The Death Knell

Chapter 3223 Change the world

"Very good. The current social situation on Earth 616 is almost the same as that on Earth 1610." Deathstroke took out a cigarette, lit it, and took a puff under the purple light beam: "After all, this is the fairness we want to create. Let them take care of themselves, and eventually watch the two earths collide."

"Dum discovered that this 616 Earth is very unusual. Both the Constructors and the Transcendent Gods care about it. Why?"

Doctor Doom, who was holding his metal arm, asked the question, his eyes looking at Deathstroke's face.

"The time stream is a tree, and the 616 Earth is a slightly thicker branch, that's all." Su Ming blew out a smoke ring and watched it change colors in the light: "But from today on, our 40K Earth It will be the main world."

"I don't understand what you mean."

Loki's head turned around. She saw a Molecule Man and many empty chairs around. She dragged a few over and sat on one. She patted the empty seat next to her and asked Deathstroke to sit there too: "Become the so-called ' Will the main world bring us any benefits?"

"It has benefits in all aspects. Have you ever had a pet? The kind that was just born."

Deathstroke sat down and motioned for Doom to sit down. However, due to Doctor Doom's image considerations, he would not sit on such an office roller chair, which was not in line with his identity.

"Do wolves and snakes count?" the goddess smiled, as if she was remembering her warm childhood, but the smile quickly disappeared.

The lifespan of the Asa protoss is very long, but the animals as pets are obviously not. Except for some mythical beasts created by the World Tree, most animals are no different from those on earth.

As much happiness as these pets brought to their owners in the past, they will bring corresponding harm to their owners when they die.

After the long-lived Loki was raised several times, she lost interest in it, and her mentality changed. He realized that he was a god, and gods could only be with gods.

But that was what she thought before. After being punished by Deathstroke several times, she now seems to like playing with humans.

So this time she planned to find a pet for Thor, and she also wanted to find a hellhound of the immortal demon type, a real pet that could boil Thor to death and help cremate the body with the flames of hell.

"Have you ever raised a wolf? That's easy to explain. Wolves are mammals like humans, and their social patterns are somewhat similar. It's just that nature makes them a little more cruel."

The smiling Su Ming crossed his legs, looked at the tablet, and answered the goddess:

"A big wolf gives birth to a litter of pups, and there will naturally be differences in the age of birth, body constitution, and brain maturity. Although they all grow up drinking mother's milk, you will gradually find that among them, there are differences at birth. Those who are strong will become stronger and stronger; while those who are sick and weak from birth will often become weaker or even die due to lack of nutrition."

Doctor Doom huddled under his cloak and said in a metallic voice:

"There is a sentence in the New Testament of Matthew in the Bible: 'To everyone who has, more will be given to him, so that he may have an excess; but whoever does not have, even what he has will be taken away from him.' Doom knows what you mean. , Slade, this is the Matthew effect. In this way, in order to avoid extinction, the multiverse will consciously cultivate strong ones who are strong from the moment they are born from many single universes, thus continuing all reality. "

The Matthew Effect is often used in the field of economics and can also be understood as a capital advantage. It is easier for a person with one million US dollars to earn 10,000 yuan than for a person with only 100 US dollars to earn 10,000 yuan.

Although the goals of both parties seem to be the same, both are 10,000 yuan, the capital and first-mover advantage they possess are different, and are often inversely proportional to the time required for training.

Of course, it takes a short time to cultivate an inherently powerful individual. Efficiency is the ratio of work to time.

And time is the most precious thing, even in a multiverse.

Doctor Doom really knows a lot. His identity as a dictator allows him to understand economics, and his identity as a magician allows him to understand biblical stories. Moreover, he also knows how to defeat the vicious cycle of the Matthew Effect.

That is when others talk about resources and costs, you talk to them about fists.

Odin actually understands this too. Maybe Asgard's custom of "grabbing whatever you see" seems a bit strange now, but it was also a very good guide for the Aesir, who were latecomers to the universe back then. Thought.

If Odin hadn't led people to burn, kill, and loot, and reversed the first-mover advantage of others, World Tree would probably have cultivated light elves or dark elves long ago. After all, elves are the oldest tree dwellers.

"So Multiverse Fusion is an opportunity, an opportunity for us to gain the favor of the multiverse?" Loki, as the second princess of Asgard, certainly understood, and she even showed a little excitement.

The favor of the multiverse is something I have never seen before, and it is a bit abstract, but if Deathstroke is interested in it, it must be a good thing, right?

Su Ming just smiled at her and didn't explain much. If the God of Story was here instead of the female Loki, there would definitely be no need to explain.

Becoming the main universe on the narrative line, becoming the place where the main story develops, brings benefits beyond anyone's imagination.

Whether you consider it from the perspective of popularity theory or metaphysical luck, it is the same.

Take DC Diversity as an example. The Batman in the parallel world is prone to losing his hair at every turn, but the Batman on Earth 0 is simply tougher than the little one. There are many times when you think he is hopeless or going crazy, but he backhands from He took out a small bat prop from his belt.

There just happens to be a way to solve it. Hey, even if it's exciting, you won't die no matter what you do.

Preserving 40K of the earth is equivalent to making it the only surviving 'wolf cub'. Then the mother wolf has no choice.

Diversified integration is such an opportunity. Su Ming wants to take this opportunity to earn this 'luck' bonus for his people. Of course, that is too unreal. He wants to see if there is a chance to play with the 'Heart of the Universe'.

But there is no need to tell Loki and Doom, just know it yourself.

"Generally speaking, this is the plan. You won't be able to understand it if I explain it in too much detail." Deathstroke changed the subject. He took out two bottles of soda and put a straw in the bottle given to the doctor: "In short, we just need to keep an eye on Universe 616, just make sure it’s dead.”

Doctor Doom took the soda, put the straw through the slit in the mask's mouth, inhaled the drink like a storm, put down the empty bottle and said:

"One more question. Reed Richards from 616 built an ark. He seems to be planning to be Noah. What do you think?"

"At times like this, all you need to do is call my friends in 1610." Deathstroke showed a warm smile like an enthusiastic crowd, and actually took out a titanium mobile phone to contact the adjutant: "Oh, the Titanic is going to sink. But there is only one lifeboat? Guys, guess who were the women and children who finally got on board? Or were they muscular men? Haha."

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