The Death Knell

Chapter 3125 The real crisis is coming

At this moment, a car siren suddenly sounded outside the door. Miles jumped over the sofa and ran to the window.

Just as a few people were watching the TV and talking, the world outside had completely changed. Now the firelight dyed the entire street red, and countless broken figures were running wildly on the street, preying on pedestrians who were fleeing for their lives.

Just now, a car hit a telephone pole on the side of the road while fleeing. The driver with stars in his eyes screamed and was dragged out by the zombies' broken windshield, and was gnawed on the hood.

However, the sound insulation of the glass in Myers' house was so good that I could only see the man's desperate expression, but not hear his screams, which was like a mime with exaggerated expressions.

In just the blink of an eye, the middle-aged man who had been disemboweled suddenly sat up, and the zombies around him dispersed, because this man also became one of them.

Miles didn't even know what expression to make other than watching in stunned silence. Although the heirs also wanted to eat spiders, he had never seen such a bloody scene.

This is not an isolated case, but an ongoing massacre on the streets. Human beings have no ability to resist at all in front of these living corpses.

This is the United States in 1610. Almost everyone has a gun, but the guns are so powerless and futile when facing the gray tsunami of zombies.

Deathstroke's reaction was faster. When the little black spider was stupid, he pulled the boy away from the window and whispered the order:

"The chaos on the streets now covers our existence. Loki, use magic to seal the doors and windows. Skye, hack into the SHIELD satellite. I want to know the scale of this biological crisis. Jessica, just follow me."

Loki, who had been silent until now, stood up. She walked to the bed unhurriedly and looked out:

"Wow, it's really a tragic battlefield. Although I can say that I have experienced hundreds of battles, I have never seen anything so disgusting."

"Stop judging the dead. Isn't it normal to have incontinence at the time of death?" Deathstroke urged, carrying Miles to the second floor: "Use your frost magic to freeze the doors and windows. Hurry, I suspect these zombies Heat-sensing abilities may evolve."

"Oh, well, it's really sad that my majestic god has to do odd jobs." Although she complained, she still raised her hand to cast the spell, and the green-blue frost flowed from his palm like a small whirlpool. It rose up and scattered to all the entrances and exits of the entire room. Even the sewers were sealed, leaving no gaps.

Skye took out a tablet from behind his back and immediately started working while following Deathstroke upstairs.

She will hack into nearby signal base stations, then hack into communication satellites, and then attack SHIELD's backdoor. She also reminded:

"I need a moment."

"These zombies seem to have come out of the sewers." Jessica recalled what she had seen. She just took a glance and remembered a lot of pictures, so she asked Miles: "Have you ever had zombies before?" An example of city invasion through sewers?”

"No, at least not in my memory." Miles was let down, and now several people were in his bedroom, anxious like ants on a hot pot: "We can't stay here, we have to go out and rescue people."

"It's useless, it's too late." Deathstroke pulled him to the window and looked at the street below through the frozen light blue window.

Within a few seconds after a few people went upstairs, there was not even a single living person on the street. There were only zombies lying on the corpses and feasting, and newcomers who stood up staggeringly and joined the zombie tide.

"Too fast, too fast." Miles staggered back a few steps, shaking his head in disbelief: "This is not a native zombie on our planet. Our zombies can't run, and they are not so contagious. What are the sex zombies doing? Are they picking up guns and gear that people drop?"

"As I said, the current epidemic in the multiverse is a variant of the hunger virus. Jessica, tell him about the zombie classifications I mentioned. We are safe for the time being. We will observe the situation and wait for Skye's results to come out."

"It still doesn't work. Even the robots can't stop the mutated zombies."

Tony returned to the rotunda again. He was very distressed and pulling fistfuls of his hair.

At this time, the hall has expanded hundreds of times, like a giant square. There are teams coming and going almost all the time, and the cries of refugees and hysterical yelling can be heard endlessly.

Some teams encountered a clean Earth, where there was no biohazard and no bloody storms. The heroes who reported back were very happy because not all the universe had fallen.

They reminded the local heroes on the earth, or at least their peers in the other world, to be wary of the zombie virus that might attack at any time.

But at least the results are good now, and the adjutant lady also said that she would help them carry out some preventive work.

It's a pity that good luck seems to have no chance with Tony's team.

This time he took his team to the third parallel universe, a future world full of advanced cyberpunk technology, just like a city full of neon projections.

