The Death Knell

Chapter 314 Meeting

Ron floated quietly outside the earth, and no one knew what his red eyes saw.

He was once a member of the Justice League, their best friend, their family.

But he had been away for too long and had been through too much. Betrayal, black light, white light, a whole series of things.

He wanted to retire, take care of his children at home, and eat some chocolate chip cookies, but he got involved in earthly things.

He is now the president of the Justice League.

Ron knew very well that the brains of this alliance would always be Batman, and he was just a cover, a mouthpiece to facilitate communication with the government.

He once worked for the government, has psychic abilities that are good at communicating with people, and is a person whose identity is exposed, which can give politicians more security than Batman.

But he doesn't care about being used by Batman. He once saw his planet destroyed, and now, he won't let the earth end up like this.

At the same time, he guides Batman to travel underground, guides Diana to pursue the enemy's magic book, and guides Aquaman to block the enemy's retreat in the lightless deep sea.

He's doing his part to help the Justice League win.

The enemy has retreated in disarray, and the heroes have...


Ron noticed something unusual.

"Uh, Ron, something is wrong here." Cyborg and the others repelled the ape army, but found that Challenger Mountain began to shake violently, and cracks appeared on the roads and buildings in the city almost at the same time.

"The ground is cracked." Batman saw the sun shining from above in the tunnel.

"Yes, part of the ground is breaking away from the earth, and large buildings and rubble are flying up." Eagle Girl in the sky can see it most clearly. Many buildings have already risen to the same height as her. You must know that this is the stratosphere. .

"I scanned the earth's core and couldn't find the reason." Superman immediately reported the situation.

"Magic is not an inducement, Ron, we need..." Diana looked at the land flying up not far away, with various island plants growing on it.

"The whole world! It's going to..." Barry was a little unbelievable.

Ron stood up in the void, his blue cloak moving automatically without any wind: "Calm down, Barry, concentrate on recalling the situations you encountered, and I will summarize and analyze them."


"I see."

Ron's eyes flashed with light, and his super brain analyzed all possibilities. He turned around and looked at the moon not far away.

"The purpose of the apes is not to magnetize the earth's magnetic poles, but to magnetize the moon. By changing the earth's magnetic field, they pull the metal in the moon to rotate, constructing some kind of mass accelerator, and then use its reaction force to pull the earth's fragments away. "

"Crazy ideas, they are destroying the earth." Barry understood the principle immediately and complained immediately.

Ron didn't have time to elaborate with Barry, and he began to use his transformation ability: "We need to destroy the moon. I will transform into a cosmic dragon and hit the moon with a huge body. At the same time, I need you to simultaneously Detonate bombs previously buried inside the moon.”

"What? There's a bomb inside the moon? Why didn't I..." Bruce's voice came, and he seemed a little surprised.

"Bruce." Ron repeated Batman's name calmly, indicating that he had seen through everything.

"...Okay." Bruce's tone returned to a low tone. Indeed, it was his plan to store a large number of bombs inside the moon.

As a satellite of the earth, the moon can easily become a bridgehead for the enemy if captured by alien enemies. So burying nuclear weapons in it that can destroy the moon is a trump card to deal with this adverse situation.

And there are 'watchtowers' on the moon. If one day he needs to face the Justice League, these bombs will also become part of Batman's plan.

Batman is always prepared, but it looks like now is the time to put it to use.

"Thank you." Ron thanked Bruce in the psychic network. He knew that he had broken Batman's plan, but Batman still focused on the overall situation.

Ron flapped his wings and flew towards the moon in the form of a giant dragon. He was now so huge that it could be said that the moon in front of him was only about the size of a bathroom.

He slammed into the moon, knocking it out of orbit in the opposite direction. At this time, Batman emerged from the ground, expressionlessly took out a Bat-remote control from his belt and pressed the button.

A strong light burst out, and all countries at night saw the moon instantly turn into a fiery red sun. In the silent explosion, the moon turned into fragments of different sizes and completely disintegrated.

The fragments falling towards the earth were all intercepted by Ron in the air, and the pieces of land on the earth that were pulled into space also fell back to their original places in an instant.

The earth is safe, but the moon is gone.

Batman stepped onto the ground and began to take off his armor. This thing was heavy and huge, making it difficult for him to breathe underground.

"They retreated, Clark, Arthur, what's the situation on your side?"

The problem Arthur faces is more complicated. He needs to change the direction of all ocean currents and deal with the leaked poisonous water: "I still need some time here. I am calling for large marine creatures to use their power."

"No, everyone, the matter has not been resolved. We need to activate the spiritual conference room." Ron returned from the dragon form to the human form, his expression remained serious: "Now."

Everyone in the Justice League instantly felt that the surrounding environment had changed. No matter where they were just now, they were now sitting in a void of space, surrounding a huge round table.

On the round table is a cross-sectional pattern of the Hall of Justice, which is emitting a faint blue light. In fact, on Ron's planet, this is the closest word to the word 'justice'.

Yes, the Martians in the past did not have the word "justice" at all. They relied on spiritual links and only had a very small amount of words.

And the spiritual link is the source of the destruction of the Martians.

"Wow, it's so real here." Hawkgirl looked around, observing everything here in surprise.

"Thank you, Sandra. Actually, this is the first time we have used this place. The more we use it, the more real it will become in the future." Ron said calmly.

He knew that Sandra had not yet awakened her past life memories during the Metal Incident, so she was working for Wonder Savage and the Eternal Parliament at that time.

But now she had remembered, recalling the tragic past, the memory of her countless deaths at Savage's hands.

She has now surrendered with some members of the Black Hawk Squadron. For the sake of the Hawk people, everyone still accepted her.

Batman won't trust her, but her performance in recent battles has demonstrated her reliability and combat effectiveness.

Barry didn't care about that much, he hugged Ron's shoulders happily: "Hey, man, even though I know I'm just a conscious body hugging you now, I still have to do it, good job, man."

"It's not the time to celebrate, Barry." Ron's dry green skull face showed a worried look. He cupped his hands into fists, supported his chin, and rested his elbows on the table.

Although it is a space of consciousness, his powerful ability ensures that everything here is the same as real.

"I felt when I hit the moon...a greater darkness, hidden in Savage's plan." Ron explained to several other people quickly, except Batman. The people looked at him with puzzled faces.

"Yes, although this operation is large-scale, the layout is not strict and it seems to have been launched in a hurry."

Batman answered, leaning back in his chair as best he could, letting the darkness obscure his face.

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