The Death Knell

Chapter 3150: Super understanding of people’s hearts

"In general, it's a lot easier than expected." Mysterio also asked the tentacle monsters to help clean up and repair the damaged walls and furniture: "The backup plan prepared by the teacher has not been used. Doctor Doom seems not as strong as you?"

While she was talking, she jumped up to a table like a cat and sat down, swaying her legs, and took out an apple from her pocket to gnaw on it.

In fact, Deathstroke paid the highest level of attention to Doom of 616. If the poison failed, there was a backup plan to teleport all the members of the Sky Council and Kama Taj to besiege him, and a last resort plan to directly destroy the current earth.

When conveying the mission, the adjutant also told Mysterio to pay attention to the 'God Lord' Doom of Earth 616, but the girl always acted cautiously, and in the end she didn't notice any difference in this so-called God Lord Doom.

Although his own Doom was able to distinguish the opponent's Doom's true form, avoiding the Doom robot's nesting doll game, the original body was stabbed to death with a sword, which felt like a bit of a psychological gap.

Doctor Doom, who was operating the equipment and taking over the entire castle, sighed:

"That's because you didn't see the battle between him and Doom in more than 30 million timelines. In fact, Doom wanted to defeat him with his own strength at the beginning. He also communicated with countless ancients and borrowed their power. , but even if the other party doesn't have much experience in this area of ​​magic, he is still better than Doom. There is no other way but to adopt Deathstroke's plan and poison him. This is not very glorious, but the winner is king."

Mysterio didn't see it, so she didn't understand. Doom on Earth 616 was able to resist the arrival of indescribable clones. Even the battle between the two destroyed the single universe in many timelines. Doom in 40K could have the upper hand. Very few times.

The total fighting time in different timelines may be tens of thousands of years. The accumulation of massive useless information in the mind is the inducement for the opponent to wear the trophy gloves.

Because he thought he had won, his pride broke out and he wanted to show off in front of the losers, so he fell into the last pit.

Deathstroke's plan not only targeted the weaknesses of his armor, but also the weaknesses of his character, which made Doom feel a chill on his back just thinking about it now.

If it wasn't made temporarily to deal with Doctor Doom on Earth 616, then who was this plan originally prepared for?

"That's right, living people are qualified to think about things that are glorious or not, even though it's hard for me to understand the concept of glory." The mysterious guest chewed something in his mouth and brushed his long hair: "The next step is to We've taken over Molecule Man, but we don't know that person, and he doesn't even exist in our world. Are you sure you won't be a gangster?"

"This is Latvinia, this is Doom's castle, and here, everything is monitored and recorded." Doctor Doom connected his armor to the castle host and copied data from it: "Doom is learning, confidence , comes from strength.”

The girl blinked her eyes a few times and twitched her mouth: "As long as you are sure, but even if he is discovered, I guess Molecule Man will continue to cooperate with you, because the teacher said that that guy doesn't want to live at all. "

"Dum likes to have higher demands on himself." Doctor Doom tilted his head, terminated the link with the host, and then began to control the original robots in the castle to clean together.

It is true that according to Deathstroke, Molecule Man naturally has weaknesses that he can exploit, so the bomb is definitely for sure.

But Doom also has his own insistence, and it is best not to have a backup plan to avoid causing complications.

"Okay, then you decide for yourself. I will sneak back to the Limbo dimension and report the progress to the adjutant. If you need anything, call me." When the girl saw that Doom had completed the takeover, she opened her portal again. Leave with the army of tentacle monsters.

Although she kindly wanted to help clean up the battlefield, at least restore the castle control room to its original appearance before Thanos and others returned.

But one disadvantage of tentacle monsters is that they leave a thick layer of mucus wherever they pass. It feels like wiping a table with glue, and it will only get dirtier the more you wipe it.

Mysterio threw the tentacles back to her own dimension, but instead of going on guard as she told Doom, she secretly went to Sepulk.

On the upper floor between the fates, through the one-way transparent floor, she could see the people coming and going below, and the real adjutant was actually on this floor.

