The Death Knell

Chapter 3314 Strange Knight

When I took the small elevator to the basement, I found that everyone who should be there was here.

The Bat Cave is still dark, cold and humid. In the darkness, you can occasionally see pairs of small green eyes, hanging like stars from the top of the cave.

But there was also a stranger, who was currently being treated by Dr. Quinzel, half-lying on a chair on the treatment table nearby.

She was a strong woman with dark skin, wearing golden ancient armor, but there was a big blood-stained hole in the front of the armor, as if someone had said something heartbreaking to her.

But she is still alive and seems to have the ability to heal herself. She is talking to Batman at this time, completely ignoring that the two lower hemispheres are exposed at the hole.

It was like there were eyes on the back of his head. The moment the elevator door opened, Batman sat on the chair and turned around. He still had an expressionless poker face:

"Death knell."

To others, he just nodded and skipped the step of saying hello.

"Batman, you look much better recently." Su Ming walked out of the elevator with a smile, walked towards the wounded, and shook hands with the Pale Knight and the doctor: " the reason why you came to us?"

"Originally, I was just looking for Diana." Batman stood up, as if a black cloud floated over: "This lady said something, I think it is related to what the Justice League Dark is investigating."

After speaking, he tilted his head towards the woman sitting on the operating table and motioned for her to speak for herself.

The woman was a little excited. She struggled to slide down the operating table, her eyes swept over everyone, and immediately locked on the death knell. She tapped the heart of the breastplate with one hand and saluted before saying:

"Gui'an, I am the thirteenth oath-keeping knight under King Arthur, Ainara Roshtu. This knight, I need your help."

Bobo, who was squatting on Deathstroke's shoulder, looked at the woman carefully, leaned close to Su Ming's ear, and whispered: "Ainara Roshtu is the knight who guards the seal of the Alchemy Stone in the history book. She should be right. , her armor and scabbard, including her hairstyle, are all styles from that era.”

Su Ming took a look at the female knight's hair. It was just a messy little golden hair, and it was still wet. There was no trace of ancient hairstyle at all.

But Bobo was right, this woman spoke Old English.

"I'm not a knight, or even an Englishman. In our era, those who wear heavy armor are not necessarily knights, they may also be bomb disposal experts." Deathstroke smiled and nodded to show that he was listening. He raised his hand and used the Force to detonate it. She put her back on the operating table and sat down: "Although your injury has healed, you should have lost a lot of blood. It's best not to get excited, otherwise you will go into shock."

Batman's eyes narrowed instantly, and the small hand exposed by Deathstroke caused the corners of his mouth to immediately bend down.

Doubtful, this is the most classic bat expression.

"New magic? Well, what do bomb disposal expert and shock mean? Please forgive me for my limited knowledge and inability to understand the depth of your words." Ainara was a little surprised. She didn't expect that the person wearing heavy armor was a magician. She just said It seemed to be held up by invisible hands and flew up.

There is no profound meaning at all. She is completely out of touch with the new era. It seems that she can be confirmed to be an ancient person.

After testing, she couldn't understand many new English words, and she didn't even have a sense of humor. She probably could only understand jokes about horses and hunting.

"Don't worry about the details, Sir Rositu, please tell us what kind of help we need?"

The female knight nodded. She took a few deep breaths, covered her chest, and gradually calmed down: "A betrayal. Merlin betrayed us. He went crazy and took away the stone. Our world is in danger."

"Is it the alchemy stone?" the orangutan asked.

"Yes, this...sir?" The female knight's expression became a little strange. She thought the dwarf was a little strange and had too much black hair on his body.

But it's understandable, after all, some lords like to raise court jesters in their castles for fun. There are many dwarfs among these jesters, and the one in front of you is just weirder and more fun.

And seeing that he can still squat on his master's shoulders, he must be quite favored, right?

There were no such animals as chimpanzees in England during the Camelot Dynasty, and Bobo also knew that. Of course, he did not intend to elaborate on this to the female knight, because such topics would eventually fall into the trap of what is the difference between chimpanzees and gorillas.

"Sir, that's right. My name is Bobo, or you can call me Detective Orangutan. Sir, do you know Nimue Inwando, Jason Blood, Morgan, and Vivian?"

"Yes, I know them!" The female knight was overjoyed. She jumped down from the operating table again excitedly and grabbed Bobo's hand: "Sir, please tell me where Sir Brad is. If he If you are still alive, you will definitely be able to help us.”

The orangutan withdrew his hand and quickly blew air on the back of it. He grinned and shook his head: "You woman are too rude, but you should tell me about yourself first. How did you live for more than 1,500 years?"

"The king ordered me to guard the seal of the Alchemy Stone. I fell into a deep sleep with the help of the fairy in the lake. When I woke up again today, I was attacked by the crazy Master Merlin."

The female knight was very honest. She seemed to have no idea about the sinister nature of people's hearts and told everyone everything.

"Then he took out your heart? Didn't he realize that you weren't dead?" The Pale Knight was wearing a white shirt and a small vest today. He was dressed like a learned man. In order to distinguish him from other clowns, he had no facial features at all. No smile.

"I don't know either..." The female knight foolishly touched the big hole in her chest armor, causing a wave to tremble: "I should be dead. Maybe the lake protected me, maybe... ..No, that shouldn't be the case, he really wanted to kill me, I could feel the pure malice."

"That's enough, Bobo, please step aside." Diana couldn't stand the natural stupidity of the female knight. She took a step and stood in front of Deathstroke, and blocked his sight with her head. She took the Asking about jobs: "I'm Diana from Paradise Island. Do you know where Merlin will go next?"

"I don't know, he is Merlin, no one can guess what preparations he has." Ainara thought for a while and shook her head decisively.

Back then, there was King Arthur for war and Merlin for domestic affairs. They knights only had to obey orders and didn't have to think about other things at all.

Diana shook her head and said she had nothing to ask. The other party said he was an oath knight, but he looked more like a tool and didn't know the key information at all.

But Bobo had other ideas. He looked at the silent shadow and said, "Batman, can you call our knight master over? In human form."

Batman replied without moving:

"While you are talking, I have informed you that he is coming on a motorcycle."

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