The Death Knell

Chapter 3173 Earth Explosion Star

Tens of seconds later, the bomb was activated.

Deathstroke and his team had returned to the fusion of two parallel universes, looking at the white ball in a universe full of space debris.

Although the Iron Man of 1610 is not as powerful as the one from Earth 616, his skills in manufacturing or transforming technological items are no problem. The fire when the bomb detonated was very dazzling, but it did not release all the energy at once, but was like a Like a booster, it pushes the moon to move slowly.

First, there was a sudden tremor, and a cloud of dust was thrown up on the surface of the moon. Then it changed its orbit, and its orbit was slowly changed.

It seems a bit funny, because compared with the moon, the flame of the small booster looks like a thin needle from a distance, but it happened to be something like this that changed the outcome of the celestial body.

It was really the last straw that broke the camel's back. The moon may have struggled to change its orbit at first, but as the satellite was captured by the earth's gravity field, its descent speed suddenly accelerated.

To those watching, it looks slow, but in fact every second the moon moves thousands of kilometers closer to the Earth.

The moon does not have an atmosphere, so it is difficult to see any sudden changes, but you can see that when it hits the earth's atmosphere, a small half of the sphere burns red, like a red steel ball.

Two seconds later, the two spheres collided.

How should I put it? It was like the slow motion of hot iron dripping on an egg. It seemed slow but was actually fast. At the moment of impact, trillions of tons of molten surface rushed into the universe, emitting a dazzling red light.

As the moon penetrated deep into the earth, the catastrophe began. The terrifying pressure swept out the high-temperature material in the earth's core. The entire planet instantly shattered due to the uneven stress on each plate, and then cooled rapidly due to the burning of the atmosphere.

The light is fleeting, but the silence is eternal.

In just a few seconds, where there used to be an earth, there was only an asteroid belt, and the zombies were gone.

"Did we kill them?"

After watching the good show, Iron Man asked Deathstroke this on his way home, as if the ease of this operation exceeded his expectations.

"Who knows?" Deathstroke shrugged. He hooked the little black spider's neck indifferently and gave the boy some snacks to choose from: "Maybe the zombie Reed took people to other universes through the door at the last moment, and I If it’s not him, it’s hard to say what will happen to him.”

Most probably not. Black Bolt may have informed Reed, and there is still a flight process between the moon and the earth. That's enough time for a smart person to escape.

However, it doesn't matter, as long as they can't go to 40k Earth, it doesn't matter where they go, they will die sooner or later.

Susan sighed and sat on the flying carpet. She rubbed her blond hair a little sadly:

"If that zombie Reed was one-tenth as smart as the Reed I know, he probably wouldn't have been eliminated, because I know that guy and he always has some backup plan."

After all, she was her ex-girlfriend, and Susan wanted to kill every Reed around her, otherwise she would always feel uneasy.

"Then it's not my problem." Deathstroke spread his hands and pointed at Tony beside him: "If he hadn't failed to live up to his expectations and brought a bomb with insufficient yield, how could the following things have happened?"

"It's true." Dr. Grant took off his helmet and held it in his hand like a fan to fan the wind: "Well, how about letting Wasp and I join in the production of bombs? If Pym particles are used... ..."

After hearing this, Janet, the trumpet who had been sitting on the shoulder of the man in yellow, also nodded, looking in agreement.

She was the one who made the most of it. Not to mention her contribution in the battle, she didn't even express a single opinion. She was transparent throughout the whole process.

But if you suspect that she is not smart enough, you are wrong. She is at least smarter than Lan Qi.

"Don't think about it." Tony's beard curled up and he immediately refused, as if he heard some curse words: "You are my friends, but Pim is not. Even if he dies, it will not be enough to make up for his debt to our family. Don't Let me hear about Pym particles again.”

Hearing this old topic being brought up again, Susan fell silent. She pulled her brother and husband to a corner of the cloak, and also called Lan Qi and Wolverine away.

In fact, it's not a big deal. It's just that Howard and Pym were a business partner decades ago, but Pym stole their research results and established Pym Technology on his own. Since then, he has been associated with the Stark family. hatred.

Tony even suspected that Pim was responsible for the death of his parents. Unfortunately, suspecting a dead man was destined to not obtain a confession.

It would be a waste of Janet's time to argue with him.

Susan was one level higher than everyone else present. Although she didn't know how the four Deathstrokes managed to defeat Black Bolt when they split up, it didn't stop her from knowing how to calculate time.

Having once formed a team to destroy the 1610 Inhumans, she has a deep understanding of what the Inhuman royal family is like.

If the trash fish are easy to deal with, Black Bolt is definitely not easy to mess with.

But it only lasted two minutes before Deathstroke and the others left, and then sent out the contact to say that they had secured the other party.

What can you do in three minutes? If it were the entire Ultimate Team with Carol still there, they wouldn't be able to win so quickly against Black Bolt.

So Susan has secretly determined the power of the death knell, and she wants to prepare her own escape route. After all, the earth is colliding two by two. It doesn't matter if the earth in 1610 is gone, it's not bad that she can continue to live...

The Wasp and Dr. Gran looked at each other and had no intention of arguing with Tony at this juncture, so the flight quickly became quiet, leaving only the whispers of Jessica and Skye.

The two girls seemed to be talking about the new Earth.

Yes, when the Zombie Earth is blown up, the single universe will collapse, disappear, and cease to exist.

But where it originally stayed, another new world emerged, as if it had emerged from the darkness of the multiverse.

The countdown resets and the numbers start jumping again.

However, their mental state is much better than others, and they don't seem worried at all. The topic of discussion this time is just guessing whether there are dinosaurs on the opposite planet.

Su Ming was dragged by the cloak and flew towards SHIELD's space carrier. At the same time, he silently contacted the adjutant through strangulation:

"Adjutant, how much earth is left now?"

"Including ourselves, there are still 97. Our manpower has been withdrawn to Sepurk, but in this last round, there were no two planets that collided and were destroyed at the same time." The image of the adjutant appeared on the retina, and the voice was in the mind. It sounded: "Every surviving earth destroyed its opponent through different means and thus advanced to the next round."

Deathstroke nodded slightly. He landed on the deck, pulled back his cloak and put it on, and walked towards the bridge:

"How's the progress over there at Doom? Has Molecule Man collected enough?"

"He is ready, just waiting for your order, and there is a passage beyond the dimension." The deputy smiled and folded her hands, and she projected the current multi-dimensional map for the Sheriff to see.

The man in the black and yellow armor thought for a second, then stepped into the dark corridor of the aircraft carrier: "Tell him that Earth 616 has the Constructor's 'Processing Terminal', which is located in the dream dimension. Let him contact the other party and prove it." Human beings are the creatures with the greatest potential."

"Okay, the mission is being conveyed."


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