The Death Knell

Chapter 3270 The Old Man and the Lake

"It's obviously not a clone, but why are there so many Cyborgs?!"

Hawkgirl's combat effectiveness is the worst among everyone present. Under the overwhelming attack of light cannons, she is in a dangerous situation and urgently needs an answer.

Su Mingze remained as steady as a rock, using the green light ring to show a protective shield, and slowly stood on the ground to play with the golden gauss to kill birds.

Pulling the bolt, a new engraved enchanted bullet was pushed into the chamber. He shot a steel skeleton in the head, watched him fall into the lake, and replied:

"I have a guess, but it still needs some verification and a few survivors."

"Give me some props, I can't catch anyone just by pushing them." Barry rushed into the protective shield formed by Deathstroke with electric light, and took the initiative to reach out for something, because a mature mercenary like Deathstroke would know how to go out. With EMP.

The clown from the troupe not far away was shouting. She had the physical strength of a cartoon character. Even if she was hit by the enemy's attack, she would only be thrown a certain distance in a funny way, without any damage at all.

"Go and cut off their retreat, don't let them escape." Su Ming took out a few black and yellow grenades: "Leave the frontal battlefield to me, it only takes a little time."

There were about a hundred steel skeletons flying in the sky. They took advantage of their numerical advantage to continuously harass, but this behavior only made Su Ming more certain that Darkseid was not behind them.

If he is a subordinate of the dark tyrant, he must know that this special death knell from another world is the holder of the all-light ring, and that it is definitely the most wrong thing to have more people than the owner of the orange light ring.

The green light is used for protection, the yellow light shows terrifying deformed monsters, the orange light is used to summon the orange light ghost army, and the blue light ring is used to add buffs to the whole group.

In just one second after Deathstroke and Barry finished speaking, the situation on the field flipped.

Thousands of lamps and rings surrounded the steel skeleton group in the sky, and the intensity of the battle instantly rose to the level of war.

Barry's inability to fly is a weakness, but as long as he uses a light ring to embody a platform that he can step on, he can actually go to the sky.

Some of these cyborgs planned to escape, but they were all pushed back by Barry, who climbed to the sky on the energy platform. Although Xiao Shen didn't want to kill anyone, he had been following Deathstroke for so long and had long since learned not to turn around when Deathstroke killed someone. Saw it.

There is nothing to say about what happened next. It was just a pure battle of annihilation. A mere group of steel skeletons could not cause any trouble. Their attack methods were all energy, but Lanterns and Sorcerers were experts at playing with energy.

The metal body is quite strong and has a certain degree of self-healing ability. The strangulation is no longer present, which delays a little time.

About three minutes later, Deathstroke put away his rifle and stepped on a deformed steel chest with all its limbs broken.

There were all kinds of wreckage all around, the smell of blood mixed with lubricating oil, the smoke caused by the explosion lingered around, but the pink duck boat was floating quietly on the lake.

Su Ming stomped the metal body under his feet, and while electric sparks were flying out, he said:

"Tell me, what era are you from?"

"It is indeed a death knell, have you noticed? Ahem, don't save Cyborg, that is the right way, otherwise Darkseid will engulf us all in darkness." The alien Cyborg who fell to the ground has fallen into a dying state. , although his metal body has an exaggerated self-healing ability, Deathstroke's bullets are all filled with magic and curses, suppressing technology with mystery.

"Do you think I will believe it?" Deathstroke didn't change his expression and kicked him again: "Answer my question, I will analyze it myself."

Age, all the alien cyborgs are old men, this is a key clue.

"Next Era, I come from a world called the Next Era, a time stream that was not born due to your intervention." The broken robot answered. Blood flowed from all its seven orifices, and there was a strange energy in his body. It was drilling in and out, corroding his sanity.

No, even the system was infected, and the self-healing function was completely shut down. It was not a computer virus, but another thing that had never been seen before.

Of course Su Ming would not tell him that all the bullets he used were soaked in the blood of the past. After all, Cyborg's self-healing ability is provided by the mother box system in his mind. If he wants to prevent him from self-healing, he must let this system go Ape.

It wants to turn itself into a ball of flesh and into an unknown shape, but metal does not have the infinite possibilities that flesh and blood can have, so this creates a logical contradiction.

It was not so much Deathstroke that killed him, but rather that his own brain wanted to self-destruct, and the contradiction between 'wanting to do' and 'not being able to do' forced him to just want to die.

"Thank you for your cooperation." Deathstroke shot Cyborg's head off with one shot, then walked towards the second Cyborg who was pressed to the ground by Hawkgirl, and calmly pulled the gun bolt: "You all come from a non-existent time stream, different The timing is pretty much what I expected. Now answer me, what did Darkseid gain in the future you saw?"

"Power comes from outside the almighty universe, power that is secretly sealed in time. That power is invincible. Please go back and let the current Victor go..."


Another shot. The mercenary was very skilled in last-ditch skills. He shrugged at Hawkgirl whose face was spattered with blood:

"Don't listen to his nonsense, it's misleading."

Kendra wiped her face, and the Morning Star Hammer in her hand hung down weakly. She touched her N metal wings and nodded slowly.

"I understand that you can't trust the words of your enemies, even if they are Cyborgs."

"They are not Cyborg. If you think they are, then you have been fooled." Su Ming smiled and patted her shoulder, then walked towards Barry, who was holding a broken robot with the Harlequin: "The last one Sir, what else do you want to say?"

"You are wrong, stop, you must stop if you want to save the multiverse!"

He screamed at the top of his lungs and sounded affectionate, as if he was doing it for the sake of the death knell.

"I have a problem. The more the enemy tries to make me stop, the less I want to stop, because compared to that, I prefer to listen to your screams and whines." Deathstroke pulled the bolt and changed the bomb, standing at the end with a leisurely pace. A Cyborg looked at his old and shrunken face: "Tell me something useful. Tell me, who pulled you from the super-time flow into the main dimension?"

The broken robot laughed, and he laughed until he coughed. Although he did not have lungs, his crazy thoughts made him feel like he had lungs made of flesh and blood:

"Ahem, cough, I don't know, that's a light. I thought it was the light I would see before I died, but it was a god..."

In the end, this robot was better. He died after saying this, saving a bullet for Deathstroke.

His dying expression was very strange. His cloudy eyes were staring at the sun in the sky, as if he had seen something. There was even a slight arc around the lips that were fixed by the wire.

"I don't understand." Barry took back the enemy's hand, wiped his palms on himself, and said with some confusion: "I understand the hypertime flow, but you said they were taken out of the hypertime flow, then What means?"

He turned his head and glanced at the lake. The pink boat was about to float away, so he ran to the lake in an instant, moved the boat back, and put it aside gently.

"Of course they were brought out by others. If they had the time ability themselves, do you think they would be killed by me so easily?"

Su Ming replaced the God Killer and stabbed the corpse, chopped off its head and took it back to his pocket:

"They don't have the ability to time, so what can they use to play with hyper-time flow? Sound tunnel? Magic? Speed ​​Force? Five-dimensional concept? Impossible. The energy they carry is obviously not enough for that level, so the answer is obvious."

"Oh, I always feel like our Victor is involved in something terrible."

Barry gave up thinking. Although the Speed ​​Force allowed him to think faster than Superman, it was useless to guess riddles just because his brain was spinning fast. He had better just follow the instructions.

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