The Death Knell

Chapter 3212 Random response

Wade's mouth is very mean, but his tactical analysis is correct. There are public restrooms in the corridors densely packed with court rooms.

There is no way, after all, it is the base of carbon-based organisms. Energy obtained through food cannot be 100% absorbed by the body. The chemical factory of the body will have a process of 'discarding waste'.

Deathstroke and Deadpool walked into the bathroom wearing security uniforms, each chose a cubicle, and then used their hands and feet to support the wall of the cubicle, fixing themselves there against the ceiling and waiting for prey.

This really feels like Spider-Man. Many Spider-Man like to stand in the corners of the ceiling and peek at other people's criminal processes.

Apart from anything else, the hardware environment here is quite good. There is no unpleasant smell in the bathroom, but it has the smell of detergent like floral perfume.

The lights are bright, the floor is made of high-end ceramic tiles, and the mirrors are replaced by projection screens, which is very high-tech.

Even there are statues of the three gods in the bathroom, which is a bit nerve-wracking. In any case, there is no need to take the brainwashing work to such a serious level.

Silently cursing the three fools, Su Ming soon waited for the expected unlucky guy. Just by listening to the hurried footsteps, he knew that the person who came was in a hurry to unload the goods.

The sound of the soles of his shoes hitting the tiles was very fast. He quickly ran past the compartment where Deathstroke was, and went to the one next door where Deadpool was hiding. Then there was a crackling sound of bombing, and a big breath of relief.


Although I don’t know the specific situation, I guess the unlucky guy was too fast and the process had already started before Deadpool came to take action.

Now, the difficulty arises - should we wait for others to wipe it before taking action? Or should we act immediately regardless of the risk of getting something on it?

At this time, there were messy footsteps outside the door again. Apparently another group of people came to the toilet in a team. There were also coughs in the distance. It was the horse-headed man on the lookout who was reminding the death knell not to make a big noise. .

After all, TVA might not care if one person is missing. If too many judges disappear at once, the risk of exposure will be high.

Fortunately, the people who came later were all small numbers. They lined up to go to the urinal to empty the water, and did not go near the cubicle here.

But something suddenly happened next door. Perhaps the man had the habit of meditating with his head raised on the toilet. He apparently discovered Deadpool lying on the ceiling.

"Ah You!"

He screamed in horror.


The sound stopped immediately. Deadpool must have broken the other party's neck, but it finally attracted the attention of everyone outside.

There were a few footsteps coming towards the cubicle.

Su Ming was ready to let Strangler take action, stun these people and erase their memories, but Deadpool once again used his color-changing skills and adapted to circumstances.

The next second, only the rhythmic sound of banging on the door panel was heard from next door, and a bold and breathless voice whispered:

"Me, what am I? Well! Stand still! Ugh!"

Then, he played two roles, holding his voice and responded in a low voice:

"Ah, phew, you're so good! Work harder! It's coming!"

I have to say that Deadpool's imitation is really good. He is a standard British gay and speaks with a London accent.

The people outside the door who had been approaching the cubicle stopped and left after a few seconds, as if they were avoiding something dirty. There were also disdainful sneers and spitting sounds.

After all these people left, Deadpool took away his magical power and knocked on the partition board:

"Cousin, it's done. I forgot to bring my knife to behead my head. Lend me your dagger."

"Don't worry, you can take the corpse and enjoy it for a while. I can wait." Su Ming said with a suppressed smile. This cousin is also very good at acting. Could it be...

"Huh? I found that you are not normal." Wade began to scratch the board of the cubicle, making a harsh sound like a cat scratching a blackboard: "Slade, the only man I love is you, uh, Cable can also be counted, And I love Peter too; I don’t know if Negative Sonic Warhead is a boy, but I love her and Colossus too; Taskmaster should be good too, and if he gets into trouble, he can imitate him in bed..."

He actually started counting how many friends he had.


A minute later, seven security guards gathered outside the restroom and left with normal patrol steps. Two of them were nothing more than strangulated puppets because their brains had been ripped out.

When Deadpool succeeded, Loki also achieved results. She also defeated a female judge, and her attack was cleaner than Deadpool.

The body was definitely not allowed to be left in the bathroom, and because it was too dirty, strangulation and eating the brains would make me lose my appetite, so I simply took the two extra sets of security uniforms and put them on, and then carried them away among a few people like a puppet.

After obtaining new information, the group of people arrived at the dormitory assigned by one of the judges with ease. After closing the door, they finally had a good safe environment.

After asking Strangler to check whether there was any monitoring equipment, and then asking Cloak to check the energy response to confirm that there was no monitoring of any kind, Su Ming stripped two vegetative people, a man and a woman, naked, threw them into the large bathtub in the bathroom, and poured water out. into their lungs, disguised as the result of a failed mandarin duck bath.

The judges' status is not high, but their treatment is pretty good. This one-bedroom, two-living house is decorated in a very high-end style. Even the walls and furniture are a dull gold color, which is very atmospheric and sci-fi.

There are statues of three gods in the dormitory, which is a bit bad for Feng Shui.

"Okay, everyone, sit down and take a rest. I already know where your tribe is being held, Beta. At the same time, I also know some information about other Lokis."

Deathstroke seemed to have returned to his own home. He greeted everyone to sit down like a host. He took out the drinks he brought to entertain them and talked about the latest intelligence findings.

Beta was very happy. His horse face was pulled out from the collar. There were still sweat and marks on his face: "Really? I will save them."

"Really, I'll draw a picture for you and you can go now."

Strangler can hold hundreds of pens at the same time with its tiny tentacles, and then quickly draw the image in the host's mind like a printer. It was done as soon as Su Ming spoke.

Deathstroke handed over the paper, and the horse-faced thunder god stretched out his hand to take it, but the Supreme Mage suddenly shrank his hand and said:

"I have a few requests. Don't make any noise and wait for my signal to save people."

The horse-headed man nodded solemnly, took out the hammer hidden in his arms, and reached out to take the road map: "I understand, we have an agreement a long time ago, so no matter what you plan to use me for, I will follow the plan."

"Good brother." Su Ming patted the strong man on the back enthusiastically and handed him a few spherical grenades to strengthen his momentum: "Then you go, take these friendly grenades and this communicator. .”

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