The Death Knell

Chapter 3170 Separate Actions

The blonde beauty was stunned and speechless. Susan's mouth was slightly open, looking very cute, and her big eyes were blinking, showing some admiration:

"You are so awesome. How did you guess that it would attack you?"

"Guess? Why should I guess?" Deathstroke looked at the ruins of the city in the distance, and stood calmly with his hands behind his back: "I am a detective, and this is reasoning. All of you are watching me, listening to what I am saying, my The identity of the leader is obvious, right? In addition, I just took off my cloak and turned it into a vehicle and protection, so every zombie can see it."

"That big dog wants to capture the thief first. Does it think that as long as it kills you, our flying ability will be disabled?" Tony wiped the chest of his armor and turned the light bulb brighter: "And you use It's thinking, deliberately tells us stories and ideas, and lures it to attack you."

"More than that, I anticipated the greed of zombies."

Strangler skillfully flicked the cigarette ash out of the flying carpet, while the host still spoke calmly:

"Tetanus is the most famous teleporter among the Inhumans. It can take people to interstellar teleportation. Its ability allows it to do so. Unfortunately, it became a zombie dog, and its desire for food determined that it would not I am willing to bring other zombies to share the delicious meal, so I already know before I draw my sword that there will only be one enemy.”

As for why you know the timing? Because Deathstroke is the holder of the black light ring and the host of the symbiote, he can sense an undead creature emerging behind him and just draw his sword.

The speed of the sword was too fast, faster than teleportation. It was a sword that struck last and arrived first.

In the eyes of people who don't understand martial arts at all, it will cause visual errors, thinking that the death knell predicts everything.

However, the big dog is cut into two identical halves. This is the special effect of the new Godslayer. After Rick's transformation, it will give the victim a 'perfect face' in a cartoon style.

In addition to the standard cartoon style cutting in half, it can also automatically cut meat into slices in an instant, making the corpse look like a thick slice of rib-eye steak; or cut the human body according to the golden ratio, with perfect knife skills like Hannibal Everyone applauded and praised, because the corpse would be full of incomplete artistic beauty.


At this moment, a tornado-like shock wave came from the distance. The storm lifted up the surface of the moon and divided the pale satellite into a middle part.

Lan Qi frowned, and struck out with both fists with his backhand, hitting back with a thicker and larger beam of cosmic energy.

But obviously, the level of Lan Qi in 1610 is not as good as that in 616 Earth, and it is weaker than the one in 40K. He did not take any advantage when he collided with the attack of the zombie Black Bolt.

The translucent sound wave mixed with moon dust and garbage that rushed over was only slightly delayed, and then the beam of light was eliminated and rushed towards the location of everyone.

Su Ming sighed. Facing the shock wave, he just patted his cloak and let it move.

As a result, the opponent's attack was dodged

In his calm tone, he explained to the people behind him: "We are now in a vacuum environment. If Black Bolt wants to use his abilities, he must first use cosmic energy to form a resonant transmission medium, and then send out sound waves to attack. Although he is a Everyone understands the ability to destroy a large area, but the speed of sound propagation.”

For ordinary people, Black Bolt is indeed a big killer, but for those who have mastered super-light movement, it is just that.

Black Bolt in most parallel universes is a humanoid creature. In other words, with his mouth in front of his face, the sound waves he emits are destined to not be 360-degree full coverage, but trumpet-shaped directional diffusion.

"What a strong shock wave." Skye obviously yearned for this kind of terrifying destructive power, because although Deathstroke and the others avoided the attack, the alien zombies that were jumping under the cloak were all shocked in an instant. It became a blood mist.

In an environment of low gravity and low temperature, the blood mist always floats for a particularly long time.

"It's nothing, you will be stronger than him in the future." Deathstroke patted her shoulder and gave her confidence: "Tony, you go find a place to plant the bomb, and my people and I will deal with Black Bolt's royal family. "

"Okay, remember to come pick us up. I can't fly back to my own earth by myself." Tony agreed simply, and after making brief eye contact with Susan, he chose a direction where there was no one around.

The invisible force field disk carried the Ultimate Team away, and immediately only the four Deathstrokes were left on the flying carpet.

He moved his neck and let the cloak fly towards the ruins of the city. He also told Loki: "If you want to deal with Black Bolt's zombies in a small area, you need a little magic help."

"They all say that Black Bolt is actually quite smart. Is that true?" Loki asked another question with great interest. She also imitated Susan's coquettish look and kept blinking at the death knell. .

how to say? There is only one idiom, and that is to imitate others.

Originally, the female Loki was quite decent-looking, a bit like an Asgardian Valkyrie, but her smile was playful and carefree, and her smile was so evil that she ruined her good foundation just like the crooked-mouthed Dragon King. .

Deathstroke was too lazy to look at her. After all, he still wanted to have dinner with Lao Zheng after the matter was settled, so he just looked at the road ahead and answered:

"What we are talking about now is the zombie Black Bolt. Even if he originally had a brain, once he is controlled by uncontrollable hunger, he is just a beast relying on instinct."

"The difference between humans and beasts lies in tactics, right?" Loki seemed to realize that his imitation was not quite right, so he slapped his forehead in annoyance and stopped his malicious performance.

The lightsaber in the hands of the Supreme Mage appeared again, and he also took out the Night Sword and put the two together in front of him:

"Exactly, I will deal with Black Bolt. Medusa and other family members will be handed over to Skye. I will let the cloak protect Jessica in the battle. You just need to complete the illusion magic I want."

"No problem, leave it to me, my Supreme Mage, haha."

Loki started to smile crookedly again, her eyes narrowed into two slits, her eyes flashed faintly, and she raised her eyebrows and asked:

"So, what kind of illusion do you want? Is it our reflection? Powerful light and shadow? Or a thick fog? Well, maybe my ability to manipulate fog is not as good as Misty, but it is no problem to deceive some beasts. "

Cosmic energy began to spread on Deathstroke, and he took off alone without his cloak. While moving at high speed, the luminous giant sword dragged out an afterimage above the dark moon's back:

"Have you ever seen a human bathhouse?"

"Well, that's right. When Thor and I lived on Earth, due to financial problems, we had to go to public bathhouses. There were Japanese people with tattoos all over their bodies. I also met a few retired yokozuna. It’s quite interesting.”

She felt a little ridiculous as she recalled what happened back then, and even began to miss the bathhouses run by the Yakuza.

The death knell eyepiece lit up in flight, and the red light was breathtaking. The hoarse and gloomy voice replied: "That's okay. You have also seen hell. The illusion I want is to combine the bathhouse with hell."

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