The Death Knell

Chapter 3256 The Refuge Villa

This woodland is very large, but it's very spooky, especially at night. The dark branches are like strange hands, posing in positions that make people suspicious. If you want to make a horror movie, this is the place. Perfect fit.

The ground is covered with thick fallen leaves, which make a rustling sound when stepped on. Because of the global snowfall, the trees here only look like this in summer.

Not far away is the manor, which looks brightly lit at this time. If you listen carefully, you can also hear the sound of music.

"How come someone lives here?"

Barry stuffed chocolate into his mouth to replenish energy and looked around. He saw a small van in the yard of the manor. It was in tatters. In addition, the road outside the manor was also full of potholes:

"Whether you're going to Happy Town or Providence, there are dozens of kilometers of mountain roads. It's probably difficult to even buy ingredients when you live here."

If you live in a small town in the United States, such as a rancher or a farmer, they are often used to driving a pickup truck to the town for shopping, and they will also have an oversized refrigerator at home specifically for storing food.

For a manor, living so far away from the city would not be convenient. There are no signs of planting or breeding here. It is just a high-end villa similar to Wayne Mansion.

"If you want to hide from the eyes of the world, this is of course a good place." Su Ming reached out and pushed the iron gate of the manor. The tall black door opened silently, and the fallen leaves on the ground were still blown by the wind. A few volumes: "Not everyone is suitable to live in the city, and this is more like a refuge."

As he spoke, he stepped into the manor and looked at the three-story building.

The building is very complete. It seems that the sinking of the earth did not damage the buildings here, but it seems that no one has ever cleaned the courtyard. Fallen leaves and debris can be seen everywhere in the yard. There is even a slightly deflated basketball, which was thrown in front of the villa. In the fountain.

There was no water in this beautiful stone fountain, but there were a few dead birds inside that were covered with leaves. I don’t know if they had frozen to death before.

"It feels very strange here." Eagle Girl always carries her own hammer in her hand. She follows Deathstroke: "Just looking at the lights and listening to the music, you will feel that this place is quite warm. But the overall feeling of the building , more like Arkham Asylum.”

The music was played on a jukebox, typical blues music with a bit of a nostalgic feel.

"Arkham is a sanatorium." Barry corrected. He looked at the beautiful door under the porch, which had a bronze carved handle: "The people who live in Arkham are patients. Maybe one day they can be cured. Just like Harley."

"No one can say whether Harley Quinn has really recovered or whether she is even more crazy." Hawkgirl glanced at Deathstroke, hesitated, and said: "Slade, I don't mean to target her, but you are the most It’s better to be careful.”

"I don't think so." The Flash crossed his arms and waited for the death knell to knock on the door: "Harley is a good person now. I have acted with her many times. She really wants to be a superhero."

"But what will happen when she gets tired of playing the hero game?"

Hawkgirl shook her head. She felt that both Deathstroke and Barry were deceived by the mad woman, and everyone else in the Justice League was also deceived.

Su Ming raised his hand and knocked on the door speechlessly. It didn't matter what happened to Harley. Whether she was going crazy or not, it also had to be looked at from what angle.

People are now racing in Middle-earth with the Ringwraiths. If this fact is revealed, people who have read Tolkien's original work will definitely think that the person who said this is crazy, right?

The sound of the knocker knocking on the door sounded. Ten seconds later, footsteps sounded inside the door. The person who opened the door was a very beautiful young woman.

It’s just that she was dressed a little strangely, with her hair styled like a pin-up girl from the 1930s and 1940s, a floral dress from decades ago, and a flaming red lipstick.

She looks like she stepped off a World War II-era recruitment poster.

"Death knell?!"

This is the advantage of being in the D universe. Su Ming never has to introduce himself. As long as someone sees this armor, the other party will be shocked to recognize him.

Of course, strangers often mistake him for other Deathstrokes.

"Hello, Rita, I'm here to visit the 'Chief'. Is he at home? It would be better if our friend Cyborg was here too." Su Ming walked forward without being invited by the host. Buy a house and be honest about what you need.

The black and yellow armor on his body also squirmed and transformed instantly, turning into a very chic long coat and suit.

Rita Farr, a Hollywood star decades ago, was affected by the mysterious volcanic ash while filming a movie in Africa and turned into a rubber man.

When she was emotional or exposed to high temperatures, she would lose control of her body and turn into a puddle of mud, so she had to quit the film industry and live in seclusion.

Later, he was invited by the chief to come to this secluded villa specially prepared for superpowers on the fringes of society, and by the way joined the poor people's team, the Doomsday Patrol, now codenamed Elastigirl.

She is probably over eighty years old this year. It is a bit strange to be called a girl, but who is not a little princess?

Besides, as long as she doesn't get too emotional, she looks like a beautiful woman in her twenties.

Additionally, she is Beast Boy's adoptive mother.

It's a pity that it's hard for her not to be excited, after all, her adopted son often died at the hands of another Deathstroke in the past.

Because of her emotional fluctuations, the skin on her face instantly drooped as if melting, hanging down to her chest, and her face turned into a pocket of dough.

"Don't be nervous, Elastigirl, we don't mean any harm." Little Flash immediately got into the door, patting the lightning logo on his chest to assure Deathstroke: "He is not the Deathstroke you know, but a friend of our Justice League. Don't be afraid, I'll apologize to you."


After hearing what Barry said, the woman suddenly cried, covered her face and ran away.

The Flash scratched his head speechlessly. He looked at Deathstroke, who was looking at him with disgust like "You made this lady cry":

"It's not my fault. Although I know that the Doom Patrol is quite repulsive to Zhenglian, I didn't expect that they don't even want to talk to us."

The members of the Doom Patrol have more or less physical disabilities and have experienced many tragic pasts. It can be said that their hearts are scarred. Each one suffers from depression, but they have to put on a smile.

In the past, when they needed help, they did not receive any help. When they needed comfort, they did not receive any comfort.

This team is an organization for them to keep each other warm. It is more like a mutual aid group for psychological disorders, not like a superhero team. Although they will also do some heroic actions, they have more anti-hero characteristics.

For example, superheroes will not commit suicide, but almost all members of the Doom Patrol have attempted suicide dozens of times.

For such marginalized characters, meeting Zhenglian members will only trigger their inferiority complex. The more special you treat them, the more they will feel inferior. Beast Boy is an example of using funny external expressions to cover up their inner inferiority complex.

Barry was so gentle that Rita thought The Flash thought she was disabled and was showing mercy because of it.

That's why she was sad. She just wanted to be treated like an ordinary person. Even if she was beaten and scolded, it would be better than pitying her.

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