The Death Knell

Chapter 3260 Intricacies

"But, what should we do?"

Barry instantly brought the life-sustaining medical supplies and handed them to the film man. As a pilot, the latter knew some first aid skills. While giving the chief an injection, he asked about Deathstroke.

"You don't need to do anything special. You just need to maintain the low temperature environment here, and then keep an eye on the brainwave monitoring over there." Deathstroke pointed to the display screen in the corner, where there were two pieces of data: "Don't touch me. Body, my symbiote will ensure the physical safety of the rest of us, and it will bite whoever it sees."

The Flash moved his hands and feet and took a few deep breaths: "I'm ready. Well, how to enter Victor's mind?"

"The essence of Cyborg is a human-shaped mother box, and his mind is the processor of the mother box. The chief also used the external mounting method to connect himself into it. This is something I can imitate." Deathstroke With a slap on the wrist, the strangulating tentacles appeared.

It was attached to the back of Flash's head first, then Hawkgirl's.

The cool and smooth touch caused visibly goosebumps to appear on Hawkgirl's arms, and her back tensed up, but she still chose to believe in the death knell and immediately relaxed.

This is a bridge. Strangler will connect the brainwaves of the three people to Cyborg's brainwaves to form a network, and then try to save people there.

"It hurts a bit. This won't cause nerve damage, right?" When the strangulation was connected to the brains of the two, Barry gritted his teeth. He felt as if his brain was being pricked by needles.

"No, at most he will be incontinent, and he won't be a paraplegic. Are you ready? Let's go in."

Deathstroke ordered to strangle, and then the other end of a tentacle stabbed Cyborg directly in the back of the head.


Hearing this made him incontinent. The Flash wanted to say something, but before he could say anything, he fell to the ground. The same happened to Hawkgirl.

Only the deathly organism Strangler took over his body and remained standing.

He moved his joints, then sat down cross-legged, took out cigarettes and wine from his pocket to enjoy, and also took out a deck of playing cards, and controlled his body to speak:

"The host needs some time. Do you want to play poker? Hey."


"We need to talk, girl."

In the ruins of Kandak, a dark figure walked out from behind a broken pillar. He had two pointed ears, which made him look even more terrifying in the middle of the night.

He spoke, and the person he spoke to was a black girl wrapped in a hooded cloak, and the other person wanted to escape a little guilty.

The shadow's fingers moved under the cloak, and several translucent walls emitting blue fluorescence rose from the surrounding ground, shutting the girl inside like a matchbox.

As if visiting a new animal in the zoo, Batman put his face close to the light wall, pulled his cloak to cover the corners of his mouth, and made a devilish voice:

"I constructed these barriers out of white dwarf fragments. Even Superman could be trapped for a while, so I guess you can't escape. Now, tell me your name and where you came from."

"Well, I'm just an ordinary girl. My name is Naomi, Mr. Batman." The girl took off her hood in a panic, revealing the face of a young black man. She had dreadlocks and looked pretty good. Hip-hop.

"I have records of every resident of Kandak, except you." Batman remained unmoved and just stared at the girl: "You should be seventeen or eighteen years old, you can't be just born."

The economic situation in Kandak is very bad. A murder may occur just for grabbing a piece of candy. Batman, who always regards Black Adam as a serious threat, even the people of this country are also under surveillance.

Since it involves the issue of another world, there may be duplicate or redundant people. His idea was to check the list and immediately screen out this girl.

He was very sure that this black girl was not an aborigine of Earth 0. It was difficult to argue between friend and foe at the moment, so it was right to control her first.

"Well, I'm not a bad person, I can explain it." The girl took off her cloak completely, revealing the golden tights she was wearing. Her golden uniform still emitted strong light at night: "I'm just a refugee, really. ,Believe me."

Batman's eyes narrowed, he didn't trust anyone.

"Answer my question, don't try to delay. Black Adam won't have time to save you. I've notified the United Nations to summon Black Adam to New York to make a report. We still have at least three hours."

The black girl Naomi was stunned for a moment. She had no intention of delaying time. Isn't this person called Batman a superhero? Why does he think of people so badly?

"I'm not stalling, I just don't know what to say."

"Tell the truth." Batman turned sideways, using another hand to pull his cloak over his face.

The little black girl bared her teeth and moved her jaw, as if she was organizing words. Her expression was like making a face, and she said a little tangledly: "I was sent here from another earth, and my home was destroyed by superpowers." Yeah, completely destroy it."

"Name, tell me the name of the Destroyer," Batman urged.

This is an interrogation technique, which is to press forward step by step without giving the person under interrogation a chance to think, forcing the other party to tell the truth or make loopholes.

"Zubado, that bad guy's name is Zubado." The girl took a few steps closer to the cage and scratched her hair: "I don't know the specifics. I didn't know that I had superpowers at that time, but He killed many superpowers and destroyed the world. After knowing that I was here, he started to hunt me down, and it was Black Adam who helped me fight him off."

"You don't know Brutus, he's not from Zubado." Batman's statement.

"I have never seen that weirdo with horns on his head, and Zubado is not as powerful as him." Naomi bit her finger and thought for a moment: "I have a hypothesis, just a hypothesis, that the new bad guy said he would To occupy this world, did he buy the information from Zubado?”

This speculation may be reliable. Anyway, Zubado just wants to kill Naomi. If he sells this information to a more powerful conqueror, he can not only exchange for benefits, but also kill two birds with one stone.

Batman was silent, his shadow seemed to blend into the night, but the silence did not last long. After a few seconds, the translucent luminous wall fell down, and several metal balls automatically rolled back to his feet.

He put the ball back in his bat belt, turned around and said, "Follow me, no tricks."

A bat-shaped aircraft fell from the sky, blowing dust on the ground, and floated in front of the two people.

"Wow, is this your spaceship? It's really nice. I've never seen a spaceship before." The girl felt that she was free of suspicion and happily followed her. Little did she know that Batman didn't believe her at all and just wanted to take her with him. Go back to the Hall of Justice and lock him up.

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