On the lower floor, the person responsible for receiving the refugee heroes is actually a split robot. Since even humans have LMDs to use, the adjutant naturally has something similar.

Because the current body of the mysterious doll was given to her by the police chief and she cherishes it very much. How could she use the body to contact those who are emotionally unstable and dirty at the same time?

Mysterio's soul sword was taken into her mind. She clasped her hands behind her back and jumped to the side of the adjutant. At this time, the machine AI was looking at the scene of Earth 1610 through the display screen. To be more precise, it was in Watching the knell.

Liana rolled her eyes, hugged the adjutant's waist and rubbed her shoulders: "I'm back."

"You did a good job. I saw it. The speed and concealment of this stabbing sword in the back are almost the same as those of the Sheriff." The adjutant's expressionless face instantly changed to a warm smile, and she also Touch Mysterio's head affectionately.

"Are you spying on the teacher again?"

Mao Mei lowered her head and looked at the refugees at her feet, looking at their joy as if they were surviving a disaster, as well as their confusion after losing their own earth, various complex emotions, and scenes of tragedies and comedies showing the unevenness of human nature. together.

The corners of her mouth turned up involuntarily, as if spying on others was really fun?

"It's my duty to protect the Sheriff and monitor everything." The puppet didn't think it was peeping, because Deathstroke also knew that she was always watching: "Did Doom notice it?"

"No, he completely believes that the soul is his mother, and he thanked us just now." The girl smiled evilly and blinked her eyes. The Supreme Mage of the second dimension is also the Supreme Mage. She does not rule the limbo by her sweet appearance. : "Just like the teacher said, people will always believe what they want to believe. This is one of the weaknesses of human nature, and liars will always succeed."

It was a scam. For what Doom saw, it was Mysterio and Satana who helped him find his mother's soul. Because of Deathstroke's reputation, although hell was chaotic, things were still going smoothly.

But in fact

The adjutant's head turned, she raised her hands, and countless projection screens appeared. These were the current surveillance images of each team. A string of characters flashed in her dark eyes:

"This is for his own good, because what he is pursuing is a perfect memory. In his memory, his mother is loving, powerful, and almost omnipotent, completely in line with his image of a perfect mother. But Master Merlin The found soul"

"She is crazy. The torture of hell has made that woman's soul crazy and dark. She has become a demon. I understand, that was the price she paid for releasing magic back then."

The mysterious guest who answered the question played with her hair with her fingers. Her tone was light and airy, as if she was on a cloud:

"So the teacher used the Reality Stone and the Soul Stone to create a perfect 'mother' in the Cancerous Universe, and then used the Soul Stone of Azeroth to bring her back to 40K, just to fulfill Doom's dream."

Doctor Doom was not without his doubts at first, but when the soul smiled kindly at him, he was immediately convinced.

Franklin in the Cancer Universe knows a lot of things, and he provides intelligence support to Deathstroke, such as what Uncle Doom's mother looks like and what kind of mother Doom wants.

Deathstroke just exploits people's fear of not wanting to lose again after losing something.

It's like losing your wallet, which contains all your wealth, and you are very anxious. But then someone gives you a wallet. The appearance of this wallet is exactly the same as the one you lost, and the amount of bills in it is also the same.

Do you really doubt that this is not your own money?

And another advantage of the soul is that it has no entity, so even if you want to test the DNA, you can’t do it.

If the real thing is returned to him, Doom will probably not want to acknowledge the crazy woman when he sees it, and will create a gap with Deathstroke. This is not good at this critical moment. He might as well give him a fake first, slowly treat the real thing, and then Check out the follow-up.

The adjutant nodded, then continued his work and said softly:

"So Doctor Doom, you have to keep the soul of his real mother. If Doom plans to use Molecule Man to do something that is not in the interest of the Sheriff, you know what to do."

Liana licked her lips and played with a small purple ball in her hand: "Actually, I don't like to break other people's dreams. That's too cruel, but if it's for the teacher, hahaha."

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