The Death Knell

Chapter 3210 Visiting the Trial


In the small court room, the judge sitting on the highest seat was questioning the criminals in the audience. His voice sounded like metal.

Just because the judge wore a golden mask cast with the faces of three gods, at first glance, he thought he was a believer in the Tribunal of Life.

But behind the judge are the statues of the three gods. Those cold faces stared at the mortals at their feet with ruthless and rigid eyes.

The three-god fusion is the most common form of a small group of demons in the Marvel universe. Emperor Weishan, the Ash Trisolaris, and the Anti-Trinity are all three-body groups. After all, the triangle is the most stable structure.

Generally, when this kind of small group communicates with the outside world, one person will be a good person, another person will be a bad person, and the other will act as an impartial client. They are playing tricks.

But the three gods of TVA don't seem to have learned this essence. You can tell by looking at the faces of their statues. One expression is like 'you owe me money', the second is 'my horse is dead', and the third is 'I Constipated for a year'.

In addition to not grinning, the expressions of these statues are more serious than the last. These employees look at these faces every day. If they don't suffer from depression, they can be considered to be able to withstand stress.

However, the person on trial below had no intention of respecting the judge at all. The long-haired man dressed in a very rock and roll style twisted his neck and replied contemptuously:

"You don't even know who I am? I'm your father! Hahahaha"

Although he was behind bars and wearing an orange-red prison uniform, he looked arrogant as if he had returned to his own home.

The judge on the high platform was silent for a moment and began to read the document in his hand:

"Rocky Laufeyson, time-exile criminal, charged with destroying the sacred timeline"

"It's ridiculous, I am the son of Odin, Loki Odinson! There is no sacred timeline at all, you ignorant mortals!" Loki, who was under trial below, shouted and interrupted the other party's words. He raised his hands: "I am a god! I am one of the strongest mages in the nine realms. I just came here to see what jokes you are going to tell, but I'm tired of it now, go to hell!"

After saying that, he was about to activate a powerful magic. Judging from the handprints and mouth movements, he should be communicating with Cytorak.

Under normal circumstances, this choice is correct. As long as the passage to the crimson universe can be opened, the mortals present will be turned into madmen by the crimson breath.

After casting the spell, he shook his body and waited for the magic to take effect with a look of utter dismay on his face.

But nothing happened

I shook again, violently, and constantly, but it still had no effect.

The judge on the high platform looked at him as if he were a fool. If his professionalism hadn't been there, he would probably have said something like "What a weak god." However, he was a judge, so he just hit the wooden hammer:

"Silence! Loki is unrepentant and roars at the court. He is punished for several crimes and sentenced to death in court."

Before Loki, who was looking at his hands in doubt about his life, could react, the bailiff behind him came over and stabbed him with the glowing stick, turning him into a puddle of black ash on the spot.

Under the bright light, the flying dust reflects the starry lights, giving it a dreamy feel.

A sweeping robot rolled slowly to the side of the ash pile, popped out a metal dustpan, and started cleaning the ground with a small brush.

The masked judge shook his head and put the file in his hand into the shredder on the table with a speechless look, and then took out a new file from under the table:

"Bring the next prisoner down."

After reading this set of procedures, the five guards standing next to the gate followed the bailiff out. However, they did not go the same way. Instead, they were assigned whips when they went out. These people found a utility room, closed the door and started Exchange ideas.

"How do you feel when you see your other self die?"

The sound of the death knell came from under the mask of one of the guards, and he asked the woman next to him playfully.

"I don't feel anything, I even feel like laughing." Loki replied calmly, taking off his gloves and playing with his nails: "I really don't know which timeline this is, I'm so stupid."

Since arriving at the court spire, the four of them saw thousands of Lokis along the way, including men and women, old and young, and without exception they were all prisoners captured by TVA.

There were probably thousands of courtrooms like the one just now in this tower, processing the prisoners like an assembly line.

But there is only one punishment, and that is death.

They are all accused of destroying the sacred timeline, and of course there is only one result.

In addition to Loki, there were many people whom Su Ming had never met before. It was unknown at what point in time they were captured, but there was no need to pay too much attention to this kind of background.

"I think that's very Loki." Wade touched his chin and squatted aside in a squatting position, clasping his fingers on the itchy spot between his toes: "You should also like to emphasize that you are a god before, right? Look down on it. Others feel that they are embarrassed."

The horse-faced thunder god also nodded repeatedly. It was a bit difficult for him to hide it. After all, his head was too big and the helmet couldn't fit, so he could only hide his long mouth in his collar.

Anyway, when he met Loki before, the second prince did have an arrogant temperament that even Odin didn't look down upon.

"That was before." Loki rolled her eyes. She sighed and pushed the horse-headed man away and said, "People change, just like time is always flowing."

Jessica's clothes were a bit too big, but this did not affect her thinking. She was thinking about other things and asked Deathstroke:

"Slade, will things that did not happen in our universe happen in other parallel universes?"

"Yes, it's good that you can think of this, although it doesn't make any sense."

Deathstroke lets Strangler take off his disguise and show his face to smoke:

"Timeline segments can constitute a limited reality, and reality coupled with a comprehensive concept of the universe will form a single universe. If we look at it the other way around, stories that have never happened in a single universe can also be regarded as a multidimensional universe. There is a possibility within the system that it will inevitably play out in some parallel world.”

As he spoke, he also asked Strangler to project a three-dimensional projection to illustrate.

First there is a glowing tree trunk with large branches and countless small branches.

Cut off a tree branch and twist and bend it to form a circular shape. This is an independent time flow that completes time closure.

Cut off millions of small tree branches, bend them all into rings, and then surround them with a large circle. This is the collection of time closed loops.

Inject some golden light into this collection, raise the pattern from a two-dimensional plane to a three-dimensional one, turn the rings into small balls, the big circles into big balls, and add some color to these spheres

This became the illustration of the multiverse that Deathstroke had shown many people in the past.

The multiverse is a conceptual collection of single universes, which means that it embraces various possibilities. Parallel universes are each other's mirror. There are always some distortions, but the same possibility of the story connects them to each other.

If there is no connection at all, it wouldn't be called a parallel universe. It would be like comparing the Earth of 40K with Coruscant in Star Wars. It wouldn't be called a parallel world at all. After all, the story backgrounds are all different, and there is no similarity whatsoever. at.

Of course, it is not difficult to understand this picture. The difficulty lies in transforming theory into reality.

How to intercept the flow of time, how to form them into a logical closed loop, how to increase their dimensions, and how to form a system.

"Xinxi." Deadpool spoke his hometown dialect like Wolverine, as if he understood: "In other words, the stories we have seen before that did not happen in Earth 40k, but happened in other places. In the parallel universe, the Earth that was invaded by the Chitauri was really weak."

"Without you and me, our earth would be so weak."

Deathstroke threw a cigarette to Deadpool and told him not to move. He just nodded and let the stench spread. The space in this utility room was very limited.

Jessica crossed her arms and thought for a moment: "Is that big tree Earth 616? Is it the template for all parallel worlds?"

"No, you made the same mistake as TVA. The information given by the three gods to their subordinates was misleading. In other words, the three gods themselves were misled or deceived."

Su Ming blew out a smoke ring and pointed at Loki with the finger holding the cigarette:

"The real template is not the 616 universe. Loki may know something. The templates of all our parallel worlds are actually the only earth in the first sky."

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