The Death Knell

Chapter 3254 Detroit

Cyborg's home is in Detroit, the former car city, but now it's as depressed as a ghost town.

Even if there was no big event like the sinking of the earth, people had already fled the city. Now nine out of ten houses on the street have dark lights, the doors are open, and only rats are running quickly on the dusty floor. move.

But they can't find food either, and apart from improving their lives by eating the occasional drug addict who dies from an overdose on the street, they're having a hard time.

"I like it here, Barry. This is the city where I have seen the fewest cockroaches." Su Ming said to Xiao Shan, who had just put the two passengers at an intersection. There were no street lights here and it was pitch black. of.

"It's true that I don't have night vision. There are indeed no cockroaches. I just went through a few trash cans and they were all empty." Xiao Shan really went to confirm what Deathstroke said. He didn't know why Deathstroke mentioned cockroaches, but He felt he should find out.

There were several zombie-like figures walking past at the corner of the street, making unconscious moaning sounds from their mouths, wandering across the deserted street and disappearing into another darkness.

But they're not zombies, just ordinary American drug addicts.

Maybe they were workers in automobile factories or transportation drivers in the past, but now, the United States has long been saturated with cars, and the City of Pistons is no longer what it used to be.

Those who have the ability have left here long ago, and those who remain are those who are immersed in their own dreams and do not want to wake up.

"Is there a football match today?" Su Ming checked the direction and walked towards the two-story building of Ganggu's house.

The homes of Titan members were the place Deathstroke visited most often.

"Uh, is there any?" Barry scratched his head. The evening breeze was blowing and it was still a little cool on the street. After the global cold winter passed, it obviously still had an impact on the temperature: "I don't pay much attention to sports events. You know, I don't care about watching anything." All events feel that the athletes are running too slow, Hawkgirl, you know that?”

"I prefer hockey." Kendra swung the morning star hammer in her hand and imitated the action of playing ball: "I'm not familiar with football as a sport."

While talking, the three of them had arrived downstairs at Cyborg's house. Su Ming reached out and knocked on the door. The knocking sound spread far along the empty street in the darkness.

"Dang Dang Dang."

Among the entire row of residential houses, this house is probably the only one still inhabited. The roofs of the neighboring houses on the left and right have collapsed for who knows how long, and they are completely in ruins.

"No one's home."

Barry went to open the window to observe. He instantly looked at all the windows around the house. From the kitchen to the bathroom, everything was dark inside.

"Ah, then I'll come in."

Su Ming stretched out a finger, and the small strangulating tentacle transformed into the shape of a key at the fingertip. Just like the master, he opened the door.

A strange smell came, which made Eagle Girl a little nervous. She immediately suspected that the smell of protein deterioration was coming from the corpse, and she immediately tightened her grip on the weapon in her hand.

However, there were also professional forensic personnel present. Barry immediately explained: "It's fast food and hamburgers that have gone bad. Human rotting corpses don't smell like this. Well, Slade, let me go upstairs and have a look?"

Su Ming reached out to touch the light behind the door, but after pressing the switch, there was no light.

"The power is out in this house. It's strange. Has Cyborg never come back? He likes to watch sports programs on TV and eat homemade popcorn and lie on the sofa. It's not possible without electricity. The last time you saw Cyborg When was it?"

"Well, it was almost a week ago." Barry looked at Hawkgirl with a questioning look, and Kendra nodded to support this statement, so he spread his hands: "Yes, a week ago, at the Hall of Justice, he just came to ask He told me about the ice and snow matter, and then left with the Titan team soon after."

Su Ming was silent for a second, and after calculating various possibilities, he readjusted his plan:

"Barry, check this house for signs of a break-in or accident. I'm here watching the door. Kendra, call Ron. I need his superpowers to help me." Scan the planet for Cyborg’s brainwaves.”

Cyborg is a cyborg, but fortunately his brain is still original, so he still has brain waves.

The metal that makes up his body is promethium, and promethium metal, the same material as Deathstroke's original icon armor, cannot block telepathy.

Hawkgirl was very straightforward in doing things, perhaps because she was used to the style of acting together with Batman. She immediately took out the super mobile phone customized by Zhenglian and contacted the green-skinned Martian who was taking care of the baby at home.

The Flash turned into a bolt of lightning and began to scurry around the room, the afterimages going up and down the stairs being connected together.

He spent three seconds checking the entire room, then came to Deathstroke holding a small metal fragment.

"The furniture, doors and windows are not damaged, there are no other people's footprints or fingerprints, there are no uneven places in the dust, the circuits are partially burned, but there are no signs of damage to the electrical appliances, and all the food in the refrigerator has spoiled, that is the source of the smell."

After he finished saying this, he handed over the metal fragment in his hand, which was a diamond shape with slightly curled edges:

"There's only this one, stuck under the sofa. I don't know if it has anything to do with Cyborg's disappearance."

Su Ming took the fragment, and Strangle immediately gave the analysis results. It was promethium metal. Judging from the curvature, it should have belonged to the part of the steel ankle. Not long before he lost the piece of metal, he stepped on something sharp. Maybe It's a bear trap.

"Ron En searched for it but found nothing."

Kendra also hung up the phone, now certain that Cyborg was gone, not on Earth, at least not in the main dimension.

She was obviously a little anxious. After all, they were both people of color, and she and Victor actually had a good relationship.

Turning over the metal pieces in his hand, Su Ming narrowed his eyes: "The bear trap may be electrified, burning part of the circuit."

This modus operandi feels a bit familiar. A trap is buried under Cyborg's sofa, waiting for him to step on it, and then a protective shutdown occurs due to current overload.

The classic death knell technique.

Use electricity or magnetism to deal with Cyborg, and try everything, including overloading his microwave, short-circuiting his television, planting EMP bombs in the air conditioner, etc.

The key is that Cyborg gets hit every time.

"Barry, call Nightwing to see if anyone else from the Titans team is missing." Su Ming put away the metal piece and patted Xiao Flash on the shoulder: "If a certain Deathstroke has been here, we might have caught him. A good clue. Cyborg was once brainwashed by Darkseid. He is very crucial. His disappearance must mean something."

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