The Death Knell

Chapter 3152 Fishhook

Loki looked a little bored. She sat on the fence nearby, her legs hanging down and dangling. She tilted her head and asked:

"Dear Supreme Mage, can you get me some wine? I'm a little thirsty."

"Oh? Have you finished what I told you?" Deathstroke smiled, took out the wine from his pocket, and threw it to Loki.

The wine bottle spinning in the air was caught firmly. Loki unscrewed the cap skillfully and poured it into his mouth, as if he had been thirsty for a long time: "Ah, it's done. To deal with a scientist who doesn't understand magic, do you think I am?" who?"

"What are you talking about?" Jessica's little head came over and looked at the two of them suspiciously. The detective's curiosity made her more energetic: "I always feel like you have some secrets? Isn't Loki always there? Are you with us? Also, she is actually a man, right?"

A series of questions made Su Ming think that Jessica could actually work as a reporter for the Daily Bugle. It seemed that Jessica from Earth 616 had actually done this.

"Physical gender is actually irrelevant to gods." Loki wiped the corners of his mouth gracefully with his fingertips, rubbed the pads of his fingers and said with a smile: "But, who knows? I am the god of deceit. Maybe I have always been Maybe women too, hee hee."

Miss Jones twisted her mouth and touched her belly, obviously in doubt.

Although Loki is a man in many mythological stories, if that was a lie from beginning to end, she might really be a woman...

So who is at fault?

"Stop teasing her. Young people know nothing about Asgard. Times have changed now. If you say that, she will suspect that you have a deformed relationship with Thor."

Su Ming himself took out a bottle of wine and touched it with Loki.

"Hey, that is indeed a bit disgusting...but it sounds interesting. Slade, how about we play Thor together for once?" Although Loki said that his brother was disgusting, his eyes One twist later and there was a new prank idea.

It's said to be playing tricks on Thor, but it's probably aimed at Sif, right?

"Let's get through this hurdle first." Su Ming did not express his position. He looked at Spider-Woman and Skye: "How are you doing?"

Upon hearing the inquiry, Shockwave Girl raised her shoulders in confusion:

"My arms are as soft as noodles, my bones hurt so much, my abilities have been overused, ugh, I can't even type on the keyboard now."

"Ah, this is easy to solve. I have a recovery potion here." Deathstroke magically took out a small bottle and asked Jessica to feed it to Skye. Then he looked at the female agent shaking as if she had epilepsy: " How about it?"

"Well, it's exciting." Skye puffed out bubbles and said. She had never heard of the magic potion, but the taste and texture were too much like washing powder: "It might taste better if you add some fragrance."

"This is medicine, not a drink." Su Ming took her arm, grabbed her wrist and checked it, and asked as if chatting accidentally: "I heard Colson say that you have been looking for your biological parents?"

"You know the leader very well. It's true. That guy actually used the family situation of his team members as a basis for discussion."

Skye complained complainingly, obviously not wanting to reveal his identity as an orphan. Because many people think that orphans will have psychological problems, they will be discriminated against.

"Don't get me wrong, it's because Coulson knows that my intelligence capabilities are better than SHIELD, so he wants me to help." Deathstroke squeezed Skye's arm to straighten her muscles and bones, and leaned against the bridge fence. Said: "I have actually seen a woman who looks very similar to you. Her daughter was stolen when she was a child."

Skye, who was moving her arms, stiffened. She frowned and raised her fingers: "Do you think she is? My biological mother?"

"How did I know? Why don't you give me some blood and I'll find someone to do a DNA test when I get back?" Of course Deathstroke knew that Jia Ying was Skye's biological mother, but he couldn't say it yet, so he had to worry about the girl. a while.

Skye's expression became very complicated, as if she was a little expectant, but also a little scared. She opened her mouth, and it took a long time to make a little sound with difficulty:

"What kind of person is she? Are you familiar with her?"

Su Ming put down her left hand, then grabbed her right hand and kneaded it: "It's quite familiar. She lives in a valley under the Himalayas, and many of her compatriots are also together. They live a self-sufficient farm life every day. Life is quite happy.”

"You mean compatriots?"

"Yes, she is a strange person, and her superpower is rapid regeneration." Deathstroke gave the answer happily.


Skye looked at her palms thoughtfully.

At this time, Iron Man, who had finished drinking, came over. He poked Deathstroke's arm with his finger: "We are ready. Can we blow up the new earth in the sky and start construction?"

"You are too direct. You don't know what's happening on the other side, so you just say you want to blow it up?" Deathstroke seemed very resistant, with a look of compassion on his face: "I said, if possible, don't Killing innocent people indiscriminately."

"Yeah, yeah, I understand." Tony looked perfunctory, swinging his palms back and forth like a fan: "Anyway, the result is almost the same, either they die or we die. I have already calculated it, and I want to prevent both. It is impossible for two earths to collide with our technological level. If your mages don't have a better way, then we will still blow up that earth."

"Although it's a pity, it's better for others to die." Ant-Man from Earth 1610, Dr. Grant, said this. He turned into a three-inch villain and jumped on Tony's shoulders: "Seriously, I bought a new car and haven’t driven it much yet, so I don’t want to die.”

"That's right, I've met a few new girls. I just got started, and I don't want to die." Wolverine said casually while trimming his nose hair with a metal claw.

After these people expressed their stance, most of the Ultimate Team members responded, saying the reasons why they were unwilling to die, as if they were more qualified to live than people on another earth.

The only ones who didn't express their opinions clearly were the square-faced captain and the vampire hunter. Although they didn't say anything, it could be seen that they were actually leaning towards Deathstroke's statement.

Deathstroke sighed and nodded as if surrendering to the public opinion: "Calm down, I will accompany you one more time to see if there are any zombies on the other side. Fury, where is your Thor? He won't be beaten by me. You flew and haven’t come back yet, right?”

"He drank too much in the lounge. He will be too sleepy to wake up now. Don't wait for him." Luo Dan emerged from the darkness like a ghost, and the night covered with flames in the city made him look even darker. .

Deathstroke nodded, waved to his team members, and took the lead in walking towards the door leading to the deck. When he reached the door, he suddenly turned his head and asked the iron man who was following behind him:

"Then let's take action. By the way, you hope there will be zombies on that earth, right?"

"Yes, if there are zombies, we will at least feel better, although there is no difference."

The bearded man said this. Anyway, they have made a decision. As long as there is another earth hanging in the sky, they will keep bombing and have fun.

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