The Death Knell

Chapter 3185 Happy Journey

A second-stage mutated fish, it was not very difficult to deal with the strangulation, and it bit off the opponent's head in one bite, and blood immediately splashed all over the surrounding walls.

"Are you okay? Peter." Su Ming supported Peter on the side and asked with concern, "He hurt you first, so I had no choice but to fight back."

"Oh, actually I'm fine, you see." Peter watched Strangler turn the headless corpse upside down and stuff it between the sharp teeth like a sausage, and sighed silently: "His dagger doesn't have my dagger yet." His belly button is deep, and steel weapons are not strong enough to cut my skin, so you shouldn’t kill him.”

The fat man lifted up his uniform to show his belly. Apart from a few white marks, there wasn't even a drop of blood on it.

Deathstroke in the alley patted the big belly, and then naturally spread his hands to show that he was innocent: "Don't blame me for being cruel, Peter, I just hate evil so much. We fought against the Heir family together, and you know it."

As he said this, he was actually secretly communicating with Strangled, asking if the food here could provide new abilities.


Strangler had returned to his bean sprout shape, and helped wipe Peter's blood-spattered car. Crescent Moon's crescent eyes showed that he was also innocent.

In fact, it is answering the host. It can barely enter the body and is no different from humans. However, the genetic mutation is too unstable, so it cannot acquire the other party's abilities. Besides, it can transform into a crocodile.

Venom seemed to sense the communication between Strangler and the host, but when the little bean sprout on Deathstroke's shoulder turned to look at him with a death gaze, the red spider-like veins on Spider Girl's body suddenly darkened, as if the electricity was cut off. Same.

Only then did Strangler retract into his host body with satisfaction.

"We met a robber as soon as we went out. This may be Iron Man's test." Old Peter waved his hand and said nothing more. In this world, it is survival of the fittest. If you are killed, you can only blame yourself for not being strong enough. There is nothing to say. of.

But he doesn't think it's a coincidence.

If he wanted to make a certain chess piece appear in a specific position at a specific time, he knew that Iron Man could do it. The old man's ability to manipulate people's hearts was unparalleled.

Peter felt that he had to remind his friends that maybe Iron Man would start profiling Deathstroke now.

"It doesn't matter. This is a warning, not a test. Just take me there and I'll communicate with him." Su Ming smiled and shook his head, not even taking it seriously. After all, there were no corpses or bloodstains, and there were no traces of anything. Murder: "The group of zombies we are chasing have landed on your earth. Old Tony must know what I am talking about. If he underestimates the zombie Reed, he will suffer a loss."

"Is it so serious? What kind of zombie?" Peter opened the door and squeezed into the driver's seat with some difficulty. This was a classic car left to him after Uncle Ben's death. After decades, it was a bit difficult to start it.

When the ignition was turned on, the car made an asthmatic sound, and loose parts made a rattling noise.

"Hungry zombies, I don't know if you've ever understood that." Deathstroke climbed over the hood and got into the passenger seat, while his people got into the back seat one by one, plus a May Parker, making it full.

Susan was smart enough to construct a 'trailer' with a force field, which was fixed and floating behind the car. The Ultimate Team all got on the trailer, just like people hitching a tractor.

"I can't remember clearly. In fact, I can't distinguish the types of zombies very clearly. The Celestial Team has released hundreds of different types of zombies on our earth, but the captain and the others have taken care of them all."

Peter pressed the clutch hard, turned the key in his hand, and started the ignition.


"Oh, I'm so tired."

On Earth 40K, Daisy returned to her home, and suddenly she pounced on Caroline, who was sitting on the sofa, and lay motionless in her arms.

Behind her were Hela and Gwen, while Carol and Monica went back to their respective homes. After all, it was already late and the girls' night could not continue.

But there was an extra duck. He walked into the house with a curse, covered his butt and closed the door:

"Unlucky, really unlucky, those zombies seem to just attack my butt, they are sick!"

"Pfft! If they weren't sick, would they turn into zombies?" Gwen smiled. She threw her arms and schoolbag into the bedroom, then threw herself on the sofa and let out a long breath: "Huh~~ ~Anyway, you are not infected, just thank God.”

Howard the Duck took out a steel flask from his arms, poured a sip into his mouth, and nodded: "It's a good fate, but it's a pity that my duck, the Earth, really can't be saved."

"Anyway, you don't have any relatives or friends there, so it doesn't matter, right?" Hela was in good spirits. After all, she was also a god and a semi-undead creature. There was no such thing as fatigue. She immediately turned on the TV and game console. : "We rescued little Gwen's parents and brothers, which is already a good result."

"Yes, but I don't know if I made the right choice by placing them in Franklin's pocket universe." Waiter Gwen took off her hood, her highlighted pink hair stuck to her face with sweat: "What do you think? , if I ask Deathstroke to place them in our 40K main universe, will he agree?"

"It should be fine. I think he likes you quite a bit." Duck said, turning around and using his mouth to spray wine on his butt to disinfect it, and prepare to bandage it. It was scratched by a zombie with glass, and he was scared to death at the time.

"Hehe, I think so. Who can say no to a beautiful girl like me?" Gwen's wife was so bright when she got a little sunshine. She immediately took out the mirror and started to touch up her makeup: "I don't seem to be too tired anymore. Go find him if you can, will you go?"

"I want to go too, but I can't move." Daisy, who had her eyes closed, turned over and adjusted the position of her head to enjoy Caroline's knee pillow. However, she still opened her eyes a little and looked at the dazed figure curiously. Best friend: "Hey, what's wrong with you? If I were like this, wouldn't you have pushed me away a long time ago and said you didn't want to be misunderstood as a lesbian?"

Caroline's eyes were still blank, with a look of despair, and she replied numbly: "That's because you don't know what Sophie and Oleg did after they left..."

"Where's Cosmo? I didn't see him." Daisy had an ominous premonition.

"The big dog went to the bathroom to vomit. He used to be a Soviet dog, but he didn't expect such a depraved person to appear in his former neighbor country. His outlook on life was destroyed."

Caroline shook her head slowly. She stood up like a robot and walked straight to the bedroom:

"Maybe I'm having a nightmare now. Leave me alone and let me go to bed for a while. There is cake in the kitchen, but don't eat it. You don't want to know where the eggs come from."

After calming down and listening carefully, there seemed to be faint singing coming from the bathroom. Yes, it was "Unbreakable Alliance" playing on the mobile phone. At the same time, there was also a painful whimper like a wounded beast.

But at this moment, there was a knock on the door.

"Who?" Daisy grabbed the hammer.

"The beauty you want is takeaway! Hee hee!" A female voice came from the door, with a suppressed snicker.

"You went to the wrong place, it should have been ordered from upstairs." Daisy put the hammer down again. This was not the first time that a prostitute found the wrong door. The two people upstairs often called cheerleaders to cheer up.

There was silence outside the door for a moment, and then the voice changed: "It's me, Deathstroke, open the door."

After hearing the man's voice, Gwen came to the door with a shovel. While opening the door with the balls of her feet, she also took the time to adjust her hairstyle with her hands, leaning against the door frame with a pure smile.

But instead of a death knell outside the door, there was a strange woman with twin ponytails. She smiled brighter than anyone else, holding a bat-shaped microphone in one hand and a squirt gun in the other hand, squirting hard on Gwen's face. Tequila:

"I lied to you! Hahahahahaha!"

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