The Death Knell

Chapter 3130 Parallel Thor

"There is nothing unfair. You used to be a hacker of the Rising Tide Organization. To put it bluntly, you are a cyber terrorist."

Su Ming sat at the front of the flying carpet and smoked a cigarette with a leisurely look. Whenever a zombie raised its head below, he would flick the ashes into their mouths:

"The Rising Tide organization has been digging up the dirty secrets of politicians on the Internet and making them public. They even stole the U.S. nuclear bomb launch codes and published them online. Of course Fury wants to guard against you. I'll let you suffer a little first. It's up to you. Can it stand the test?"

"It's not me who stole the nuclear bomb code, it was someone else in Rising Tide. Besides, it's useless just to have the code without the suitcase in the president's hand." Skye scratched her face with her fingers. There was a particle on her cheek. She seems to have the habit of touching the small mole: "The crime I committed in the past was to illegally spread pirated songs."

"There are also exciting little movies that spread the message of Deadpool and Alien." Deathstroke added.

Skye's face flushed, and she bit her lip: "That's because my account was hacked, it wasn't me."

Loki seemed to have been reminded of something. She looked at Miles aside: "Hey, little boy, is there a Deadpool on your earth?"

"Yes." Miles replied immediately, and his eyes on his mask also narrowed: "Deadpool is the mortal enemy of Peter Parker, the previous Spider-Man. He joined the international terrorist organization 'The Predators' and worked with those lunatics. Killing mutants, Peter told him many times that Spider-Man is not a mutant, but he just didn’t believe it and launched many terrorist attacks against Queens Middle School.”

"When you say 'had', do you mean he is dead?"

Loki became more interested. She didn't know that Deadpool would die too?

"I haven't seen it with my own eyes, but the new Captain America once told me that Deadpool was killed by Deadpool from another parallel universe. He was stabbed to death with a samurai sword from behind, so I don't have to worry about that in the future. Anti-mutant lunatics.”

As the little black spider spoke, he made a gesture of stabbing someone with a long knife with both hands, and made a "puff" sound effect in his mouth.

"Sounds pretty weak." Loki smacked his lips a few times and shrugged at Deathstroke.

Su Ming naturally knew about this. The Deadpool of 1610 died in the Deadpool Civil War and was stabbed to death by the Deadpool of Earth 616. He was so weak.

The key is that 1610's Deadpool doesn't know how to tell dirty jokes, rarely swears, doesn't do any showmanship, and can't climb over walls.

He took the wrong path and his style became 'too assassin', still the same neurotic serial killer style.

The origins of a character who is neurotic and bitter and hateful are not compatible, which makes him not popular at all. If he doesn't die, who will die?

"Not every Wade Wilson is my cousin, and don't look at me like that." Deathstroke waved his hand, signaling Loki to concentrate on his work and stop looking around: "Is that the God of Thunder down there?"

I saw a strong man in a red cloak on the roof not far away, sneaking behind an Ultron robot.

The robot was attacking the zombies on the street from a high position, and the beam cannons with both hands could not stop firing. However, Thor seemed not to care about the zombie crisis at all, and only saw robots in his eyes.

He hunched over like a cheetah, approaching his prey from the shadow of the central air-conditioning unit on the rooftop. After thinking about it, he first put down the hammer in his hand, and then pounced on the robot.

The Ultron robot seemed to have heard the wind and turned around suddenly, with a little bit of panic on its ant-like face.

But it was useless. Thor was so fast that it was not comparable to mass-produced robots. He was thrown to the ground by Thor.


Then I saw Thor pinching the robot's neck, and the robot tried to resist with a painful look on its face. The two hugged each other and rolled around on the rooftop.

Seeing this, several black lines seemed to fall on Loki's forehead, and she rubbed her face in pain:

"I don't know him, let's leave quickly."

"That's Thor, don't we need to go down and help?" However, Miles said the name and scratched his head in confusion: "But why didn't Thor fight against the zombies? Instead, he fought with Ultron's split robot A fight started?"

"Ha, seriously?" Jessica sneered, showing her dead fish eyes again, and tapped the lower part with her white and tender fingers: "He seems to be trying to strangle a robot to death. I am not from your 1610 Earth. I am now I just want to ask, can a robot in your universe be strangled to death?"

Only then did Miles realize what the problem was. Even through the mask, everyone still heard the sound of him sucking in air-conditioning from between his teeth, and he replied vaguely:

"Uh, probably not?"

"Be sure, the robot doesn't need to breathe, so pinching its neck is useless."

The corners of Skye's mouth rose crazily, but she was a SHIELD agent and had undergone professional training, so she would not laugh out loud under normal circumstances:

"Hahahaha I can't help it. Isn't this too stupid? He actually wants a robot to suffocate to death?! Oh my god, I was sad to see zombies flooding the city, but why are you showing me this again? ?”

How many people died tragically on the streets, and how many people lost their loved ones. It should be a very sad scene. Why does this happen in this city? I can't be serious at all!

"Hey, I don't know Thor who is so embarrassing. I'm afraid there won't be such a stupid person in the multiverse. Leave quickly. Stupidity is contagious and is more terrifying than the zombie virus." Loki couldn't stand it anymore. She kept urging Deathstroke to leave the cloak and stop watching the excitement.

The key is that the robot really thought it would be strangled to death. Did it think it was a human being? From a certain point of view, it is also a perfect match for the psychotic Thor.

Although they were not in the same world, the looks of the people were not much different. When Loki saw this, he felt that Thor had completely embarrassed Asgard.

Deathstroke put away the mobile phone that recorded the short video, smiled and ordered: "Adjutant, send this video to Frigga and Sif."

"Your joke is too cold." Loki rolled her eyes, and she grabbed Deathstroke's shoulders and shook her: "My mother must not be able to tell which is her son, and she will definitely be worried about my idiot brother. .”

Deathstroke put away his phone, patted his cloak and let it go: "What's there to worry about? Anyway, Thor's stupidity doesn't happen in a day or two. Thousands of years have passed, and this time is still missing?"

"That's true." Loki was convinced, and she was speechless.

"Can you forward me a copy of that video?" Jessica actually took out a small mobile phone, with a look of interest on her face. Faced with the strange looks in the eyes of Deathstroke and Loki, she blushed and explained: " I just like to watch muscular men wrestling. For a young girl like me, this hobby is normal, right?"

"It's better not to explain." Su Ming shook his head speechlessly: "Turn on Bluetooth."

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