The Death Knell

Chapter 3232 The cards in hand

"Can we believe it?"

After hanging up the communication, the bridge was left with only the red light of combat readiness and the sound of sirens. Fury kept lowering his head and thinking, and Hawkeye behind him couldn't help but ask this sentence.

The director let out a long sigh, but there was still no expression on his face:

"We don't trust anyone, Clint, especially a machine head."

"Then do we still want to cooperate with it? General."

Hawkeye put on his red sunglasses, checked the quiver behind him, and prepared to lead SHIELD's action team in a desperate fight.

On the opposite earth, there is a group of mentally retarded weirdos called the Avengers. They not only informed all the governments on their own earth, but also helped notify the countries of Earth 1610. Now chaos has spread to both earths at the same time.

If it weren't for the agreement between Fury and Ultron, New York would have fallen by now.

But now there are mobs, robots, zombies, alien bugs, and Hydra rebels in the city, which is enough to prove that the world is standing on the edge of a cliff. If the other party's earth is not destroyed, one's own family will self-destruct sooner or later.

"Cooperate, because the current situation is that we have to fight to the death with another earth." Fury stood up, and the hem of his black windbreaker drew an arc: "The other side is very powerful, and we need any form of allies. There is no need to weigh this at all. Execute the plan Come on, let me contact Iron Man."

Hawkeye is a loyal supporter of Braised Eggs and never discounts orders. Faced with this kind of death mission of leading a group of ordinary people to raid the opponent's earth, he still stood at attention and saluted with a calm smile, then turned and left.

After a moment of silence, a correspondent on the bridge suddenly reported:

"Sir, Iron Man's team came into contact with the enemy. He changed our plan. Instead of launching a frontal offensive, he launched a sneak attack. The location of the tracker is the opponent's Baxter Building!"

Fury was silent. He put his hands in the pockets of his windbreaker and narrowed his eyes.

This is the feeling of being caught off guard. In the original plan, the Ultimate Team would launch an attack on the opponent's tri-curved wing, trying to eliminate the enemy's command center at once.

My combat headquarters on Earth is a tri-curved wing, so the other party should be too, right? Fury thought the plan was fine.

But now, Iron Man has changed his plans, for no reason at all.

In this way, the Hawkeye team that just left will become cannon fodder that attracts enemy firepower, instead of the expected sharp knives.

But what can the director do? Could he still rush to the battlefield on his own and grab Iron Man by the collar to question him?

The only solution was to control his emotions and make mistakes. He originally only planned to ask about the progress of Iron Man's mission, but he immediately changed his mind.

"Get me through Tony's communication."

He sat back on the chair, repositioned himself, and remained motionless.

A few seconds later, the projection of Iron Man's cynical face appeared in the bridge, and his voice rang in his ears: "Nick, I knew you would contact me, just listen to me."

"No need to explain, there is no time to explain in the current situation." Fury showed no concern on the contrary, he interrupted the other party: "You are the leader of the Ultimate Team, I believe in your decision, you just need to tell me, Baxter What’s in the building worth doing?”

Tony was sneaking into the sewers with his men at this time. He didn't learn anything else, but he learned a set of sewer tactics from Deathstroke, and he fell in love with it as soon as he used it.

Maybe it was Fury's reaction that surprised him, but after being stunned for a moment, Tony said in a nutshell:

"The Ark, there's a Noah's Ark there."

Fury's pupils narrowed slightly. He would not ask if this was true, because Iron Man's IQ would naturally determine whether the information was true or false.

The source of the intelligence should be the inexplicable Deathstroke, and I don’t know what its purpose is. The other party secretly forced me and others to a dead end, but then provided a piece of news about the Ark?

But those are not important, they are already in the flood, don't care about the source of life-saving straw.

"Kill Noah's family and we'll take the boat."

Fury's decision was as straightforward as ever. There was no need to hide his desire to survive, because everyone would make this choice.

"OK, remember to bring your bottles of good wine when you get on the boat. I'll be waiting."

Tony smiled and raised his eyebrows, cutting off the communication, he was ready to take action.

According to Deathstroke's plan, he must first kill the opponent's Susan, and then let his own Susan pretend to be her mother and stabilize the dangerous little Franklin.

"Tiangong sent a fleet and a modified human, Sheriff, and the mutants of Earth 616 also fully participated in the war. The energy of the Phoenix was detected, but the host is actually Cyclops?"

The adjutant's expression when observing the battlefield became very strange. She had always thought that the phoenix was a female and would only choose female humans as hosts.

"Phoenix? The troops in the capital should not be able to withstand it." Deathstroke put down the wine bottle in his hand and walked closer to the projection screen to observe carefully: "Although the new humans who have undergone genetic selection are quite good, each of the soldiers can be regarded as two He is the God of Thunder, Thor, but after all, he is only a creation of mortals, and is still far behind the level of the Phoenix."

"Stronger than Thor?" Loki changed his leg and continued to hug his wine barrel. His face was still a little flushed. After saving Thor, he was very happy and drank too much: "We Do you need to go down and play?”

The Supreme Mage put his hands behind his back and faced the dark void where the light of the stars could not shine. He answered calmly:

"No rush, inform Doom and ask him to send the Dark Order to Earth 1610 to carry out sabotage activities. I need greater chaos. This is not enough to make anyone calm down. Add more firewood."

The second half of this sentence was obviously an order to the adjutant, and Dr. Doom would surely understand what it meant.

"Chaos often means greater fun." Loki wiped his mouth, her black hair reflecting a faint light like satin: "But Earth 616 is really as strong as you said. Strong, they have endless back-up tactics.”

"You also noticed." Deathstroke nodded, looking at the image of Black Bolt opening his mouth and blowing up several space carriers: "So I said it's not enough, adjutant, release the alien original body to Earth 616, don't go into the battlefield, Throwing into Hell's Kitchen, I need an army of cannon fodder under direct control."

Zombies are obviously cannon fodder in a battle of this level, but neither 1610 nor 616 has a vaccine to sew the strange virus, so no one can ignore the threat posed by these humanoid monsters.

Often a small wound will become the end of life, and the horror of zombies is even more vividly displayed in urban battles.

The more people there are, the better zombies can perform. Even Captain America, who can fight anyone 50-50, will definitely not be able to withstand the charge of millions of zombies.

Others play RPG role-playing, but Deathstroke wants to play real-time strategy.

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