The Death Knell

Chapter 3219 Eat it dry and wipe it clean

If you ask a perverted torture expert what his dream is, 80% of it is to hope that the prisoners under his command will die hard enough.

Many people can't bear to be executed. If the executioner can't use his good skills to 30% or 40%, the goal will be gone. How disappointing?

Now this situation is very good. As long as Kang himself doesn't want to die, this space will not let him die. Su Ming can just practice the skills he learned from Batman on him.

Batman is very good at instilling fear in others by inflicting pain, whether it's physical or mental, and he does it well.

However, to deal with Kang, some details need to be changed slightly. After all, what this person fears most is actually another group of himself, something beyond his expectations, and something that is not like himself.

These are all psychological weaknesses, so the torture work still has to be done by strangulation, using its tentacles to fiddle with other people's memories and thinking, turning them into a useless person.

This process cannot be too fast. Kang himself must feel the process and feel that he is slowly turning into a fool and a madman. He wants to stop it but is powerless. In the end, only fear is left.

All Su Ming had to do was to turn himself into another Kang, hold his arms and guide the strangulation work.

Here, time is meaningless, everything is extremely long, and the same is true for pain and fear, like a black whirlpool, sweeping away the sanity of the tortured person and slowly eroding it.

I don't know how long it took, but Deathstroke, who was sitting on the stiff Thor's back, felt a little sleepy. News of the strangulation suddenly came. Kang finally let go and voluntarily changed the properties of this space and let himself die.

After all, he could only choose between dying as a human being or living as an idiot. There was even a countdown, which was the sound of strangulating tentacles squirming in his mind.

As a scientist, it is normal to be afraid of becoming an idiot. In the end, he chose the former and died as a human being.

It's just not decent.

The corpse cut in half had its internal organs scattered all over the floor. Various body fluids were mixed together, and small bubbles were rising. It was probably the digestive juices corroding his flesh and blood, which seemed to tell the fragility of the human being.

Maybe one day, this Kang will be resurrected at a certain point in time, and maybe another Kang will come to 40K Earth, but Su Ming doesn't care, he just hopes that the next time Kang comes, he can bring more things with him.

"The small pistol is good, I'll give it to you later."

After picking up the Luer crystal and shaking off the blood on it, Deathstroke pulled out two small pistols from the holsters on Kang's back and handed them to Strangler to play with.


Strangler has always liked firearms. Although its name sounds like a melee type, its favorite is long-range attacks.

"Well, the disqualification hammer is of no use to me. Let's play with Daisy later." Deathstroke picked up the square-head hammer on the side and weighed it a few times in his hand: "Frenzy battles should be dual-wielded. I'm also curious about the fairy. Can the power of Palace and the power of Horror be superimposed?"


The obedient Strangler responded to the host while fiddling with the time stasis gun in his hand, and fired a few more shots at Thor to test the effect.

Because it is an energy weapon, this thing has no recoil. It still prefers the feeling of pulling the bolt wider, which is a bit regretful.

Thor didn't change much after being beaten. He was still unable to move, but he didn't know if he could sense the outside world.

Kang's green armor and purple helmet were cut in half, and this color combination is probably only liked by the Joker and Luthor, so Su Ming doesn't want it.

Take away the fragments of the eternal crystal. You won’t use them yourself and you can’t let them fall into the hands of others.

By the way, Kang’s shoes are pretty good. I’ll pick them up and give them to Jessica so she can sell them on the second-hand market. They may be worth a meal.

After all, in Hell's Kitchen, killing people for a pair of shoes is very common, and the market for dead shoes and dead clothes is quite mature.

After taking out everything that could be taken away, making sure that there was no oil or water on Kang's body, he let Strangler chew his head. Then Deathstroke picked up Thor as a bench and patted his left forearm.

Now that Kang is dead, there is no other crystal shard to fight against the death knell. Now this small space is completely controlled by Su Ming.

The surrounding scene changed, and the two of them returned to the illusion of the fairy palace grove.

"I almost forgot. This set of projection equipment is good. Let's take it home to decorate it. It will be useful for watching movies with Gin later. Go find it with the cloak and peel it off for me." Deathstroke pulled off the cloak behind him and let him look for it too. Where is the power supply for the projector?

When they returned to the judge's victim's dormitory, the three of them were playing poker. Jessica had a lot of notes on her face, but the other two seemed to have never lost.

"No more playing!"

Seeing Deathstroke carrying a tall man in a red cloak back, just like a Spartan warrior's body being put on a shield and covered with a cloak and sent back home, the female detective dropped the cards in her hand and turned to the table. A touch of the deck of cards.

Throwing Thor to Loki, Su Ming closed the door speechlessly:

"Why did you even think of playing cards with them? Isn't this looking for defeat?"

"I didn't know this before. I thought I was pretty good at counting cards." The girl blew on the note on her forehead and rolled her eyes: "But there's something wrong with both of them."

She chastises Loki and Deadpool and suspects they are playing magic poker.

"Loki is the god of cunning. She may cheat in any game where she can exploit loopholes." Deathstroke helped her take off the note on her face and shook her head with a smile: "And Wade used to be a young soldier, fighting for warlords in Africa. Do you think they can do other things for fun in a place like that besides drinking, playing cards, and playing with women?”


Deadpool suddenly stood up, shook his neck, and smiled mischievously:

"There are still people who play with men. Although my anus can only be used by my cousin and my girlfriends, when I was in the army, there were all kinds of weirdos in the team, and they often exploded with each other."

Su Ming laughed, leaned against the door and watched Loki slap Thor hard in the face: "That is really an unimagined path."

"Not to mention anything else, I was so handsome when I was a kid. Many black uncles wanted to attack me. You know, my close-quarters killing skills were all developed at that time. Speaking of which, I really miss being in Africa. I killed hundreds of black people, and everyone said I did a great job, but when I returned to the United States, if I killed a black person, they would say I was racist, and business here is really difficult."

As he spoke, Deadpool became distracted, and he even began to miss the hard days of the past. Could it be that he was remembering the bitter days and thinking of the sweet ones?

"Isn't this simple? Who said that? Just go and kill until no one can point fingers anymore." Deathstroke took out a cigarette and lit it, then slowly blew out a smoke ring: "Ability The bigger you get, the more choices you have.”

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