I originally thought that there would be no problems this time, but that universe soon ushered in a biochemical crisis. The virus could even infect androids and biological implants in humans.

People on that earth deployed sentinel robots to fight zombies. It did have some effect at first, but the virus quickly produced stressful changes and evolved a variety of zombies with superpowers.

Maybe a neighborhood-level ability user is nothing, advanced robots can easily handle it, but what about when there are tens of millions of super-powered zombies of this level? They have also evolved teeth that can crush even Sentinel robots.

After being defeated like a mountain, Tony wanted to help those people defend the planet, but in the end he had to run away with the survivors.

But this time because he was a little better prepared and with the help of Brainiac's skeleton drone, he rescued nearly a thousand people this time.

However, the distrust of him by the business coalition and the government still delayed the progress of the rescue operation. He could have done better, but he was delayed by those damn capitalists. This is the most annoying thing.

"I noticed that you saved a lot of people this time." The smiling adjutant floated in front of Tony.

"Alas, but more people died after all." Iron Man's eyes were a little dazed. Even when Cassandra was trapped in her base, he had never felt so powerless.

This zombie virus spreads too fast in the multiverse, and too many earths are infected. Three earths in a row are infected, which makes him lose confidence in the future.

Look at other people's teams. If you go to three Earths, at least one of them is clean. Why are you so unlucky?

"So you want a break, Mr. Stark?"

The adjutant seemed not to understand and just asked him if he wanted to rest or continue.

"Go on, now is the critical moment when we are fighting against the virus. How can I rest?" Tony walked to the basket on the side, grabbed a piece of bread and bit into it: "We will continue after we have something to eat."

"I have to go to the infirmary, my ankle is sprained." Natasha, wearing high-heeled leather boots, limped away: "Don't count me in the next round, Tony, you must be careful."

Iron Man swallowed the bread and took several sips of the sports drink: "Understood, Black Widow, you treat me first, I won't die."

"I also need to take a break." The smile on the hairless agent's face disappeared, and even his suit became tattered: "I really have to accept my old age. I am just an ordinary person. I can meddle in your affairs for a short time. But then it became a burden, let the duck help you lead the team, he is quite clever."

"Do you even need to say this?" The strange duck held a cigar in his mouth and shook his legs with a look on his face.

"Okay, AC, have a good rest." Tony checked his suit and connected it to the cable provided by the adjutant.

However, it didn't matter. There were more heroes among the rescued people. They immediately took over the positions of Coulson and Natasha. While replenishing Tony's team, they spontaneously formed dozens of new teams.

Each team carried a spider totem and quickly headed to new parallel worlds with the lofty ideal of rescuing fellow human beings.

Watching the teams return and leave one after another, the adjutant sighed. These people were the real survivors, because if the chief's guess was correct, the real crisis was about to begin.

Just as she was thinking about it, she was suddenly startled, and then projected a spherical observation of the multiverse.

I saw countless small balls representing the single universe moving irregularly. They grouped in twos and began to approach each other's 'partners', as if they were about to collide.

Red countdowns appeared densely on the icon in an instant. These were countdowns when parallel worlds were about to collide. They emitted flashing red lights, which reflected the adjutant's white face.

Here comes the diverse fusion that the Sheriff had expected.

The progress of the story within the multiverse means the increase in entropy in the general environment. This is an almost irreversible process. As long as there are events, the increase in entropy will accumulate at the same time.

Probably only through a multi-restart to realize the Eighth Firmament, which is equivalent to reinstalling the system, can everything start over.

But the multiverse itself does not know this. It does not want to die. In order to survive, the consciousness of the universe will begin to 'subtract' and spontaneously reduce the number of parallel universes in order to reduce the factors of chaos by reducing the existence of 'possibilities'.

This is the cause of multidimensional integration, a means by which the multiverse wants to save itself and cleanse the 'parasites' in its body.

This parasite is probably called a human?

The Sheriff had already anticipated this, and decisively pushed the universe behind the invasion of zombie heroes, triggering greater chaos and advancing the time of the multidimensional convergence expected to occur in 2015 by five years.

But he could save more people.

At least Earth 40K got a bye in the first round of collision, because now the remaining parallel worlds in the multiverse are an odd number, and due to the interference of Sepurk and the Ghost Universe, it was not assigned an opponent.

"I am the adjutant. This is an emergency report. Please return to the Destiny Room immediately. There are important things that need to be informed to everyone immediately."

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