The Death Knell

Chapter 3284 The Past

The Tattered Man's real name was Rory Regan. Although the tattered bandages on his body were inconspicuous, they were a sacred instrument of Judaism.

“The gospel came from the Jews, and the Jews rejected it.”

This is the abbreviation of the relationship between the Jews and God. The Jews refer to the descendants of Judah, the people who killed Christ.

Originally, the name "Jews" did not exist. They were called "Judah" in ancient times. When Babylon destroyed the northern kingdom of Israel and the southern kingdom of Judah, many descendants of Judah were captured and made into slaves.

But the Babylonians couldn't pronounce this sound, so they kept repeating it, and finally it became the word Jew.

When the southern kingdom of Judah was besieged by Babylon, the descendants of Judah in the city prayed to God, hoping that God would forgive the sins of their ancestors and protect them again.

God forgave them and gave them these bandages, which could be worn by a descendant of Judah who swore to live by begging and scavenging, eating only food that others did not want, and not living under a roof. Can obtain extraordinary power given by God.

The descendants of Judah agreed, and thus gave birth to the first generation of rags, which successfully repelled a Babylonian siege. The souls of the enemies attacked by him would be drawn directly into the bandage and turned into a new rag. .

Unfortunately, after a brief victory, their hero also began a selfless celebration, eating and drinking at the banquet, breaking his oath.

So when Babylon attacked the city again the next day, the tattered suit failed. All the descendants of Judah in the country were killed and arrested. From then on, they became Jews and lived a wandering life.

However, the tattered bandage is a sacred object after all. It has not been damaged, but has been passed down from generation to generation among the Jewish people. They tried to awaken its power again, but God ignored them this time.

Just like this, hundreds of years passed, and during World War II, the Jews living in Germany faced the Holocaust again. At this time, perhaps God woke up and responded to them again.

The second generation of ragged people appeared and staged scenes of anti-German drama.

Unfortunately, it's still an old problem. This hero saved many Jews. The rescued people asked him to go to the basement to avoid being tracked by the Getaipo and take a rest. Isn't this reasonable?

The result was another violation of the oath to God, and the equipment became ineffective again.

It is easy to encounter this problem when messing with God. He can give you power, and you can naturally withdraw it at any time, even fully automatically.

Then all the Jews were taken to concentration camps, and the second-generation ragged man fled alone to the United States with his holy objects, the beacon of freedom in his dream.

This fugitive is the father of today's third-generation ragged man. After he came to the United States, in order to atone for his sins, he decided to let God witness his correction of his mistakes. From then on, he made a living by picking up garbage in Gotham.

But within a few years, in 1948, with the support of the United States, the Jews returned to Israel and established the state.

When the old man saw the result, he realized that the Jewish dream had come true. Why was he still picking up garbage? A vow to God? What is God? !

So he immediately gave up his oath and started a clothing business in Gotham with the five dollars he had saved so hard, plus another $50,000 from selling the inheritance of relatives who died in the concentration camps.

He got rich, and after abandoning God, he seemed to have gained the favor of Satan and made money in everything he did.

Unfortunately, he made the most common mistake that Jews make, which is to only focus on making money and forget to arm himself. After thirty years of prosperity, Gotham ushered in the era of big brothers such as Falcone.

Various black and dirty tricks were used, and the poor old Jewish man quickly became the cash machine of various "dynamic gangs". Under the dark clouds of Gotham where the lighthouse of freedom could not shine, he once again tasted the danger of facing a gun. Mouth, trembling taste.

At this time, he finally came to an enlightenment and realized that God was not easy to mess with. Then he gave all his property as life money to several big families, leaving a scrap collection depot for himself to make a living. More than ten years later, he still found An ordinary woman gave birth to her son Rory.

Rory has been trained to pick up trash since he was a child, in order to inherit the tattered bandages and regain God's approval.

He was completely brainwashed by his father, and his belief in God was almost crazy. Except for rotten food in the trash can, he regarded all other food as poison. The place he lived must be in the open air. If there was a cloud above his head, he would kneel down to pray and dare not sleep all night.

Maybe this piety moved God, or maybe there was something wrong with God and he couldn't take care of it. In short, Rory finally became the third generation of Raggedy and became a superhero.

He can use soul magic, which is the ability given to him by the bandage, but his own specialty is lock picking and scavenging.

Lockpicking is because his father escaped from the concentration camp by picking locks, so this skill cannot be thrown away; and scavenging was cultivated since childhood. He can accurately identify where there is a bite to eat in a mountain of garbage weighing several tons. burger.

Because he was a sorcerer, he also had a lot of contact with the magical world. Through Batgirl Kate's relationship, he came into contact with Jim, the Dark Master at the time, and finally joined the Shadow Pact Team.

But when Shadow Contract faced a ghost once, he switched sides.

The cuckold ghost is the embodiment of God's wrath. He once had a sudden idea and was ready to kill all the magicians in the world.

The Shadow Pact team naturally has to fight for everyone's lives, but Rory has been brainwashed by his father since he was a child to listen to God, so when he met the ghost who claimed to be the wrath of God, he completely turned to him and said The famous saying 'Magic is a sin' has become a spy and traitor in the team.

Rory felt that the ghost represented God, which must be right and extremely powerful. The Shadow Pact team is full of random people, and there is even an orangutan, who looks very weak at first glance.

But reality is full of black humor. Although there are no serious people in the Shadow Pact team, magic is a dark art. The more abnormal the person, the stronger the magic power. And sometimes the strength on paper does not represent the actual combat strength.

With the ghost's IQ, even with Luo Li's tip, he still failed. When he knelt down and surrendered, he also exposed Luo Li's identity as a traitor.

At this time, the dog incarnated as the voice of God also appeared. It told Rory that it was not God's will to destroy the magician, but that the ghost wanted to kill people for fun.

The host of God's wrath will always go crazy, and the endless anger will torture people's hearts. Every once in a while, the ghost needs to change its host, and this time, it is another accident that has exceeded the 'shelf life'.

After hearing these truths, Tattered Man's belief collapsed. Even though Shadow Deed's friends did not blame him, he himself had no shame in continuing to get along with everyone.

A man traveled far away, leaving Gotham, and went to Star City to hang out with Green Arrow and Black Canary for a while, and then went to Los Angeles, the place closest to Hell and Angels.

He wanted to see with his own eyes what was right. Are heaven and hell just a game in the eyes of the people above?

But there was Lucifer here, that evil-minded Satan who came to tell him specifically.

"Yes, everyone is joking. Heaven and Hell are originally one family. Does anyone really think that God is my enemy? No? Even if today is not the weekend, I can call all the Seraphs and I hold an unmasked conference together, and they still call me good brother. By the way, do you want to watch or participate in person? You have a pretty butt."

The ragged man was stupid, the reality was too cruel, his worldview and outlook on life collapsed, plus demons and angels were playing tricks in front of him, and excessive stimulation turned him into a fool, and he has been living a muddle-headed life of picking up trash in Los Angeles until today.

The only person who was kind to the homeless man, the bookstore owner, was killed. This blood awakened the ragged man again from the abyss of confusion.

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