The Death Knell

Chapter 3167 Leaving afterimages

"It should be feasible. If the moon in this universe is about the same size as the one I know, it would be a good idea to hit the earth with the moon."

Tony is a genius. He has a strong knowledge reserve and mental arithmetic ability. He immediately gave several data:

"The radius of the moon is 1,738 kilometers, and the maximum cross-sectional area is S=π×r^2, which is about 9.48 million square kilometers, which is larger than the area of ​​Oceania."

Dr. Gran also got excited. He took Tony's hand and continued: "Its own mass is about 735 billion tons. Let alone it, even if it is hit by a meteorite with only one-tenth of its volume, If you go to the earth, the earth will be like an egg hit by a bullet, poof.”

As he spoke, he made a flowering gesture with his hand.

"So the key is the speed of impact. As long as I slightly modify the bomb, constrain the direction in which it releases energy, and change it to a slow release, I can achieve an effect similar to a propeller."

Iron Man could no longer bear it any longer and was ready to start work with a bomb in hand.

As a military industry boss, weapons are what excites him the most.

But then Su Ming added, leaning against the clean wall of the sewer, lighting another cigarette in his hand:

"Multiple fusion, space is completely chaotic, and the solar system is almost shielded from the collision, just like a one-on-one duel between two earths. However, the moon, as a satellite of the earth, has joined the process of diversification. , is now the only celestial body that can be used. Therefore, if it doesn’t work, it has to be done. Modifying its rotation angular speed may be able to change the orbit.”

Iron Man's mouth bulged, he exhaled, and nodded slowly: "I didn't expect you to even understand this?"

"I'm the Supreme Mage, so it makes sense that I can play pinball, right?" Su Ming smiled and raised his hand to indicate that Tony was ready to work: "The orbit is determined by gravity and centrifugal force. Sometimes it only takes one moment to break the balance. A straw, not to mention we are not talking about grass, but the moon."


The transformation work is not very troublesome. After all, it is limited by the limitations of materials and energy. It is difficult to make the bomb more powerful. But if you want to turn a firecracker into a "flower", you only need to fold it in half.

Of course, planet bombs are not that simple, and Su Ming is not a big tech guy. He is just giving an example.

He only saw Iron Man and Dr. Gran start working together, one using the suit as an assistant, and the other shrinking himself to make micro-adjustments. With the combined efforts of the two, the work was quickly completed.

"Theoretically, it's okay, but when it's time to detonate it, I won't stay and watch." Iron Man said a joke, rubbing his hands: "Now we should go to the moon. It's best if we don't know what's going on." We need to sleep, lest the zombie Reed finds out and interferes, or simply escapes to our earth."

"It's impossible not to be discovered. Even if it's cloudy tonight, something as big as the moon is hitting New York. It's too conspicuous." The stone man raised his fists as big as a casserole and used one as a The earth, the other as the moon, bumped in front of it.

His voice is honest and gentle. Even if you haven't seen him in person, your voice sounds like an honest person.

"Tsk, I can't care about that much anymore. It takes time for planets to collide. If there is any further delay, I'm afraid our earth will collide." Tony put away the modified bomb. There was a space behind his suit. This It's a set of engineering armor. In the past, it was where the tool box was kept.

For example, vibranium iron lifts, vibranium drills, vibranium sewer dredges, and other parts that can be disassembled on the suit.

Don’t ask why even the tools are made of vibranium, ask just because you have money!

"Now that the plan has been determined, let's take action." Lan Qi took a deep breath and slowly floated up: "How many of us can enter the universe to fight?"

"All, my ability can form a position to store air and isolate dangerous environments. Give me some preparation time, and I can let everyone survive in space."

Susan said a little embarrassedly, raising her small white hands. In the dark sewer, she glowed like white jade:

"I can't take you to the first cosmic speed. I can simply allow you to survive in a vacuum environment. At least you don't have to worry about it on the moon."

Facing everyone's gaze, she looked very shy, but with a little bit of pride on her face, like a little sister waiting for praise. People would not have thought that she was the mother of two children.

The response of the Ultimate Team did not disappoint Su Ming. In Carol's absence, the male heroes in this team were unable to resist Susan's charm. At this time, all kinds of nice dog-licking speeches were like free money. Throwing it at her made her become the strongest hero on Earth.

But it’s almost the same. In a series of events in the early years, the Scarlet Witch in 1610 died, the Phoenix died, all the powerful female heroes with names died, and only Carol was left to hold up half the sky.

Now that the square-faced captain is seriously injured and retired, Susan has indeed become the strongest female hero of 1610. She also has a smart head full of various tea arts.

"Pause your compliments ma'am for a moment. Are you ready to go? Let's move quickly."

Those flattering words were really too disgusting. They only praised her abilities. These people also started to compliment Susan's beauty and gentleness.

Looking at the proud expression on the face of the stone man next to him, Su Ming found it hard not to laugh. In fact, these people were all coveting his wife's body.

"Yeah, I'm not as strong as you say." Susan also smiled and waved her hands, looking modest.

"Come on, everyone, come up on the flying carpet." Deathstroke took off his cloak and nodded to Loki behind him: "Here is a magic for exiting, the one you usually use, the one that is mysterious and confusing."

I don’t know what that magic is called, I can only describe it this way.

The black-haired beauty who raised her hands to form a seal said silently: "When you say that, you can't be mysterious..."

However, although she was very resistant in words, her body was very honest. Facing the orders of the Supreme Mage, she still used illusion magic to create the illusion of everyone, or should we say it was a water avatar?

There is no heartbeat, no body temperature, it can even be said to be a human-shaped mist, but it just looks like a living person.

Zombie Reed knew that the invading humans had ways to block his detection, so by creating these illusions, he created hallucinations along his lines.

Before boarding the boat, Tony looked at his phantom clone, sighed, and said with regret but happiness:

"Fortunately, he can't speak. Otherwise, it would be the most intuitive nightmare for another identical self to appear."

"Actually, it would be better if you could talk." Dr. Gran carried the shrunken Wasp on his shoulders. He boarded the flying carpet and found a place to sit down cross-legged. He said with some emotion in his tone: "You might get along well if you chat with yourself."

"Ha." The gray Hulk made a voice from the darkness. He had been silent, but he was obviously amused by this statement of 'talking to himself'. No one understands his other self better than Hulk.

Send those illusions out of the sewers and let them wander around the empty city of New York to attract the attention of enemies.

After receiving the order from the Supreme Mage, the magic floating cloak lifted up its four corners to wrap everyone up, entered the invisible state, left the sewer entrance, and flew into the dark cloud-covered sky.

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