The Death Knell

Chapter 3228 The man who stabbed the back

Apollo looked like an energetic and vigorous young man, handsome in appearance and strong in body.

At this time, he was wearing a crown woven with branches and leaves of laurel, cupid wood, olive tree, and water lily. He was wearing luxurious golden sheets, driving the sun chariot, playing the lyre and singing loudly.

Racing in the air and singing at the same time, you should be eating all you can in this moment, right?

But he himself was very happy. If you listened closely, you would find that he was singing a sheep tune or a yodel.

Apollo was the son of Zeus and Leto, so Hera was naturally jealous and drove Leto away, cursing her to die like a mortal.

This led to Apollo being born in the human world. When he was young, he had been herding sheep in the Thessaly area, which is today close to Switzerland. He was later taken back to Olympus by Zeus.

So in addition to the priesthood of the God of Light, he also has the title of the God of Animal Husbandry. However, everyone knows the situation of the Olympian pantheon. The God of Animal Husbandry is actually the God of Sheep Herding, because the God of Cattle Raising, Raising The God of Chickens and the God of Pig Raising both have other people.

There are too many miscellaneous gods. If the illegitimate son of Zeus comes to Olympus, he should be given a priesthood, right? Then subdivide it. The original priesthood is subdivided into dozens, everyone has a share, and everyone is happy.

The God of Rats, the God of Sewers, the God of Foot Washing, the God of Hairdressing, etc. You can’t think of anything that Olympus doesn’t have.

Apollo is the god of light. Although many people call him the sun god, his car actually belonged to someone else.

In a world like Marvel, just listen to the priesthood of the new gods. They are often the users of a certain power, rather than the controllers of the corresponding concepts.

This god of light is racing in the sky, bobbing his head and singing, and is just short of a hot pot.

But at this moment, living in the sky, he used his extraordinary eyesight to notice that there was a sudden flash of black light below.


Apollo noticed it, his sword-like eyebrows furrowed, and he raised his hand to hold his angular chin in thought.

As a god who represents light, he is very sensitive to anything with dark attributes, just like a cat can smell fish. If there is darkness, it means that he is not doing well enough.

But the place where the black light just flashed was Mount Olympus. What's going on?

He stopped singing and fell into deep thought.

The golden sword on his waist was shining brightly, and the arrows in the silver quiver on his back swayed as the carriage moved forward, all of which seemed to urge him to find out.

The gods are aloof. They often don't think too much about the consequences of whatever they want to do. They just do it. This is the style of Olympus. As long as they follow their instincts, they don't care about the flood.

So he pulled the golden rein in his hand, and the luxurious chariot pulled by four horses changed direction.

When many fairies and fairies below saw Apollo flying above their heads, they all raised their heads and showed what they thought were the most beautiful smiles, hoping that this handsome god could be like them.

Apollo smiled politely at them, meaning 'next time'. Although he had dozens of mistresses and hundreds of children, what he loved most was beautiful men.

The chariot fell on the mountain road, and the entire sanctuary turned into a colorless black and white picture.

Because this car is the sun here. When the car lands, it means that day and night change, and Nicks, who drives the Moon Chariot, will take over. But it is not the time to change shifts today, so the goddess of the night, Nicks, has not arrived from Hades yet. Taking over has created a special phenomenon that is neither night nor day.

Apollo's original intention was just to investigate and continue to perform his duties, but there seemed to be nothing in the place where the black light was emitting before. There was only a man and woman talking not far away. They looked very strange. He didn't know whose family they belonged to. child.

"Hello, did you see the black light here just now?"

The God of Light jumped off the chariot, patted the horse's body, and politely asked passers-by. Although he didn't know these two people, they must be relatives when they appear in Olympus. It's never wrong to be polite.

The man in question may be a one-eyed god. He also has handsome appearance and strong muscles, but the smile on his face looks a bit weird and he is still bald.

"Ah, I saw it. I also picked up a ring, look."

As he spoke, the strange god opened his palm, revealing a dark ring. As it was revealed, the surrounding area was instantly enveloped in a unique black light.

It is like a veil in the dark. You can say it is light or dark.

Ethereal, this black light is clearly in front of you, but it feels like it's not there.

Apollo, who was still smiling at first, became serious. He felt a cold dead silence. Even if he didn't look carefully, this kind of atmosphere made him feel uncomfortable.

"My brother, lose it, it's not a good thing!" The Sun God elegantly uttered an aria-like exclamation, zealously issuing a warning. In addition to inheriting the tradition of Olympus, he essentially is a good person.

"It's not dangerous, right? It doesn't do anything except light up, you see..." The one-eyed man replied with a smile and put on the ring, but his face suddenly changed in the next second, and he was full of fear. Looking at the God of Light: "No! It's sucking my blood! Help! Please help me!"

Seeing his brother in danger, Apollo, one of the main gods of Olympus, certainly would not stand idly by. He strode towards the man who had fallen to the ground and reached out to grab the other man's hand:

"Hold on! I'll help you take it off! Light! Come to our..."


Before Apollo could finish his words, he was interrupted by a muffled sound, which was the sound of the backstab activating.

The god turned his head and looked behind him in pain. A woman was holding a blood-stained dagger, and there was a relief of a strange bird with big eyes on the dagger.

The woman faced his gaze and just smiled and shrugged: "Don't blame me, it wasn't my plan."

The god was breathing hard like a fish out of water. He wanted to say something, but he had lost his strength because the darkness had come alive and turned into tentacles that climbed up his body.

The next second, there was only darkness in front of him.

The strangulation swallowed Apollo, and Su Ming instantly transformed into the appearance of this handsome god. He stood up like a carp and patted the golden sheets on his body:

"It's time to put away the illusion that concealed us, and return the dagger to me."

"What a weak god." After finishing casting the spell, Loki handed back the knife and flexed his wrist with a smile: "This is the first time I have seen a god stabbed to death by a dagger. Working with you, I discovered a lot of funny things. I plan to write a joke book when I get back."

Su Ming caught the golden laurel wreath spat out from the strangulation, put it on his head, took the golden sword and silver bow, and showed a warm smile like the sun, exactly like Apollo:

"That's because my dagger is quenched with poison, a poison called tears of death. It once killed Poseidon in a world and many alien sea gods. It has a special effect on the gods."

"...but you often stab Wade with this dagger."

After hesitating for a few seconds, Loki was obviously confused.

"He can't die." Deathstroke said nothing, shook his head and walked to the carriage: "Let's go, I know where the apple orchard is, and I will take you for a ride."

Loki had ridden in Thor's goat chariot, and also ridden in the sledge pulled by wild boars and bears. This was the first time for him to ride in this kind of chariot whose wheels seemed to be burning. He was very interested. His body followed the death knell honestly, and his words But he said:

"Flying through the sky, aren't you worried about being seen by others as a stranger?"

"I, Apollo, carry a goddess in a car, why should I explain it to others? Get in the car."

Deathstroke, who has already entered the role, shows off his air of arrogance as soon as he opens his mouth. He is really the old God of Light.

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