The Death Knell

Chapter 3141 Changes

Being blown off the head by a nuclear bomb was like a breeze blowing on the face for the Transcendent Protoss. When the light of the chain reaction dissipated, the three of them didn't even mess up their hair.

Well, they're bald, so that's okay.

The leader tilted his head, touched the top of his head as if he was confused, and turned his face to look left and right:

"Where do humans get their fusion weapons?"

"Unknown phenomena, experimental variables." The other two people replied, and they gathered around the first person: "Did you just hear an explosion? There are variables in the experimental environment, and we must suspend the process."

"But the multiverse is destroying itself, and we don't have much time."

Several people were silent, they had no clue for the time being.

For the Transcendent Gods, each parallel world within the entire multiverse is itself an experiment, an experiment that simultaneously detonates the molecular men in all parallel universes to see if they can blow up the multiverse into a big fireworks.

It feels like the property management company doesn't like the current residents in the building and plans to evict them all and then replace them with a new group of customers?

After all, they cannot dismantle the large framework of the Almighty Universe. If they just attack the multiverse, it may still be controllable in their eyes.

If the primitive gods are conducting sociological experiments, then the transcendent gods are conducting physical experiments on the single universe and the multiverse itself.

Now, there are phenomena that are incomprehensible to several people in the world of Earth 616 and that are unreasonable.

I don’t understand how this nuclear bomb appeared above the heads of several people. What kind of space technology was that slight explosion?

And even though he knew that nuclear weapons would have no effect on him, the person who dropped the nuclear bomb still did it. His motives were also unclear. People with this level of technology would not do such an unwise thing.

But anyway, a mysterious man discovered their behavior and hit them with fireworks, which meant that something went wrong with the experimental plan.

Before conducting any experiment, external interference needs to be eliminated, otherwise the experimental results will be meaningless.

Destroying the multiverse is just an experimental process, and obtaining the ideal results is the goal. Their arrival was originally to eliminate experimental interference, but now there are more unknown interferences.

"I need to discuss, you guys hold the passage."

After the bald leader finished speaking, he walked back to the portal where several people appeared.

The remaining two people looked at each other, and then began to transform, from the original bald human form with flesh to the angular robot appearance.

Two huge robots were like door gods, floating in space one on the left and one on the right, guarding the passage.

On Earth 1610, Su Ming turned off the projection and touched his chin thoughtfully.

Things seem to have changed a bit, I can't tell whether it's for better or worse, but the multiverse seems to have been affected by some of its own butterfly effects?

Things were completely different from what Su Ming had seen in comics in his previous life.

Is it because the ancient ones intervened? Or is it just the time traveler effect? Or is there something wrong with the timeline of the multiverse?

In fact, Su Ming had always had a suspicion in the past. He suspected that the Transcendent Protoss was actually more similar to a Gestalt civilization, or even mass-produced by someone.

All members of the Transcendent Protoss are in a state of uncertainty. In Marvel's setting, they have no fixed appearance. They are labeled in official materials as humanoid mechanical life forms (Humanoid).

They can deform at will, and even the image of one second is completely different from the image of the next second.

So what is the basis for determining the different classes between them?

There are hierarchies beyond the Protoss, divided into the lowest level of robots, 'DeraMaris', who are the lower-level workers responsible for construction; the upper level is the civilian staff responsible for pathfinding and leading robot operations. The ones above are the professional armies 'Ivory King' and 'Virus'; at the top are the most elite warrior class known so far, the 'Ivory Monarch'.

But since everyone can transform, theoretically speaking, it is equivalent to every mechanical life form being able to become exactly the same, so there should be no class.

If you think about it, you will know that if a universe is full of people who are exactly the same in all aspects, including appearance, physical fitness, intelligence, etc., then if these people want to live in peace, it will be impossible to distinguish between classes. Will choose the path of 'equality' or 'great harmony'.

Therefore, transcending the class differences within the Protoss is more like artificial. Moreover, no matter which class they are in, they have no fighting skills at all. They purely rely on high-dimensional concepts to crush them and fight with more powerful energy.

It is known that the original Transcendent is a broken Cosmic Cube, and at the same time, all the energy of the Cosmic Cube comes from the transcendent dimension. This shows that the Transcendent Gods have the ability to transmit energy to different parallel worlds, so Su Ming has a guess.

Maybe all of them are mechanical humanoid Tesseracts?

It seems a bit outrageous, but it’s not completely impossible. It doesn’t cost any money to guess anyway.

Otherwise, will there be a light-storing sea in the transcendent dimension similar to the emotional energy of DC next door?

When there are transcendent gods who need to go to parallel worlds to do tasks, a part of the energy from this energy pool is temporarily allocated into the bodies of these members.

When you find that your combat effectiveness is insufficient, you can apply for more energy from your hometown to get a temporary upgrade; after the battle, you can return the extra energy back, and return to the transcendent dimension. Are everyone essentially equal?

If every Transcendent Protoss is a terminal of a certain Gestalt network, this wartime state is possible. Just like those prostitute androids in Contrasia, they can be loaded remotely through the network at critical moments. Killing program.

Throwing a nuclear bomb was not only an experimental interference, but also a test. Unfortunately, there was a little bit of test.

These three transcendent gods who appeared on Earth 616 have heads that look a bit like ivory kings, but they are doing the work of map makers. When they first drove away Captain America, their combat effectiveness was only at the level of a diamond. But when he faced the court, he was upgraded to the level of the Ivory King. When he threw the nuclear bomb, he only had the energy of the Cartographer level.

Now, after one is gone, the other two have transformed into the robot form of the virus, and their energy levels have increased instead.

They seem to be very cautious about the use of energy, and are always trying to avoid waste like killing chickens and cows? Are they conducting multiverse explosion experiments to find new energy sources? Are they experiencing an energy crisis?

However, these are all speculations, and Su Ming did not inform his teammates of these speculations. The transcendent gods exist beyond the multiverse. Now it is very likely that Deathstroke's own existence has affected the original history of the multiverse.

Making teammates think that the Cartographer can take down the Living Tribunal has the added benefit of making them more obedient out of fear, although this is not really needed.

"Let's go, it's almost time. Fury's team should be ready. Let's go to the opposite planet to see the Earth. I will also guide the work of the Ultimate Team." Deathstroke stood up and patted the sand behind his butt. Showing the same calm smile as always.

"I always feel that the earth on the other side will not end well. It's just a premonition, or a spider sense."

Miles sighed. He hadn't finished drinking the coconut yet, and he was opening his mouth to marvel.

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