The Death Knell

Chapter 3265 Sudden Attack

"Is this a locator?"

Kendra, who was flapping her wings, leaned over and took a look. Although she didn't understand the principle, she could still understand this intuitive display.

"Not bad, you learned how to answer quickly." Deathstroke threw a piece of chocolate to Hawk Girl as a reward, and nodded affirmatively: "But it seems that I overestimated Cyborg, the one who left clues in his house for people to find him. The method was probably not thought of by himself, but with the chief's guidance, because this thing is the chief's back-up man."

As he spoke, he picked up the small pocket watch and shook it. The thin golden chain shone beautifully in the sunlight.

If the reasoning is correct, the chief should have logged into the consciousness network from the cave in the wasteland area before. When passing through Happy Town, he discovered that something was wrong, so when the bald man witnessed it, he deliberately The locator tracker that located his wheelchair remains.

After all, it is a ground-effect aircraft. Although it is a little smaller and inferior, it is not good if it is stolen. Luxury cars have locators, not to mention that.

In short, the chief should hope that the people of the Doom Patrol can use this thing to find him after discovering that he has been missing for a long time. The combat effectiveness of others may be negligible, but Charlie is really strong. Once she is put in danger, The stronger ones in your personality may show up.

Of course, it's hard to say whether the chief had considered that the Justice League would also come to rescue people. Su Ming just felt that there was a little bit of flavor missing from this matter.

It doesn’t smell like Darkseid, and to put it bluntly, it’s just not dark enough.

Darkseid's army and men are driven by fear and darkness. He is a dark tyrant and is good at using the equation of 'life equals the dark side', but now, the sky doesn't look that way.

Besides, what if he planned to use Cyborg as bait to trap Deathstroke in the consciousness? That's just overthinking.

Su Ming still has an X-metal skeleton and can use resonance to communicate with the outside world. If he encounters a situation, another person with X-metal in his hand, that is, Batman, will definitely notify him to come out in time.

It is easier to leave the consciousness network. Now that we know that this is a lucid dream, as long as Charlie switches to a sorcerer or demon personality, everyone can return to their own bodies through the dream kingdom, at any time.

Why doesn't Batman go with Deathstroke? It's because he knows not to put all his eggs in one basket.

Therefore, even if he did not trust Deathstroke, he would acquiesce to him taking the Zhenglian members together to deal with various crises.

Su Ming took advantage of his mentality, but Bat also took advantage of Su Ming's strength. Everyone was taking advantage of each other.

The gold chain of the small pocket watch is very beautiful. Ladies all like shiny things, and Eagle Girl likes gold. She even thinks it would be better if the watch was gold with green.

But at this moment, a ray of light suddenly shot from a distance, targeting the watch.

It seems that someone doesn't want Deathstroke to find the leader.

But here, light is not the fastest thing. Ray attacks are useful to many people, but Barry is not included in this list.

When Xiao Flash noticed that the light was coming, he directly activated the speed force, carried the four people and changed positions. He didn't bother to just save a watch, but let the other party's attack not even get close to a few people. superior.

At the same time, Su Mingze, who had long known that the Flash could keep the pocket watch, found the attacker. His eyes fell on the depths of the campus hundreds of meters away, where there was a small playground with a lot of construction materials piled up.

It's just concrete pipes, steel bars and cement. Maybe this school needs to build sewers.

In short, that's where the attack just came from. It was in the consciousness level anyway. Su Ming was not polite. He raised his hand, five lights and rings appeared, and twenty Assault Tiger self-propelled mortars were launched to attack the area where the attackers were. A round of saturation bombing.

The huge shock wave of the energy explosion sent the soil there hundreds of meters into the air, and the entire playground was completely wiped out. The roar echoed between the sky and the earth, and the earthquake-like movement seemed to make the town jump a few times.

Taking back the physical object, the death knell with a cigarette in his mouth flew towards the big pit, and floated in the air quietly waiting for the dust to disperse.

The Amazon female warrior cannot fly, but she also has a sword and shield, and is protecting Barry on the ground at this time.

Ten seconds later, the dust settled, and the playground turned into a huge pit with a diameter of more than 2,000 meters. Even an area of ​​​​the town was affected.

At the bottom of the pit, there lay a tattered metal wreckage. After being attacked and blown up by the equivalent of five top Lanterns, he obviously lost the ability to move. He was just squirming like maggots in the scorched earth, and his body was still constantly Spew out electric sparks.

It was a bit damaged by the explosion, but not a big problem. Judging from the remaining metal parts, it looked like a combination of human and machine, but it was very twisted and disgusting.

The flesh and blood fused with the metal in the most undesirable way. The abnormal tubes formed the blood vessels and flesh. The metal neck alone was about one meter long. The sharp claws looked like an 'alien', but they were just the machine version of the alien.

Its neck is broken and only connected by a few wires, so it's literally dragging its head along when it crawls.

As for the weapon it used to attack everyone, it was transformed from its other claw, but now that claw is out of control, and the metal is constantly squirming, forming all kinds of shapeless things.

"Hmm, is it a mechanical transformation?" After Deathstroke determined that the opponent could not escape or fight, he slowly landed next to it and stepped on the opponent's head with his foot: "Tell me, who do you work for? If you want to call Dak Said Heng, please hurry up, I'm in a hurry."

"Cough, cough, you don't understand, you are wrong, this is the way to save the world."

The robot barely looked human, but standard London English would only make Su Ming feel that he was not human.

However, after saying this sentence, it died.

It seems like it really has nothing to do with Darkseid

Since the strangulation was not there, there was no need to whip the corpse. Su Ming moved his feet and waved to others to come over.

"Is this a person?"

Barry arrived at Deathstroke in the blink of an eye, and curiously reached out to lift the robot's visor.

This robot wears a full-coverage visor that looks like an alien head. It is as smooth as a magic mirror and shines silver in the sun.

Xiao Shan grabbed the hard visor, shook his wrist a few times, found the loose spot after the explosion, and used force to open the helmet, as if opening a pistachio.

But the face of the deceased was something he had not expected.

Although the deceased was full of white hair, very old, and his lips were pulled open with a wire to expose his gums like the "Chaser" in Resident Evil, there was no doubt that this person was Victor.

An older version of Cyborg.

The Flash was so mentally shocked that he couldn't even stand still. He shook his head and looked at Deathstroke blankly.

"Did we kill the wrong person?"

Although it was Su Ming who made the move, Barry was very interesting and said that "we" planned to take the blame together.

However, the mercenary just smiled and rubbed the back of his head, and squatted down to check the body calmly: "Arthur was right before, we should prepare a set of passwords, this is not our steel frame."

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