The Death Knell

Chapter 3343 Christmas Gift

"Hello, Lex Group President's Office."

When the call was dialed, a pleasant female voice came from the other side. Although it was already midnight, the other party was still full of energy, and she didn't know where the motivation came from.

Probably money? Luther is actually good to his staff, and he is quite willing to spend money.

"Is this Miss Moxi? I'm Deathstroke, let your boss answer the phone." Su Ming leaned against the door frame of the secret room and motioned for others to check the room first for any clues.

The woman opposite let out a soft exclamation, but quickly regained her composure: "Ah, it's Mr. Deathstroke, but our boss went out with Superman from the Justice League and they just went out not long ago."

"Okay, okay, then I'll contact Superman. Good night."

Su Ming's expression was a little weird. Luther's bald head was sued not long ago, but now he is completely whitewashed and turned into a hero? Are you going to the Hall of Justice with Zheng Lian for a meeting? What drug did he give Superman?

But whether it was Zheng Lian or Superman, it had nothing to do with him. Even if Clark wanted to marry Luthor, Su Ming would only smile and applaud.

Let them do whatever they like.

"Adjutant, blast communication, please connect me to the communication room over at the Hall of Justice."

"Okay Sheriff."

The adjutant responded immediately and quickly completed the communication. The Hall of Justice is located in a high-dimensional space somewhere in outer space. There is definitely no mobile phone signal there, but as long as it is within the Sky Blood Layer, sonic communication is always useful.

Su Ming simply turned the strangulation into a projection lens, directly upgraded the communication process to a video phone, and projected it on the wall for everyone to see.

Soon the communication was connected, but the person who appeared in the camera was not the Superman he was looking for, but the black president Superman.

It was considered acquaintance. Su Ming exchanged greetings with the other party, and the black man quickly found Karak from Earth 0.

How should I put it, even though a few people were deep underground in the dam, when Superman appeared, his smile was like sunshine blinding several people's eyes, and even Damian couldn't help turning his head to avoid it. The aura of Guangweizheng.

No matter how far away he is, Superman is still Superman, and when people see him, they feel like they are about to be spiritually purified.

"Slade, what do you want from me? We are having a meeting here, and now that the meeting is interrupted because of me, it's not good." Superman greeted him with a smile, and honestly told what he was doing: "Oh, Barbara and Damian are here too, where are you?"

"Of course it's in Gotham. You can probably guess it when it's so dark, right?" Su Ming shook his head speechlessly. Sometimes Superman looks silly because he is too real: "Also, call them Batgirl and Robin. We are on a mission, so don’t call us by your real name.”

"Okay, my fault, I'm sorry." Superman smiled and touched the back of his head, looking very embarrassed: "By the way, what's the matter? I can't stay away for too long."

"To be precise, we have something to do with Luthor. Also, why did you think of taking him to the Hall of Justice for a meeting?" ** squatted on Deathstroke's shoulder. As an orangutan who was ignored by Superman because his skin was too dark, he hurriedly spoke. Show your teeth to prove your presence.

"Ah, I'm sorry, the lighting over there is so bad that I didn't see you, Detective Orangutan."

Superman apologized again, his face full of sincerity, and then his expression became serious and he replied:

"I think everyone has a chance to change over, and Lex is no exception. He may have done some wrong things, but he has now given up on the path of destruction and is willing to become a better version of himself with us, so I think he should be given a chance to become a good person."

Su Ming slapped his butt with his backhand. Did I ask you to ask this? Have you ever heard Superman speak great truths or something?

"Stop, I understand, anyone has the possibility to do good. You're right, it's really wonderful." Deathstroke waved his hands repeatedly, interrupting Clark who wanted to speak at length: "But I'm not a member of Zhenglian, you and I I can’t tell you, can you call Luther over now?”

Superman nodded and took a few steps back: "Don't embarrass him, he has really changed for the better."

Su Ming rolled his eyes. It seemed that Superman had no idea what Luthor was doing secretly.

That's right, even Batman has sneaked to 40k Earth to investigate a few times, and Clark is also kept in the dark.

The red and blue tights exited the screen, and a bald man wearing a white suit and purple tie appeared in the center of the screen. Luther seemed to be in a good mood, at least he was smiling happily.

"Good evening Slade, why are you looking for me? If you just want to chat, we can meet when I have time after dawn. By the way, we haven't had dinner together yet, right?"

"It's okay to have dinner together, but I probably won't have time tomorrow. Let's get down to business first. Come on, take a look at this circus fire ring. Do you recognize it?"

Su Ming walked towards the ring machine in the center of the room, and strangulated to ensure that the image was projected steadily on the wall.

The bald man didn't even need to look carefully and agreed immediately: "Yes, I made this thing. It happened a long time ago. I can't remember why I made it. But during that time, I made it." Also given as a gift.”

It's not that Luther can't remember clearly, but it's hard to explain where he is. This thing was the thing he used to capture Star Man and kill himself in other parallel worlds.

If I say this in the Hall of Justice, I'm afraid Superman will hear me again. Being heard would be trouble.

He didn't need to elaborate, he just needed to let Deathstroke understand that this thing was one of the gifts he gave out when he launched the Year of the Villain.

Since you can give death ray weapons to office white-collar workers to kill their bosses, and alien flamethrowers to housewives to kill their husbands, then is it normal to give them a multi-portal?

At that time, in order to portray himself as a hero and put the blame on Zheng Lian, he had the courage to do so.

"It's good that you know each other. I know you registered those gifts when you distributed them. Tell me, who did you give them to in the first place?" Su Ming took off his mask, touched a cigarette and lit it. The smell of dust here was a bit strong. , cover it up a little.

"I really don't know who I gave the gift to." Luther smiled and shook his head. He also pointed to the position of the machine on the screen: "It was all my impulsive mistakes, but I will not give it to others." The gift was tampered with and left a backdoor, because I’m not Batman.”

After hearing Luther's words, Barbara's little mouth tilted to one side, and she thought about the secret door on the top of the clock tower again.

Su Ming, who didn't believe this at all, took a puff of cigarette and smiled at the same time as Luther, shaking his head and saying with a sad expression:

"Lex, my friend, we are all adults, and we all know that Santa Claus is a trick. A good father pretending to be Santa Claus will always arrange for the children to get the gifts they want. After Christmas Eve, the next day The next morning, what appeared in the children's socks was not a surprise, but a prop that had been planned for a long time. Now we are not looking for accountability. You just need to tell me the name of the older child who you arranged to receive this prop. ?”

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