The Death Knell

Chapter 331 Visiting Activities

In the night, a helicopter carried the Suicide Squad and Su Ming to Washington D. A government-announced visit was worth picking up and dropping off.

"Tell me, Harley, which one of the prisons of the Eyes of Heaven is your favorite?"

Su Ming, who was bored in the cabin, asked the former psychiatrist who liked to talk more.

Harry's answer did not surprise him, it was just as long-winded and irrelevant.

She said that Bellwulf Prison was too humid, Omega Prison was airtight, and the new Sky Eye Society Headquarters Prison was too deserted.

If she had to choose, she would still like the warm apartment starting with the word "a" in Gotham City, where she felt at home every time.

Deadshot was a little confused. He had never enjoyed that kind of treatment. He was a mentally healthy criminal and he had only lived in Blackgate Prison.

However, Harley, who has served a longer total sentence than anyone else, still has a say. She was charged with 387 counts of murder, and it is almost impossible for her to get a reduced sentence and be released from prison. She has escaped from prison countless times before, been captured by Batman or the Justice League, and been imprisoned in many prisons and nursing homes.

Except for the Justice League's time stasis prison, which was originally used to preserve heroes who died of serious injuries in the hope that they could be treated when the technology is available in the future.

But later Batman discovered another use for him, imprisoning extremely vicious criminals.

Of course, Batman doesn't intend to hand over his opponent to the Justice League. He would rather keep the Joker in his dungeon.

Now, Su Ming is going to take a group of ex-criminals to visit Batman in the Hall of Justice. He just hopes that Barry won't be too happy to see Boomerang and Killer Frost.

Because they acted under the pretext of the government, the helicopter landed directly next to the fountain in front of the Hall of Justice. The Hall of Justice was still glowing white at night.

"It's so glaring."

Boomerang took off his hat, scratched his greasy hair hard, and reached out to cover his eyes.

Katana didn't talk much all day today. She and Rick were partners, and Su Ming broke Rick's leg, which made her very unhappy.

Harley didn't care about the reactions of the few people. She jumped into the Hall of Justice. In that spacious and bright corridor, she looked at the uniforms of the heroes with interest.

Batman, Superman, Green Lantern and more.

There are many replicas of these uniforms, but in the back row, there are many empty ones on the dummies. This is the purpose of the Justice League to encourage more capable people to stand up and become heroes and contribute to the cause of justice.

Harley's eyes lit up when she saw this, and she immediately started to take off her clothes. She wanted to take off her T-shirt, hot pants, and stockings and put them on the dummy.

However, before she could lift up her T-shirt, Martian Manhunter emerged from the sky, his blue cloak spread like wings. It seemed that he had been observing several people in a phased state before.

"Miss Quinn, it is very indecent to take off your clothes in public. Even if it is not public opening hours, we have round-the-clock surveillance here."

"But my old uniform is still in Gotham?" Harley asked with confusion on her face. She also wanted her uniform to stand with the heroes.

Martian Manhunter can't read Harley's mind, her little head is full of chaos and madness, but it's obvious that Ron doesn't need psychic powers.

"The reason why these uniforms are displayed here is because of what their owners did. If you want to put uniforms here, then you need to do more for the world."

"Do more things." Harley tilted her head. She seemed to understand a little bit. She decided to help Xiaohong plant trees in a few days so that the world would be covered with plants.

Xiaohong told her a lot of things, about the importance of greening, etc. In Harley's opinion, this is the best thing for the earth!

Seeing Harley stop taking off her clothes, Ron turned his attention to the others.

"Welcome to the Hall of Justice. This is a place where anyone with a righteous mind can come and go freely. I hope to see you all here often in the future."

Deadshot ignored this, while Captain Boomerang simply sneered.

People like them don’t even dare to think about tomorrow, so where will the future come from?

Ron slowly floated in front of several people and glanced at everyone, but he couldn't get any useful information from the heads of everyone in the Suicide Squad. The only thing that was known was that Deathstroke had obtained the leadership of the Suicide Squad. Now they all Follow orders.

And the latest order is to visit the Hall of Justice.

Even a smart man like Ron En would never have guessed what Deathstroke was doing here with the Suicide Squad without any information.

However, Ron En was very good at being a good person. He believed that the purpose of the death knell would inevitably emerge over time. He did not ask Su Ming about his purpose, but chose to start the tour with a few people.

Su Ming looked at Harley's white belly and sighed regretfully. It would have been better if Ron had appeared a few seconds later.

But those are secondary. Now he is here just to wait for the unknown forces to raid the Hall of Justice, to betray the Justice League at the critical moment and prepare for future extortion.

Ron is very familiar with the items displayed in the Hall of Justice, and he can tell the origin of any weird thing.

But the tour was more about Harley asking this and that, while Ron kept answering all kinds of wild questions.

Su Ming paid attention to every corner or direction along the way, and there was nothing unusual.

It was as calm as a pool of stagnant water, exactly the opposite of what it was like during the day.

It doesn't matter, he has obtained enough authority. As long as she is with him, Amanda will not blow up these people's heads, so even if she lives in the Hall of Justice, she will not have any worries.

Only he knows the overall plan, but he is immune to psychic abilities. Martian Manhunter must be helpless, right?

Why not call Diana out quickly and try the beauty trap?

However, Diana's beauty trap is different from that of ordinary women. Su Ming has already seen the way Amazon women show their charm on Earth.

It must be arm wrestling, weightlifting, or a competition to hunt fantasy creatures, right?

"Ron En, why don't you take us to the restaurant? We haven't had dinner when we left." Su Ming stopped Ron En, who was still explaining the function of a strange weapon, and suggested finding a place to rest.

Harry, who was originally obsessed with visiting the museum, immediately raised his hand in agreement when he heard that he wanted to eat.

"Yes, our restaurant in the Hall of Justice is open 24 hours a day, but there may be other people dining inside. If something unexpected happens, please exercise restraint."

Martian Manhunter is going to find Batman, so leaving the Suicide Squad still in the restaurant is a good choice.

Su Ming laughed loudly and took off his helmet: "I want to see who dares to attack my team, just those boy scouts? Deathstroke's course always welcomes new students."

Ron sighed, that was what he was worried about.

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