land, he remained silent. Only through the eye sockets on the mask, you could see the corners of his eyebrows dancing. .

"Going to the castle?" Su Ming pointed to the only building standing among the ruins of the city.

Although it looked like it was being dragged into the abyss that opened in the ground by giant tentacles, and it was stuck on the edge of a cliff, at least it was still there.

A typical medieval masonry structure, reinforced with magic, which seems to be somewhat useful now.


Doctor Doom just responded with a short syllable from his nostrils, and flew straight towards the castle. The destination was obviously the terrace on the steeple.

In the past days, whenever he took a break after work, he liked to stand on the terrace blowing the wind, watching the residents of the city live and work in peace and contentment, and at the same time observing whether there were any traitors bribed by the US government who were planning to do something. Little moves.

Although I clearly know that this earth is not my earth and this country is not my country, I still inevitably feel touched in my heart.

The two flew up to the terrace dozens of meters above the ground, and the breeze brought a pungent stench. It was a bit like the smell of the fish market when work ends every evening, but it was sharper and crueler, mixed with various rotting bodily fluids of people and fish. the taste of.

Doctor Doom didn't seem to notice. He took Deathstroke into the castle with familiarity, and passed through the security gates that were still running. He just brushed his sclera and voice and got through without any obstruction.

In less than three minutes, the two arrived at the throne room, which was a secret base located underground at the core of the castle. It was Doom's most important place.

The last gate slowly opened in front of the two people, and the sound of computers running in the room came again. At this time, the place became like a data center, with various servers and hosts almost filling every open space.

The other Dr. Doom is currently sitting on the throne with great dignity. Although he is also wearing a green cloak and a magical mask, there is a large five-mark painted with red liquid on the chest of his armor. Star.

A bright light enveloped his body and the throne from top to bottom, and the darkness formed by the shadow of the hood covered his eyes, making it impossible to see his gaze and only the outline of his body could be seen.

"Get out of that position! Open your eyes and look at the current situation in Latvinia. You are not worthy of leading the people!"

Doom, who was next to Deathstroke, took action immediately when he saw this scene. He raised his hand and an energy beam appeared. This was the palm cannon function of the suit.

Hitting and scolding, Doom rushed forward, and Su Ming sighed speechlessly.

Originally, I came here just for official business to investigate and see if I could get some advanced technology developed under the influence of the ancients. After all, the environment has become so difficult and dangerous, so the technological weapons developed should be stronger, right?

But now it has become a personal vendetta again.

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