The Death Knell

Chapter 3165 Cleaning the battlefield

"Really? The civil war broke out in 616. Doom's progress is a bit ahead of schedule. I just don't know if Thanos and the Dark Order can withstand it for so long."

On the top floor of the Baxter Building in the zombie universe, Deathstroke communicates silently with his lieutenant through the strangled neural link.

On the surface, he was just holding a cigarette calmly, looking like a bystander.

The Ultimate Team has begun to clean up the battlefield. Those zombie cannon fodder are no match for them at all, and even the battle process is lackluster. They are now rummaging around in this building, bringing out any strange things for Tony to look at.

After all, they are both genius scientists, so he is probably the only one who can understand some of Zombie Reed's creations.

"If we want to save more people for our use in the future, why do we let Doom cause this incident?" The electrical signal passed by the adjutant was accepted by Strangler and transformed into an image on the host's retina and in the mind. in the sound.

At this time, the beautiful doll had a puzzled look on her face. Her computing power was sufficient, but there were some things that couldn't be answered by logical calculations.

"Earth 616 is special. It is also called the main world. The superheroes there are too strong. Whether it is the Dark Order or Doctor Strange, I need to contain them. The ultimate goal is to make 616 and 1610 collide. Instead of one party successfully blowing up the other team, only by staying in pairs can we keep our 40K byes until the end."

"I see, I understand. While weakening the Ultimate Team, we must also weaken the Avengers and the Illuminati. In this way, when 1610 and 616 face each other, it is best to prevent them from going to each other's earth, and to ensure their overall strength. Below 40K overall.”

The adjutant nodded, her hands folded in front of her, and her silver hair fell naturally like a waterfall.

"There is no need to be so strict. We just need to artificially create a close match. After all, there is a countdown."

Deathstroke answered silently. He exhaled a puff of smoke and narrowed his eyes:

"The collision of two earths is actually a zero-sum game, and the winner takes all. But the 'win' of other parallel universes is not good for us, or even the multiverse, so we have been deliberately creating The situation of 'duizi' and 'elimination'."

The teams that go to the parallel world to rescue people actually play the role of eliminaters, but they think they are doing the right thing by rescuing more people in the diversified integration.

They had naive ideas. After all, when there are more people, their thoughts will become all kinds of strange.

But as the zombies of the "Supervisory Team", they will use various methods to urge them to follow the path arranged by Su Ming.

Although the heroes don't know it, every time they arrive in a new world carrying a spider totem, it means they are doing the same work as the Dark Order.

It is natural that the number of parallel worlds has dropped sharply. There are now several teams working to destroy parallel universes.

The Black Swan Cult inherited by Doom and the Black Priest Cult of Doctor Strange in 616 are all teams active in the timeline. They can even go back to the past of another parallel universe and kill Molecule Man or Summon the Ancient Ones to destroy them.

The team of heroes now managed by the adjutant has expanded to 70,000. The more eager these heroes are to save people, the faster they will accelerate the demise of each world.

The people they rescued, inspired by a sense of mission and responsibility, would soon become unwitting spreaders of the virus.

People have only seen the brutal behavior of the 616 Dark Order and thought they knew the truth. But in fact, Thanos and the others have only destroyed three parallel universes so far. After all, they have to 'play', which is a bit of a waste of time.

The real main force in the secret war of the multiverse are almost all the people of Deathstroke, hiding in the darkness. Even now, under the control of the adjutant, no one has discovered their existence.

Taking advantage of this opportunity when the Transcendent Gods are entangled by the Constructor and burn the flames of war into the Transcendent Dimension, Su Ming needs to create a beneficial result of diverse integration, an established and unchangeable fact.

"There are 193 parallel universes left, Sheriff, including our 40K Earth." The adjutant showed the current structure of the multiverse. There were already vast swaths of blank space inside the big ball occupied by the void: "But the moving space It's getting smaller and smaller, and the team I control has almost reached its physical limit, and the newly rescued people are generally pessimistic about diversity and integration, and their action efficiency is average."

Su Ming thought for a second, flicked the cigarette ashes, and replied:

"So this is another reason for Doom to risk being out of touch with our plan and to speed up the pace. Find an excuse to stop our heroes and let them return to the annex where their temporary residence is. Dimension to reunite with family and friends. The fewer Earths there are, the darker the surviving Earths will be, the more competitive they will be, and the more cruel games will follow."

"Yes, the recall signal has been sent." The adjutant carried out the order, blinked his big eyes, and asked: "So, does Dr. Doom still need to be monitored by the mysterious person? According to the adjutant's calculations, he guessed the truth about his mother. The probability is over 50%.”

"It's not necessary. Really smart people know how to choose." The Supreme Mage took a deep breath of cigarette, stubbed out the cigarette butt in his hand and put it away: "My contract with him was to rescue her mother from hell, but I didn't say When will the delivery be delivered? I have completed the responsibility part of the agreement, and now, he needs to perform more performance in exchange for my healing his real mother's soul and transferring it to him."

"It's like a devil's contract, there are always literal traps, but Sheriff, is this level of restraint enough? Maybe this little scam will anger Dr. Doom."

The adjutant has become more and more like a human being rather than an Autobot. She has been deeply affected by Deathstroke, and she even feels a little unsafe at this time.

"Emotions will not affect Doom's choices. He is a profit-oriented person who is very realistic. Cooperate with me and reap benefits; fight with me and you will lose everything. Compared with anger, his fear of not losing his mother again will occupy a higher place. The advantage is that the yellow light is stronger than the red light, because anger can only burn for a while, and fear will last a lifetime."

The Supreme Mage smoked out his cigarette and felt it was enough. He also took out a bottle of wine and took a sip, silently communicating through his mind:

"In addition, I do have a backup plan. It seems that you are so busy that you have ignored some fragmentary data. Now take a look and see where Natasha is now with her 'twisted foot'."

After being reminded, the adjutant once again focused his attention on the red-haired girl and looked back at the calm Earth 40K, where the Black Widow was helping Susan to feed two children in the playroom on the top floor of the Baxter Building in New York. Doing handwork.

Not just her, but a team including Elsa Bloodstone, Polaris, Scarlet Witch and Phoenix.

No one thinks that 40K is left unattended, right? No way?

Anyway, if something happens, it must be in New York, so just send someone to squat in a skyscraper. The Baxter Building meets the criteria.

The excuse was to help Susan check the talents of the two children. After confirming that little Franklin was an omega-level mutant, everyone took the opportunity to play with the cute children for a while and talk about future education issues.

But in fact, this is ‘protective surveillance’.

As if sensing the adjutant's prying eyes, Natasha looked at the sky outside the window and blinked mischievously.

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