The Death Knell

Chapter 3274 The real shaker

The sewer is the home of Deathstroke. Finding some clues in the home is as simple as eating and drinking.

However, there are professional forensic personnel like Barry in the team, so we should leave it to him to find clues in the sewage.

The three of them entered the sewer, and Eagle Girl covered the manhole cover again. She spread her wings as a lighting tool, and rows of mysterious symbols were suspended in the light.

If you use earth technology to process n metal, the finished product will be black; if you use Senagon technology to make n metal equipment, the resulting props will be shiny.

Eagle Girl's wings are an exception. They seem to have something to do with the Origin Wall. When they vibrate, they will emit a special light of golden light mixed with green light. Some strange messages will also appear, but no one can understand them. Not Senagan script.

It was true that the wings were made by Senagon, but there were things on the finished product that did not belong to Senagon, which was very strange.

So when Kendra used her wings as a light source, colorful slides were projected, which really affected her field of vision.

So Deathstroke took out a few flashlights and gave them each one. When they can use technology, don't play with mysterious things.

The sewers in this city are no different from other cities. To put it bluntly, they are just channels for discharging waste liquids. It is a pity that Barry is not a forensic officer in Gotham, otherwise he will definitely have more experience in autopsy in the sewers.

The Flash was jumping around in the sewers with golden lightning, while Deathstroke's attention stayed on the broken wheelchair in front of him.

Although the chief's high-tech wheelchair is said to be a miniature version of a ground-effect aircraft, it looks more like a smaller bumper car. The most terrible thing is that the paint is shit yellow.

This wheelchair was overturned in a garbage dump. There were some burn marks on the surface, and there were two large melted holes in the outer shell, as if it had been burned by heat vision.

Su Ming righted the car, sat in it and tried it. It would not start, it would only make a noise like a wild donkey coughing, and some exhaust gas would be sprayed out from the rear of the car.

"It seems to be broken, but none of us know how to repair it." Hawkgirl held the hammer in one hand and covered her nose with the other hand. People who often fly in the sky just can't stand the smell in the sewer.

"If there are instructions, I can repair it." Barry returned with a broken boot in his hand. There was still a bunch of things in the boot that needed to be mosaic. He also wanted to hand the boot to Deathstroke: "I got a Just a shoe, do you think it will be the chief one?"

Su Ming had no intention of reaching out to pick it up. Among the people he knew, Wade was the only one who could pick up shit with his bare hands and use the shit stick as a dagger to fight the enemy.

He refused, let alone the two ladies beside him, who took a few steps back, as if Barry was holding a nuclear warhead instead of boots.

Crazy Jane covered her nose and said in a muffled voice: "There is no instruction manual, but these boots seem to belong to the chief, and he likes this style."

"Then put it aside."

Barry had a professional-level investigative attitude. After putting down the garbage, he turned around and started running wildly on the sewage.

Su Ming sighed and got off the wheelchair:

"This is where he was attacked and there are corresponding twin holes in the wall where the wheelchair was disabled and now we have three possibilities."

"He escaped, he died, he was caught?" Eagle Girl really learned to answer, and she lowered her head to see if she could find anything.

Deathstroke took out a cigarette and smoked it. Sewers in the United States often drain directly into lakes and seas, so the ventilation is good. If he did this in China, a methane explosion would send people to the sky:

"It's these three possibilities. Now we need clues to determine which direction the incident will develop."

"Well, the ground is too dirty. It's full of black mud and sewage flowing through it. There's no trace of blood at all here." Eagle Girl spread her wings and squatted down, but the ground was just like she said, with a layer of Thick sludge.

If Strangler was still there, there would be no need to bother with its sense of smell, but it didn't matter, there was also a universal saber among the people traveling with him this time.

So Su Ming set his sights on Crazy Jane and said to her with a solemn expression: "The Justice League needs your help. Jane, you have seen it. This is to find the chief, and you must help."

"My mind is a little confused, Hawkgirl, since when did Deathstroke become a member of the True Alliance?" Crazy Jane rubbed her head. Only now did she finally discover where her sense of perversion came from. That was why the famous villain Deathstroke and the True Alliance came from. Lian Chaoying chatting and laughing?

It is normal for her not to understand the situation. After all, no matter what crisis she encounters, other personalities within her will emerge to replace her, perfectly raising her into a caged bird.

She is too weak. Once she returns to her own platform, she loses all perception of the outside world.

Hawkgirl's mouth twisted. She actually didn't know when Deathstroke got so close to other heroes, but in the current situation, Deathstroke made the right choice. Let Charlie switch to a personality that can solve the problem. , then you can save a lot of effort.

So she nodded: "What Deathstroke said is what I meant. Batman once said that if he is not around, let us listen to Deathstroke."

"Seriously?" The girl was so surprised that she forgot to cover her nose.

"Apart from joking with the Joker, Batman has always been serious." Su Ming flicked the cigarette ashes and didn't care about the girl's suspicion: "So now, on behalf of the Justice League, I am asking you for help and asking your sisters. , who is good at bio-tracking.”

"What sisters?" Crazy Jane's eyes dodge. She instinctively wants to hide the fact that she has a split personality: "I don't know what you are talking about."

Maybe if Superman were here, he might have to find another way, but Su Ming would not spoil her, he just grabbed her shoulders and shook her: "You all heard it, someone can help."

So, helpers came out.

Charlie's body began to burn, and her beautiful clothes instantly turned into a coarse sack, her head turned into a flaming pumpkin head, and her entire face no longer looked human.

Her legs also disappeared, replaced by a cross, and she turned into a burning 'scarecrow'. The entire sewer was instantly illuminated by flames, and the smell of sulfur overwhelmed the original stench.

This was her memory of the beastly priest, a devil carrying a cross.

It's just that when the personality materializes, Charlie herself is the devil, and will use the flames of hell to burn anyone who wants to harm Crazy Jane's personality.

Because God didn't save her in the past, then the devil will. The logic is that simple.

Deathstroke's action of grabbing and shaking Jane may be considered an attack, because the priest also grabbed Charlie in this way, so this automatically inspired the Scarecrow to come out to protect the main character.

As soon as it came out, it looked at Deathstroke, and after confirming that he was a man, it prepared to attack. However, Su Ming had too many dealings with demons.

This scarecrow is not weak as a big devil, but it is not Satan after all:

"Stop, devil, let's negotiate a deal."

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