The Death Knell

Chapter 318 A.R.G.U.S.

Detroit, this abandoned automobile capital, was rebuilt very slowly after the last metal incident, as if the entire United States had forgotten it.

The ruthless iron-fisted divine power leveled this place. When Su Ming arrived here to help Diana, there were only ruins here.

But it's about the same now. Burnt cars and broken bricks still occupy most of the city.

There are not many people here anymore and the city is dying.

However, some people like this kind of place, which is quiet, open and will not be disturbed by others.

A new building complex has been rebuilt on the outskirts of the city. It is the first in the reconstruction sequence, and among other things it comes with a paramilitary zone with two divisions of rapid reaction troops stationed around it.

All kinds of new weapons and equipment can be seen here, and there are patrols around the clock.

The buildings on the ground are just a cover, while the real key institutions are all underground.

It took 800 million tons of steel and alloys to cast the super barrier, a nuclear-proof fortification. After the old headquarters was destroyed last time, the people above have been thinking about how to guard against divine power.

Unfortunately, there is no answer. How can people fight against God?

Let's go back in time a little, back to when Su Ming and Barry were eating.

At this time, in the underground command room in Detroit, a woman was looking seriously at the large screens covering the walls, listening to the reports of her subordinates.

"The target landed in the desert of Nevada, very close to the Air Force test site. We sent troops, but we encountered obstruction from the Justice League."

"The energy has been analyzed. We have never seen this kind of special energy, nor have we ever seen such a huge amount of energy."

"The Justice League has begun to drive out the military. Their magicians have hidden their targets. Our military may even have had their memories tampered with."

"Sir, the White House and the United Nations are waiting for your report."

A series of unfavorable news sounded in the command room, but the woman still stood expressionless with her arms folded and stood where she was.

She is a true patriot and has never believed in these superpowers.

At this time, she was guessing where the giant head-like thing came from and what use it would be used for.

Could it be the key to unlocking everyone’s superpowers? Or a powerful weapon?

If so, then the country needs it, and mankind also needs it. We cannot let the Justice League take the lead, we must take action ourselves.

The woman put down her hands and supported them on the railing in front of her. She looked at the staff in front of her with no emotion in her eyes.

"Reply to the President and the Security Council, everything goes well, and suggest that they launch an inquiry to the Justice League and use various means to entangle them, whether it is a meeting, a phone call, or a visit, any means will do."

She turned around and left the command room, returned to her office, opened a secret space on her desk, entered a series of passwords, and took out a computer that looked like a suitcase.

The suitcase is opened, and there are two rows of photo avatars on the display screen, both of which are currently offline in red.

In the dark room, only the light from the screen illuminated the woman's face, but her black skin made her look more like a demon.

She took out a key from her pocket, inserted it somewhere in the box, twisted it, and entered some commands on the keyboard.

The box around the photo lights up all green, showing that the bomb is activated.

She picked up the phone on the table, broadcast a number, and gave the order without any greetings or hesitation: "Assemble the team, fully armed, you have a mission."


Harley was combing her hair listlessly in the cell. During the last big metal incident, she thought she was free after getting off the 'Christmas tree'.

Being able to return home to New York and continue being her landlord.

However, Poison Ivy reminded her that the bomb in her head was remotely controlled by global satellites and would explode if she tried to defuse it.

Of course, there is not anyone on earth who can defuse it. For example, Cyborg or the Atom can defuse this kind of bomb without any pressure.

But Harley didn't want to beg them. Apart from Bruce and Diana, she didn't know anyone else in the Justice League.

The U.S. government has regarded her as government property, and Batman will not face government questioning for her sake.

She is a little crazy, but not stupid. Since the Justice League claims to be justice, it means that they do not have the courage to fight against human society, or do things that go against mainstream values.

She is a psychiatrist and she sees clearly.

So she obediently returned here, took the initiative to find Amanda Waller, and was locked up again.

But because of her good behavior, Amanda gave her some privileges, including an espresso machine, several comic books, a comb and a mirror in her cell.

These are things that a dangerous prisoner like Harley cannot have, just like Killer Crocodile next door, who only has a smelly pool.

He always eats in the water, eating raw cattle and sheep, which makes the smell of the water become as disgusting as the sewers in Gotham. The stench keeps coming from the iron fence to the next door, although she does miss that smell a little bit. ,Ha ha.

After breaking up with the clown, she suffered from depression. Fortunately, there was a voice in her head that could talk to her before, but now that voice is gone.

She feels very bored now, and hopes that Xiaohong can launch a prison robbery immediately and take her out for a drive, buy some things, etc.

Whether her head would explode or not was another question, but she wanted to go out for a walk.

She lay on the bed, sticking her butt out and flipping through comic books in boredom. At this moment, she heard the sound of the electronic door in the distant corridor.

She turned over suddenly, sat up with a smile on her face, and licked her lips. Sure enough, a guard soon opened her door.

"Crazy woman, it's time for you to go."


Soon, Harley saw her teammates in the conference room, Deadshot, Boomerang and the other prisoners, and of course Captain Rick Flag and Katana representing the government.

The perpetually delirious Witch left the team and joined the Justice League Dark.

Another justice, Harley thought helplessly, but the obese black woman who disgusted her quickly walked in from the door.

"Suicide Squad, new mission. An alien object fell in the Nevada desert. Our intelligence shows that it is protected by some kind of force. Now the Justice League is preparing to leave from there. I want you to find out what it is. What, if possible, get it back.”

The black woman gave the order directly, and at the same time, intentionally or unintentionally, she shook the more portable tablet computer in her hand at a few people, indicating that it was still the same, your life is in my hands.

Harley blew bubble gum, played with her hair and looked at the ceiling. Amanda, this fat woman, always said it was easy. It's not you who needs to face Superman.

She has begun to wander far away, missing her free days.

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