The Death Knell

Chapter 3292 The Enemy’s Lair

Su Ming was noncommittal. For him, killing was just a means, not an end.

But for the personality of 'Nobody', killing is her favorite form of expression, and killing gives her a sense of existence.

Her origin is vague compared to other personalities, and she is considered to be the fifth of the four 'Knights of the Apocalypse', hence her name.

War, famine, death, plague, who knows what the fifth one represents, or it may be a combination of all the killing methods of the first four. In short, she is also regarded as a prophet.

Her ability is also to foresee the end of the world, whether it is the end of a person or the world.

It's just that compared to Ezekiel, she is more proactive and aggressive, and has a unique way of killing based on the law of cause and effect.

When facing the victim, she only needs to lie down on the ground, and then assume a common posture of the dead, and the person she targets will experience a series of "Death is Coming"-like events, and finally die in the same way. The posture fell into the outline she had already circled.

In terms of strength, she is indeed not as good as Beautiful Polly, but she does not need to care whether the target is alive or not, she can still complete the doomsday prophecy imposed on the opponent.

And she's still crazy.

"A bunch of lines actually spoke." Cyborg looked like he was out of his body. He covered his head and walked out of the carriage, sighing: "What kind of world do we live in..."

"Kill you!"

The line person who was originally communicating calmly with Deathstroke suddenly went crazy. She let out an angry roar, and then prepared to curse the impolite little black man to death.

Because she is not a bunch of lines, but a living person. If others can't see her, it doesn't mean she doesn't exist!

Being treated inappropriately by others is what she hates the most.

Cyborg easily accomplished the feat of offending a powerful personality, and now the transparent woman was about to lie down on the ground.

Fortunately, Su Ming understood her and reacted quickly enough. He reached out and grabbed the girl's invisible arm, making those black tape-like lines stay in the air and unable to fall.

"Don't be so excited. A child can't speak with his brain. You are a mature girl. Don't be like him."

The outline of the humanoid head formed by dotted lines moved, as if looking at the position of Death Knell's chest. Then she slapped Su Ming's hand that was grabbing her away and stood firm again:

"He won't get a second chance. If he insults me again, I will definitely kill him. Even God can't save him."

Cyborg was about to explain something, but Barry, who had already suffered a loss on the subway, immediately covered his teammate's mouth and shook his head like a rattle, signaling Victor to stop talking.

When communicating with these crazy personalities, if you say the wrong word, it will be a big trouble. You still have to obey the orders of the death knell and don't talk to strange personalities.

Look at Hawkgirl and Cockroach, they are always quiet. This is the choice of smart people.

"Okay, don't worry about those details. Aren't you going to kill people? Aren't there people in front of you?" Su Ming patted the shoulder made of lines. The touch felt very strange, like stroking a floating tape segment.

He was talking about the countless enemies in front of him. Within a few tens of seconds after the subway sent a few people into the city, they were already surrounded by robots on three floors inside and three outside.

These robots look a bit like Necron, but their facial contours are rounder, and their two eye sockets are embedded with complex sensors, but they look like two green light bulbs.

Needless to say, all the lights in this city are green, and every window of the dark building emits green light; the tall advertising signs are all illuminated by green light; the joints of the robots, They all have a green backlight.

This kind of green is different from the righteous feeling of the green light ring, but a kind of evil and gloomy, like the freezing fog melting into the air, corroding the body and mind of every living person.

Many robots are obviously parts of the grid. They live in this steel hive. They are all enemies, and almost everyone has turned their hands into various weapons.

The next thing is also very simple. They only want Cyborg, and the others are redundant to them and can be killed.

The battle broke out in the next second. Thousands of laser rays were fired at targets other than Cyborg. Most of them were aimed at Barry. However, Deathstroke seemed to be ignored, with only a few hundred robots choosing to fire at him.

No, the really ignored person was 'no one'. The robot obviously didn't regard the floating lines as people, and there was no one who fired at her.

And this clearly pissed her off.

"You all deserve to die!!!"

When Deathstroke waved the lightsaber in his hand and bounced the laser like a standard Jedi Knight, the slender body of the girl next to him was scattered on the ground.

Those black lines expanded rapidly like living bugs, forming a huge circle with zigzag edges, and then all kinds of strange things began to appear.

Logically speaking, robots that can be used for combat have strict program management. Every time they fire or punch, they are systematically and precisely calculated.

Maybe it can't hit a speedster like Barry, but it's not too far off. It can at least suppress a superhero of Hawkgirl's level, leaving her to use the wings behind her as a shield.

But after the girl in the line activated her abilities, these robots seemed to be cursed. The weapons transformed from their arms began to misfire. The circuits on their bodies accidentally short-circuited, suddenly stalled during flight, and the Identification Friend or Foe system had problems.

These situations may seem like accidents, but they happen to almost every robot at the same time.

In just the blink of an eye, chaos broke out, and the robots began to kill each other. Some accidentally fired and blew off the heads of their companions, some directly self-destructed and spread to a space, and some simply fired wildly without distinguishing between friend and foe.

All kinds of mechanical parts were like rain, falling to the ground with sparks and black smoke, falling in a large circle without people, making a clanging sound.

Without Deathstroke taking any action, within a few seconds, all the robots surrounding everyone were wiped out. The debris piled up into a hill, and the edge of the hill happened to fit perfectly with the lines drawn on the ground, like They are destined to this fate.

When the surrounding area became quiet, Su Ming took his lightsaber back into his palm. He looked up at the sky. No enemy reinforcements had arrived yet.

"That's great, little beauty, your killing efficiency is indeed high, but the most important thing for robots is troops. We still have to implement decapitation tactics."

Line segments squirmed like caterpillars, once again outlining the outline of the girl beside the death knell. Her round head swung wildly from side to side like a convulsion, and her voice also carried a sense of madness:

"It's such a wonderful feeling. Although they have no flesh and blood, and they don't scream, which makes me lose some fun, but the quantity can make up for a lot of shortcomings. Come on, give me more, give me more!!!"

"Take a deep breath and come with me. You don't need to yell like this. I understand."

As Su Ming said this, he glanced across the road. When he saw a manhole cover, he opened the way for a few people with ease.

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