The Death Knell

Chapter 3286 Survivors

Possessed by the shrimp catcher, Barry grabbed the pink duck boat and ran at top speed. He ran so fast that the navigator suffered a lot.

Ezekiel loves to talk, but his speech speed can't keep up with the speed of the car, so he soon stopped talking nonsense about which intersection to turn at, and simply pointed in the direction with his forelimbs to tell Flash to go that way. run.

The whole insect is autistic.

The girl in the Gothic dress sat in the back seat, put away her small umbrella, held her chin and looked out the window. She seemed to be able to see clearly what was in the flashing light, and the smile on her lips was It's gotten a lot bigger.

She is really happy, maybe life and the world bring her warmth.

"Here we are, in the next block of consciousness, the Cyborg you are looking for." The cockroach prophet finally spoke, and he used an inverted sentence when he opened his mouth. He actually recovered some of the B blocks that he had lost before, and he sounded a bit like a master.

The Flash immediately used the foot brake, his feet slid on the ground for a short distance, and slid into the edge of another consciousness area by inertia.

The new block is a tropical rain forest. To be more precise, it should be a rain forest from ancient times. Countless towering gymnocotyledonous plants grow here. You can even see erupting volcanoes and pterosaurs flying in the sky in the distance. .

"Whose consciousness is this? A paleontologist?"

Barry got out of the car. There was no road for the car to move forward in the rain forest. The dense trees were like irregular pillars.

"We don't know yet, but it's not important." After a few people got off the car, Su Ming put the pink duck boat back into his pocket: "Just find where Cyborg is, Ezekiel, show me the way. "

Hearing this, the cockroach posed again to praise the sun, shook his head for a while, then jumped up and pointed to the depths of the jungle:

"Over there, I foresee him in a tree hole."

Whether the prophet's prediction is accurate or not is a matter of opinion. It is not easy to find a tree hole in a forest.

It's a pity that Cyborg's body is made of promethium metal. It would be nice if it was made of N metal.

In short, the cockroach gave a general direction, so let's look for it. Maybe you can smell the smell of lubricating oil.

The earth in ancient times was very hot and stuffy, but in the rain forest, it was more like walking into a sauna. The humus around your feet smelled bad, and it stuck to your feet like mud.

After walking hard for about five kilometers, Barry was sweating profusely. His uniform was not very breathable. After all, it was made of insulating rubber.

"It's so hot, Slade, give me some water."

He leaned against a tree, bent down and held his knees with both hands, reaching out to Su Ming for help.

There was plenty of food and water, but when he handed the water to Xiao Shen, Deathstroke's attention fell on the dense bushes not far away. Under the dark gaps of the leaves, there was a yellow vertical pupil staring at everyone, motionless. .

So he showed the God Killer and swung it toward the bushes. The golden light-like weapon turned into a nine-section whip and sank into the grass. The next second, he dragged a fresh dinosaur corpse out of the shadows.

This dinosaur is not big. It looks a bit like a jumping dragon. It should be only one meter tall when standing on its hind legs, and its weight is even lighter.

Holding the prey in his hands, Su Ming looked at everyone: "Do you want to try dinosaurs?"

"I'll forget it. These dinosaurs don't have food quarantine procedures. I don't want to catch any ancient diseases." Barry drank the entire bottle of water in one breath and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand: "I suggest you don't eat it either. It's It looks a bit like chicken, but that doesn’t mean it tastes like chicken.”

Hawkgirl also shook her head, indicating that she had no appetite. The blood of this thing was not even red. Now she had doubted whether she was on an alien planet.

"Well, you won't eat it? That's your loss." Su Ming put the dinosaur carcass back into his bag nonchalantly, raised his head and looked around: "There is smoke over there, let's go and take a look."

It is indeed difficult to see clearly something dozens of meters away in a dense forest, but smoke is an exception. They will wander around the trees in gaps, and the transition between light and dark will make them look more obvious.

Passing through the bushes where the little dinosaur was hiding just now, and tearing through the vines blocking the way, they found a small fire pit that was about to go out under a big tree about fifty meters away.

There was some wet firewood placed in the fire pit made of irregular stones. There was no open flame at all, just smoke.

A dirty metal man was lying next to the fire pit, blowing air towards the fire, but no matter how he blew it, unless there was an accelerant like gasoline or alcohol, it would probably have to rely on magic to ignite the wet wood.


With just a flash of lightning, Barry appeared next to the metal man, and before the other person could react, he hugged him fiercely.


Cyborg, who failed to blow the fire, seemed to have a darker face, so when he smiled, his teeth looked particularly white.

Deathstroke and others followed slowly, especially the mercenaries. They looked at the simple fire pit that looked like the work of a four-year-old boy scout, and at the dead lizards on the branches nearby, shook their heads and said:

"Looks like your lunch didn't go very well, Cyborg."

As he spoke, he took off his helmet to reveal his young face, lest Victor be too nervous to admit the wrong person.

"There's no way. I'm a kid who grew up in the city. How do I make a fire in the wild? The knowledge is only at the theoretical level." Cyborg actually knew which death knell was coming when he saw Barry, so he laughed at himself: "Obviously. I might be too old to join the Boy Scouts."

"Although I have known in the past that you occasionally eat something for fun, or as proof that you are still alive as a human being." Su Ming squatted down, took out a bucket of gasoline and poured it on the firewood, and the flames immediately rose into the sky. Lit up everyone's faces: "But this is Jurassic Park, do you have to enjoy life here?"

Cyborg let go of the Flash in his arms and quickly moved closer to the fire to answer Deathstroke's doubts:

"Some crazy robots want to catch me. I've been hiding here for three days because there are no electronic devices here and their capabilities will be greatly weakened. As for why I need to light a fire, it's because it's too humid here and I need to dry myself out a little. body to prevent it from malfunctioning during battle."

"Oh, that's it." Deathstroke picked up the branch with the lizard on it by the fire pit: "What about this one? The ancestor of the Komodo dragon?"

"Anyway, I am idle while warming myself by the fire. I think of myself, what a pity it would be if I died without eating a dinosaur?" Victor smiled sheepishly and raised his hand to wipe his dark face: " So I just wanted to roast one when I wanted to warm up the fire, just to try it.”

"Oh, I have salt here, go ahead." Deathstroke sat cross-legged next to the fire, with the moist and warm soil under his butt: "While you are grilling, come and exchange information with us."

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