The Death Knell

Chapter 3238 Artificial Balance

The phoenix's gushing heat steamed the sea water. At this time, the sea surface was filled with clouds and mist, and the water vapor rose up, and was torn into pieces by the strong air current.

However, this environment is conducive to Loki's magic. His illusion is much more stable, at least his facial features are no longer blurry.

The phoenix is ​​chasing Qin and wants to return to her body. It has lived in many 'nests', but this one is the most comfortable.

Unfortunately, no matter how hard it chased, the red-haired woman flying in front always kept a distance, and every time it seemed like it was about to catch up, it somehow missed.


It screamed anxiously, wanting Qin to see it, and even if they were going to die, they would die together.

It seemed to have some effect. Qin stopped running, but turned around and looked at it.

Although the smile on his face is a bit unnatural and his appearance is not right, he is too young, but it is not a big problem.

Phoenix discarded the burden of the Cyclops wrapped in his body and flew towards the embrace of his old host. As long as he and Qin completed the merger, it would only be a matter of a moment to destroy the earth.

It's close, and at its speed, it's only a moment away.

But it went straight through the red-haired woman's body, like passing through a cloud of smoke. She felt nothing, let alone the warmth of returning to her peak.


What followed was a gunshot, and Cyclops' head exploded in the air after being dropped by Phoenix and falling freely.

The freak dressed like a bat was calmly pulling the bolt and loading a carved enchanted bullet into the shining rifle:

"It's done. Without a host, the free phoenix is ​​just a pure energy body. You can just use the method of dealing with energy, but there is no need to continue."

In fact, a phoenix without a host is even more dangerous, because it is like a wild horse that is completely out of control.

But what is important is that this thing is not under control. Before, it was controlled by Cyclops, staring at the Ultimate Team and those from the 1610 universe and eating them fiercely.

Now that there is no host, it will eat people from 1610 and 616 together. Isn't this a balance?

Even if the glass of Earth 616 is burned, it will still hit the opposite Earth, so there is no problem.

"Well, can you give me a hint on how to deal with an energy body of this level?" Loki showed an awkward yet polite smile: "So our plan is to retreat? I'll leave an illusion here to accompany it for a while? "

The God of Cunning felt very uncomfortable. He was afraid of heat before, and now he was going crazy with the heat. It was like baking a stove in the sun at noon in midsummer while eating spicy hot pot with red-hot tableware. It's hot outside.

Protected by the magic floating cloak, sweat still flowed down from her head like a stream, and she felt like she was melting.

Su Ming sighed, took out a piece of ice from his pocket and threw it to her, letting her hold it to enjoy the coolness:

"Frigga taught you magic, right? Didn't she tell you about the mutual transformation of energy and matter?"

Magic is the power of the mind, a means of manipulating energy with thoughts to change reality, and reality is composed of matter and concepts, which is the basic structure of the universe.

Although Deathstroke couldn't use even half of his magic, he still knew this after being the Supreme Mage for so many years.

But that's right, Loki's spellcasting relied more on his Frost Giant bloodline. He was a mage, more like a warlock. Frigga knew this, so she probably didn't teach him the mage course, but just induced him to develop his own power.

"Huh, I don't know. Maybe after this incident is over, I can go to your Kama Taj to study for a while?" Loki wiped his sweat. Anyway, the fairy palace has crashed in Alaska, and he has no one on earth. If there is no place to live, it is better to stay at Karma Taj.

Taking another look at Phoenix, who was competing with the phantom Jean Gray, Deathstroke moved his neck:

"Whatever you want, Adjutant, teleport us to the multi-dimensional library."


"Still no movement?"

Su Ming asked Doctor Doom beside him. At this time, the man under the green cloak was observing the actions of the Dark Order and the Black Swans in 1610.

Ultron wants to resist, but Metal Head is indeed no match for Thanos. Even without gloves, gems, and the heart of the universe, the Mad Titan still has the top power in the single universe.

The advantage of robots lies in human sea tactics. Individual strength often depends on the materials that make up the body. No matter how high the intelligence level is, using ordinary steel as the body will not have any combat effectiveness.

The same goes for Ultron's Android team. Although the Android Captain America, Android Iron Man, etc. look good, they don't have enough vibranium, so he can only use space alloy to make their bodies.

The result is that now those robots have become Thanos' toys. They are torn apart by hand when picked up, causing sparks to fly, and they look like a scrap disposal station.

"The Constructor and the Transcendent Gods? No." Doctor Doom crossed his arms and waved to Doctor Strange who was not far away: "This is Doom's friend, the Supreme Mage Strange, and this is the Supreme Mage Deathstroke. , you should have some common language."

Of course this is a scam. Doom is pretending to be another self from Earth 616. He also knows that Deathstroke actually knows this strange person, but he still has to pretend.

Doctor Strange, who was wearing a one-eyed alien tentacle helmet, let out a gasp like Darth Vader, raised his hand and took off the golden mask, revealing his face with extremely heavy dark circles, and shook hands with Deathstroke:

"I think I've seen you before."

"I've seen it before. My little Wang once came to have a discussion with you." Su Ming smiled and pointed at the other person's face: "You are bleeding from the seven orifices, don't you need to deal with it?"

Doctor Strange raised his hand and wiped it with his red cloak, giving himself a red face:

"Don't worry, I'm used to it. The price of magic makes me bleed often. Well, I remember, once I was attacked by a king from another dimension who said he would teach me how to be the Supreme Mage."

"You really shouldn't abandon Kama Taj. If the Supreme Holy Land is still there, maybe your earth will not be so desperate today."

Deathstroke kindly handed the other party a few tissues, because Strange's nosebleed couldn't stop at all, and his temples were quickly turning white visibly.

This is no longer a simple loss of blood, this is a loss of vitality. Who knows who he made a deal with in order to gain power.

"We all know that there are various possibilities in the timeline, but there is only one possibility in reality." The doctor raised his hand and made a mage salute gesture: "I have tried my best to make the best possible situation, but our world , I’m afraid it’s a little more complicated than yours.”

Through the well mouth in front of several people, one can see that the two earths are getting closer and closer, as if they will touch in the next second.

Deathstroke didn't say anything more, but threw a cigarette to Doctor Strange in 616: "Multiple Fusion is coming to an end, what are your plans?"

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